How to Keep Dress Shirts Wrinkle-Free Without Hangers
August 28, 2024BruceDayneIt's happened to all of us. We go to hang up our freshly-washed button-down shirts, and suddenly realize that we're out of hangers.
What's a stylish guy to do now? Folding the shirt improperly can cause it to wrinkle, so that's not an option.
The good news is that there are a few different ways to store your shirts wrinkle-free without using hangers!
In today's article, I'll be breaking out some of the best methods for storing your shirts when you don't have any hangers available.
#1 How Do You Fold A Button-Down Shirt?

Folding shirts is an art form. There are many different ways to fold a shirt, but not all of them are created equal.
Some methods may cause your shirt to look scruffy and unkempt when you next put it on, so it's important to choose the right folding technique to avoid any embarrassment at your next big meeting.
With that in mind, here's my fool-proof method for folding a button-down shirt without causing any wrinkles or damage to the garment:
- Lay the shirt flat on a flat surface.
- Fasten all of the buttons on the front of the shirt. Make sure to fasten the collar and shirt cuff buttons as well. This will help keep the folds in your dress shirt tight and eliminate unwanted creases or wrinkles.
- Fold the right arm straight across the back of the shirt with the cuff ending up at the seam of the left shoulder. Take the left arm and repeat the process.
- Now, holding the sleeve and shirt as one, fold the right side of the shirt to the center, then the left. If the dress shirt has a back pleat, this is a good area to aim for. If done correctly, an exaggerated “V” will be formed along the back of the dress shirt.
- To create a longer fold, bring the tail of the dress shirt up to the collar. To shorten the shirt, fold in half lengthwise again.
- Finally, give it a quick ironing to smooth out any wrinkles.

With this simple folding method, you'll be able to prevent wrinkles and keep your shirts looking sharp.
#2 Should You Roll Or Fold A Shirt?

If you're like most people, you probably fold your shirts when packing them into a dresser or suitcase for travel. Chances are you've also noticed that your shirts get bashed up and develop wrinkles in storage.
It's annoying, to say the least – but what if I told you that there's a better way?
It's all about the military rolling technique developed by, you guessed it, the military. This folding method is designed to minimize wrinkles and maximize space in your suitcase.
What's more, rolling your shirts instead of folding them is just easier and makes the boring task of packing a breeze.
Here's how it works:
- Start by laying the shirt flat on a surface with the buttons facing up.
- Fully button the shirt and smooth out any noticeable folds in the material BEFORE proceeding to the next step.
- Fold the sleeves inwards so that they meet in the middle of the shirt.
- Fold the shirt in half lengthwise, making sure to tuck in any loose fabric so there's less material to crease when you start your roll.
- Finally, roll the shirt up from the bottom, using your hands to smooth out any wrinkles. The trick is to do this slowly and carefully – pay attention to any folds and potential crease areas.
When you're finished, you'll have a neatly rolled shirt that takes up less space than a folded one – and it will be much less likely to develop wrinkles in storage or transit!
So next time you're getting ready to travel, give rolling a try – your freshly ironed shirts will thank you for it.
#3 Can You Vacuum Store Your Dress Shirts?

I recently learned about a revolutionary way of storing clothes – vacuum storing using specially designed plastic container bags.
While slightly unconventional, vacuum storing your clothes is a great way to save space and keep them wrinkle-free. And if you're going to vacuum store your clothes, dress shirts are the way to go.
To vacuum store a dress shirt, simply follow the above steps to help you roll it up tightly. Once it's rolled up, place it in a vacuum-sealable bag (available at most superstores) and vacuum out the air. The compression from the vacuum will keep the shirt from taking up too much space, and it will also prevent wrinkles.
In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to store your button-down shirts when using a clothing hanger isn't an option. Unlike folding and storing your shirts in a dresser drawer, this method avoids wrinkles and takes up very little space in your closet.
However, as with any storage method, there are some downsides to vacuum storing your dress shirts.
Most notably, if there are any insects in your closet, they could be sealed in the bags with your clothes. Trust me, bug blood is not a good look and can be very difficult to get out of fabric once its dried on.
You've just got to be careful. Shake out your garments before vacuum storing them and make sure they've been freshly washed.
#4 Long-Term Shirt Storage (6 Months+)

Have you ever considered that your lack of shirt hangers could be a result of owning too many shirts?
Before you gasp in shock and tell me there's no such thing as ‘too many shirts,' hear me out. I'm not saying you should throw away your shirt because you own too many.
You're right; there's no such thing as too many shirts. However, I can guarantee you own shirts that have very specific purposes and don't suit everyday wear.
Tuxedo shirts are a great example of this. Regardless of your style, it's very unlikely you'll be comfortable wearing a wing-collar tuxedo shirt with jeans and sneakers or a work suit. Likewise, in the midst of winter, chances are you won't be reaching for your linen shirts any time soon.
As such, you must know how to appropriately store your seasonal/event shirts for the long term.
We all know that shirts are some of the most difficult garments to keep clean. They always seem to get wrinkled, stained, or just generally dirty. And if you're trying to store them for a long period of time, it can be a nightmare.

But there are some ways that you can keep your shirts looking pristine, even if they're in storage for a while. One way is to invest in some special packaging materials.
Use acid-free tissue paper to line boxes or storage containers. This will help to keep dust and dirt away from your shirts.
Invest in some high-quality plastic storage boxes that include a clip-down lid. This will help keep the dust and insects away from your stored shirts.
Vacuum storage can come in useful here – to guarantee pristine preservation of your shirts, vacuum-pack them and then place them in a storage box for extra protection.
It might sound obvious, but make sure that the storage area is clean and dry. If possible, try to store shirts in a climate-controlled space to prevent damage from changes in temperature or humidity.
The post How to Keep Dress Shirts Wrinkle-Free Without Hangers appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
Antonio Centeno, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,