10 Things Your Son Will Learn From You (Without You Even Knowing It!)
July 17, 2024BruceDayneEnglish Proverb Says:
Don't Teach Your Children.
They Will Still Be Like You. Teach Yourself!

Fatherhood is a great responsibility. Not only do fathers have to provide for their children, but they also have to teach them how to be good people.
The way you act, speak, dress and treat others all have an effect on how your son learns to be a man. The question is, does that make you proud or worry you?
If it's the latter, then it might be time for a change. In today's article, I'm breaking out the top 10 personality traits a son will inherit from his father.
#1 How To Be A Man

One of the most important things a son will learn from his father is how to be a man. This includes everything from being respectful and treating others well, to knowing how to provide for his family and dress sharp.
You might not think that your actions have much of an impact on your son, but trust me, he's watching you. As he grows, he will use you as the benchmark of what being a man means. If you act like a pumped-up jerk who belittles femininity and chugs beer, chances are that's what your son will think makes ‘the perfect man'.
Avoid this at all costs. In the 21st century, being a man is all about being respectful, hardworking, and being there for your family – both emotionally and physically.
If you want your son to be a good man, then you need to lead by example. Show him what it means to be respectful, sensitive, and hardworking. Let him know that it's okay to show emotion and that being strong doesn't mean being
#2 How To Provide For A Family

One of the most important things a father can teach his son is how to provide for a family. In today's society, it's still pretty common for fathers to be the primary breadwinners.
While it's not a necessity for men to bring home the bacon, it should be an aspiration for every young man to be able to support a family if he so chooses.
The best way to teach your son how to provide for a family is by leading by example. If you're the primary breadwinner, let him know that it's important to work hard and be responsible for budgeting the money.
If you're not the primary breadwinner, show him how to be frugal and save for a rainy day. No matter what your situation is, the most important thing you can do is instill a good work ethic in your son.
#3 How To Treat Others With Respect

It's essential that a man knows how to treat others with respect. Your son needs to learn this lesson early so that he grows up to be a respectful teenager and a good man.
This includes everyone from family and friends, to strangers and authority figures. Be it his 80-year-old Grampa or the young barista at your local coffee joint, it's vital that your son knows that everyone deserves kindness.
Teaching your son how to be respectful is one of the best things you can do for him, because it will make him a more well-rounded person. If you're not sure how to instill this quality in your son, the best place to start is by setting a good example. Be respectful to everyone you meet, and your son will learn from your actions.
Does that mean you need to be a push over? Absolutely not. Having respect is very different to being a doormat. It's important that your son knows how to stand up for himself, and also how to treat others with kindness and consideration.
In today's society, there is a lot of focus on being assertive and aggressive. While it's important to know how to be these things, it's equally as vital to be understanding. At the end of the day, nice guys usually come out on top.
#4 How To Dress Sharp

One of the things your son will learn from you is how to dress sharp. This doesn't mean that he needs to wear a suit and tie everywhere he goes, but it does mean that he should know how to dress for any occasion.
As a man, it's important to know how to dress for success. Whether you're going on a job interview or meeting your girlfriend's parents for the first time, it's essential that you look presentable.
The best way to teach your son how to dress sharp is by leading by example. If you're always slouching around in stained clothes, chances are he'll do the same. On the other hand, if you're always dressing to impress, he'll learn from your actions and end up dress inappropriately on the other end of the formality spectrum.
That's why it's important to teach your son the difference between casual and formal wear. He should know that there are certain occasions when it's not appropriate to wear jeans and a t-shirt and also occasions where a suit will make him look out of touch and weird.
For example, if he's going to a wedding or a funeral, he should know to dress more formally. However, when attending a casual family BBQ, your son needs to understand that a polo shirt and shorts is probably a better option than fine tailoring. By teaching him these things early on, you'll set him up for success in the future.
#5 The Importance Of Education

While it's not necessary for every man to have a college degree, it's still important to stress the importance of education to your son. After all, knowledge is power.
The best way to do this is by leading by example. If you value education and are always learning new things, your son will pick up on your behavior and learn from it.
Of course, this doesn't mean that you need to spend every waking hour studying. But it does mean that you should stress the importance of lifelong learning. Whether it's taking an online course or reading a book on a subject you're interested in, make sure your son sees you doing it.
In today's world, there is no excuse for not being educated. With the internet at our fingertips should be easy enough for anyone to find information on any topic they're curious about.
Who knows where we'll be in the future – your son needs to be at the top of the pack when it comes to personal development so that he can take advantage of any opportunities that come his way.
Why not get your son to take part in education with you? There are plenty of online courses that you can do together. Not only will this help him to learn more about the world, but it will also give you some quality bonding time.
#6 The Value Of Hard Work

