DMT Beauty Transformation: Happy Labor Day 2024!
DMTBeautySpot featured

Happy Labor Day 2024!

September 02, 2024BruceDayne

“I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” 
-Margaret Mead

The work of a woman entrepreneur blazing a trail for her global business is never done! This is a familiar sentiment to each and every founder, business owner, and pioneer in our wegg® family. Entrepreneurs’ around-the-clock efforts for their businesses and communities are rarely lauded and recognized for their impact. The dedication and passion that all women entrepreneurs show their families and futures can take time to pay off, but the work done is never wasted. As we ring in Labor Day 2024, we want to give special acknowledgment to the business owners who are “on” far more than they are off and who pay and credit themselves last. We see you and hope you can kick back and relish your achievements soon if not today.

As the adage “blood, sweat, and tears,” implies, hard work will demand everything you have. We know that it is taxing, but we also know that it is worth it. All of us here at wegg want to wish everyone who has committed their body, mind, and spirit to something greater than themselves a Happy Labor Day! Enjoy today, because you deserve to!

A dark blue background with "Happy Labor Day" written in red, white, and light blue text.



Lucy Brooks, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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