DMT Beauty Transformation: New “Dwell on These Things” Bible Study | Read an Excerpt
DMTBeautySpot Erin Franklin

New “Dwell on These Things” Bible Study | Read an Excerpt

October 01, 2024BruceDayne

Today we’re sharing an excerpt from Lifeway Women’s new Bible study Dwell on These ThingsLearn more about this impactful new Bible study!


Philippians 4 is filled with commands. Verse 5 is one of them.  

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
— Philippians 4:5 

I know that may seem obvious, but it’s important to note because that means gentleness is not an option. It’s mandatory—a rule for Christ followers on par with honoring our parents, loving our neighbors, and seeking justice for the oppressed. There’s no room for excuses like “I’m sorry, that’s just not my personality. I can’t be gentle.” Yet, I wonder if you look at gentleness the way I often do—a good quality, but optional (or at least not that important).  

Why do you think we’re so quick to devalue this command?  

I think one reason, at least in part, is because gentleness is not seen as a virtue in our culture. Assertiveness is. Looking out for number one is. Crushing it like a boss lady is. But being gentle? That’s for grandmas and doormats. We don’t want anybody walking over us. Gentleness is for pushovers. How are we ever going to get ahead if we’re gentle? Let’s be real here.  

But what if our culture is wrong about gentleness?  

What if there’s more to gentleness than meets the eye? What if there’s a way to be strong and gentle at the same time? What if the inherent generosity and grace of gentleness is subversively winsome? What if being gentle is actually the best way to live? What if being gentle is crushing it? Since this is a command in Scripture, instituted for our thriving by the God who designed us, I have to believe that treating others with gentleness is all those things and more. Let’s take a look. 

The focus of Philippians 4:5 is letting our gentleness be known. But what is biblical gentleness, and what does it look like to let it be known to all?  

Two Ways to Define Biblical Gentleness

1. Read the verse in other Bible translations.  

2. Look up gentleness in a Bible concordance. If you don’t have a stack of Bibles in various translations or a Bible concordance, no worries! There are several free, easy-to-use resources online, such as,, and 

From this quick study, we find that gentleness is the given word used in the NIV translation. But other translations use words like graciousness, humility, reasonableness, or forbearance. However you slice it, the idea is the same. Gentleness is considering others more highly than ourselves, not demanding our own rights but putting up with affronts, bearing patiently with the shortcomings of others, and treating others with grace. Whew! We’re not just talking about your grandma’s gentle hug here. We are talking about truly radical care for others.  

You’ll notice I didn’t have you read other verses in this letter where Paul uses the word gentle. That’s because he doesn’t. So, is this a new command at the end of his letter? No. Just because the specific word gentle only occurs in 4:5, doesn’t mean the theme of treating others with gentleness or graciousness isn’t present elsewhere. As we consider the full definition of gentleness, this theme is evident throughout the letter. Philippians 2:14-16 is just one example. It suggests that those with gentle behavior shine among others “like stars in the sky.” 

When we look to the interests of others above our own, when we aren’t seeking our own way or ambitions but those of others, it’s so very winsome. Why? Because deep down, we all want to be treated like this. When someone gives up their prerogative or rights in order to serve us, it’s shocking and attractive. Who is the best example of this quality? Jesus. It’s how He’s treated us. It’s how we are to treat others. When we are gentle, we reflect Jesus. We’re like lights in our dark world, pointing people to Him. 

Want to learn more about the Dwell on These Things Bible study? Watch the short video below or view a free sample and teaching video clips at

Over eight sessions, you’ll also work to memorize all of Philippians 4:4-9! Learn more about the Scripture memory method used in the study by watching the video below. Plus, each study includes Scripture memory aids like Scripture art downloads and temporary tattoos! 

Plus, Dwell on These Things is our fall online Bible this year! Make sure to join us by signing up at We’ll start on Thursday, October 10, and you’ll be able to watch the weekly teaching videos for free through December 5, 2024. All you’ll need is a copy of the Bible study book to follow along with the discussion.

And here are some fun wallpapers for your desktop and phone! Click the text below to download the free wallpapers.

Dwell on These Things wallpaper

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The post New “Dwell on These Things” Bible Study | Read an Excerpt appeared first on Lifeway Women.



Erin Franklin, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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