DMT Beauty Transformation: Women’s Entrepreneurship Collaborative out of Auburn University Sets Students Up for Success
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Women’s Entrepreneurship Collaborative out of Auburn University Sets Students Up for Success

June 10, 2024BruceDayne

This Spring 2024, Auburn University’s New Venture Accelerator (NVA) launched the Women’s Entrepreneurship Collaborative (WEC), founded by Jenifer Nay (the NVA’s entrepreneur in residence), with the goal to, “empower more women to pursue entrepreneurship by providing them with training, mentoring, networking and funding opportunities.” Springboarding off the ambition and passion of college students to help their entrepreneurial spirits blossom is nothing short of an exciting endeavor.

wegg® was founded on the principle that shared knowledge among global women entrepreneurs fosters shared success. Empowering Auburn University’s budding women entrepreneurs with tools and measures they can take with them after they have graduated is one key to long-term prosperity in business.

In the official press release by Laura Schmitt, she notates some of the motivations behind the founding of the Collaborative,

“According to a 2023 U.S. Senate report on entrepreneurship, women created about half of all new businesses for three consecutive years (2020-23), however, they reported challenges such as gaining access to venture capital and a lack of mentoring opportunities. WEC addresses those challenges by being the conduit between aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business professionals drawn from the campus community and Auburn’s vast alumni ranks.”

It is heartening to read how in just a few months the WEC, “has 100 members who are engaging with the new entrepreneurs each month, and Nay envisions those members will take advantage of other engagement opportunities.” Nay has created an environment for fresh women business owners and their ideas to thrive, and the WEC is sure to blaze its trail in building the future of entrepreneurship, and hopefully global entrepreneurship at that!

An illustration of women in a circle dancing together.



Lucy Brooks, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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