In today's society, it's easy to take things for granted. With technology making our lives easier and social media giving us a false sense of reality, it's no wonder that people are losing touch with the value of hard work.
One of the most important things your son will learn from you is the importance of working hard to achieve his goals. Whether he wants to get good grades in school or make it into a professional sports team, he'll need to put in the hours to make it happen.
The best way to teach your son this valuable lesson is by leading by example. If you're always working hard and pushing yourself to be better, he'll see your behavior and learn from it. Of course, this doesn't mean that you need to work yourself to the bone. But it does mean that you should stress the importance of working hard to achieve success.
There will be times when your son doesn't feel like putting in the effort, but if he knows that hard work pays off, he'll be more likely to push through and reach his goals. I guarantee you that your son will come to you asking whether he has to do his homework or not. Guess what, to teach him the value of hard work, the answer is always going to be yes!
But you do need to reflect on your own lifestyle too. What do you do during your days? Are you grafting to achieve your goals or sitting in your sweat pants on the couch? If it's the latter, then consider what affect this lifestyle will have on your son and the sort of example you're setting him by remaining idle and lazy.
#7 Discipline And Determination

If there's one thing your son will learn from you, it's discipline and determination. These are two essential qualities that every man should have.
As with the rest of the items on this list, the best way to teach your son these qualities is by leading by example. If you're always disciplined in your own life and determined to achieve your goals, he'll see your behavior and realize the importance of persistence.
I'll be honest, gents. We're all human and having 100% discipline all the time just isn't possible. However, when it comes to the things that matter (like our health, our relationships, and our careers), it's important that we make a conscious effort to stay on track.
The best way to do this is by setting goals and then breaking them down into manageable steps.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, you need to determine what sort of exercise regime you're going to follow and what changes you're going to make to your diet. Once you have a plan in place, it's simply a matter of following through and being disciplined enough to stick with it.
The same goes for any other goal you might have. If you want to get promoted at work or start your own business, you need to be determined enough to put in the effort and see it through
There will be times when your son doesn't feel like following the rules or sticking to his goals. But if he knows from you that discipline and determination are important qualities to have, then he'll make the grade and succeed beyond your wildest expectations.
#8 Courage And Strength

Another vital quality your son will learn from you the importance of courage and strength. Every man needs to be strong enough to stand up for himself and what he believes in. And he also needs to be brave enough to take risks, even when they might not pay off.
Again, the best way to teach your son these qualities is by leading by example. If you're always standing up for yourself and taking risks, he'll see your behavior and realize that it's okay to do the same. Of course, this doesn't mean that you should put yourself in danger or do something illegal! But it does mean that you should encourage your son to be assertive and take chances every now and then.
There will be times when courage is confused with plain idiocy, so make sure that you demonstrate an understanding of when it's appropriate to take risks. For example, if your son wants to quit his job and start his own business, that's a risk worth taking! But if he wants to bungee jump off a bridge, that's probably not the best idea.
Help him to understand the difference between courageous risks and foolish ones, and encourage him always to err on the side of caution.
At the end of the day, your son will need courage and strength in every aspect of his life. So it's important that you instill these qualities in him from an early age through your own actions.
#9 How To Treat His Romantic Partners

The way your treat your wife/girlfiend will have a huge impact on how you son treats his future romantic partners. He'll be watching you closely to see how you interact with your wife or girlfriend, and he'll use your behavior as a blueprint for his own relationships.
If you're always respectful and loving towards your partner, he'll understand that this is how he should treat any woman he's in a relationship with. But if you're constantly arguing or putting her down, he'll think it's okay to do the same.
Remember, toxic masculinity can be a harmful thing when it comes to romantic relationships. So, if your son sees you being overly manly and belittling to women, chances are he'll think this is how men should act and mimic it.
It's also important to demonstrate healthy communication skills within your relationship. If you and your partner are always talking openly and honestly about your feelings, he'll learn that this is an important part of any relationship. But if you're not communicating well, he'll think it's okay to bottle up his emotions and never talk about how he's feeling.
The way you treat your partner will have a lasting impact on how your son treats romantic partners in his own life. So make sure that you're setting a good example by being respectful, loving, and communicative.
#10 What He Should Teach His Own Son

One day, your son will have a son of his own. And when that day comes, he'll look to you for guidance on how to be a good father.
This might seem like a lot of pressure, but it's actually a great opportunity to instill all the important values and qualities you want your grandson to have. When you think about it, the lessons you pass on to your son will be passed on through generations of men who all learned from their elders.
So, make sure you take the time to teach your son everything he needs to know about being a good father. Show him how important it is to be present and involved in his child's life, and how vital it is to instill strong values in them.
Teach him about the importance of leading by example, and how crucial it is to be a role model for his son.
And most importantly, show him how much you love him and are proud of the man he's become.
Trust me, gents – it's okay to hug your son and more fathers should do it. After all, he's your flesh and blood and he deserves your love and affection.
By teaching your son how to be a great father, you're ensuring that future generations will be filled with strong, loving men. And that's something we can all be proud of!
The post 10 Things Your Son Will Learn From You (Without You Even Knowing It!) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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Antonio Centeno, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,