How To Make The Most Out Of The 20s As A Young Man
March 08, 2024BruceDayneBeing a young man is challenging and demanding – Especially in the 2020s.
Society and social media have influenced the perception of ‘success' as a young man.
- Earn at least $10,000 per month online.
- Have a tremendous aesthetic physique.
- Dating multiple beautiful women.
They have spread the idea that you are a failure if you can't achieve all those milestones in your 20s.
Gents, you need to realize that those YouTubers and TikTok Influencers who seem to live a dream life and be uncanny successful when they are young – are a tiny percentage of people your age.

Don't get me wrong – I think those goals and milestones are worthy goals, and it would be perfect if you could achieve them all within your 20s.
The truth is, life as a young man is much more than financial and materialistic success.
In this article, I will reveal the essential 7 Ways to Make The Most Out of Your 20s as a Young Man.
The Nature of Being a Young Man

I have to admire young men these days because they have a great sense of awareness in life – even before they turn 20.
I saw many young men in high school work out, trying to make an income online, starting on a ‘self-improvement' journey.
But as you might know, things get more serious when life hits the 20s.
You (and the people around you) are expecting more from life. Whether it's a career path you will embark on, the financial responsibilities or finding a potential romantic partner – you were expected to get your life together.
And that's come with a lot of mental challenges.
While most of you want to be successful in life, many have lost hope due to the toughness of modern dating or the uncertainty of the economy. They are out of your control and cause you a hard time.
But what if I say that these challenges and hard times – are the best opportunities for young men to improve and develop themselves and become full-grown men?
By adopting these 7 things below, you can be sure that your 20s will be fully maximized to their highest potential and pave the way for a bright future for your 30s and beyond.
#1: Cultivate Healthy Habits

What is the number one thing that older people usually say is most important for them?
As a young man, there won't be any better time to start and cultivate your daily healthy habits even if your body is still functioning well and full of energy with a poor diet, lack of exercise, and sleep deprivation.
Young people, especially men, can survive and live with poor health habits. Yet the faster you develop and cultivate a healthy one, the more enjoyable life will be when you are older – both physically and mentally.
You might have heard that men's mental health in these days are currently an issue in our society. With the rise of social media and many platforms on the Internet, they're undoubtedly the main factors for this. Still, we can develop healthy habits to counter them.
Here are the five essential pillars to develop a significant physical and mental health foundation in the long run that you can adapt and start doing today with zero $ cost.
When you start practising and doing these habits, I guarantee that you will feel awesome from day one and gradually increase daily as long as you commit to them.
#2: Develop Social Skills

When was the last time you talked to a stranger?
Seriously, gents, they don't have to be women, but when was the last time you decided to walk toward someone and say ‘Hello' or ‘Hi'?
It's not an easy thing to do since most people these days need to remember the art of real-life conversation – not constantly glued to the phone, even at the dinner table.
This is where you can set yourself apart from others and create a charismatic personality that will serve you well in the short and long term.
My tips here are to be ‘curious' more about other people. Take your electronic device back when you're outside, looking at people, seeing their faces, and simply saying ‘Hi'.
The easiest way to practice is to start a conversation with a coffee barista or concierge – go further than a quick transaction, asking about their day, complimenting their work or wishing them a great day.
Who knows? Your curiosity and confidence to walk and talk to people might lead you to a better opportunity in your career or dating life!
You just need to start the conversation.
#3: Learn High-Income Skills

Money is essential. I can't deny that.
Back in the old days, before the Internet, accepting a low salary, working hard, and climbing the corporate ladder were essential things almost every young man had to face.
Since the basic principle of making money in modern capitalism is to contribute value to society – traditional career paths tend not to give you much money as a young man because you still lack experience or expertise. (at least in their perception)
Today, the Internet has changed all of that.
Education is more accessible and affordable. Young men can learn and practice everything this world offers for free and paid – including high-income skills that allow them to provide much more value to society faster.
You might ask, “Which skills are categorized as High-Income?”
Basically, it's an ability to move other people to make a transaction, which you might have heard of in the form of sales, marketing, or persuasion since that's the core principle of the capitalist economy.
I know they might sound a little evil, but that's how the world works. Men who acquire these high-income skills can earn a lot of money.
This doesn't mean that I recommend you pursue a career in sales or marketing, but to be aware that whichever path you choose in life, mastering these skills can help you earn more money in life – even as a young man.
#4: Take Full Ownership of Your Life

When you are in your 20s, your families and friends expect you to take ownership of your life.
- Live with your own money
- Responsible for the consequences of your decision
- Have a precise vision for the future
And that's why these periods are challenging for young men.
During the primary education system, whether in school or college, young men didn't have to take full ownership of life or even need to. After that, when we graduated and faced the real world, it completely differed from what we had met.
It takes a lot of courage and maturity to take ownership of your life while still maintaining a sense of bravery to take risks and action. A supportive environment will play a huge role here. Find a group of people willing to give you positive support and feedback so you can learn and grow with them.
That way, you can develop the trait of a full ownership taker and become a full-grown man in no days.
#5: Create Your Personal Brand

You might have heard this term more frequently because establishing one's own brand has never been so essential and accessible for a young man.
First, ‘Branding' is not just a marketing term; it's how humans memorize and perceive a thing.
For instance, at Real Men Real Style, we aim to establish ourselves as a place where men's style and success meet altogether. This has influenced and shaped everything we do – from the content we create to the community we build.
Having your unique purpose and creating how you want the world to perceive you is one of the greatest assets you can leverage. With social media in your hand, you can create a movement to make something people notice and perceive who you are through content.
That's how you create your positioning in both the physical and digital space. It leads to many benefits, from faster career progression to connecting with like-minded people – just because they perceive your brand and remember your uniqueness that no one can replace.
#6: Experiment Your Personal Style

Speaking of your personal brand, one thing that can impact other perceptions about you is your style.
Of course, in your 20s, it's pretty challenging to know the exact style and way to dress – that's why I recommend you to ‘experiment'.
My advice is to find inspiration from your favourite figures that you like and resonate with how they dress.
- Characters from movies and television shows
- Men Influencers on Instagram
- Style Icons in Hollywood
When you collect ideas from these figures, you notice the style pattern and try them on. Then, try to gather more knowledge about their garment choices, colours, and overall aesthetics – they will make you way ahead in the style game in your 20s.
That way, you can avoid mistakes and enjoy being yourself while looking at your best.
#7: Embrace Failure

This one might be a hard pill to swallow, but this is the most important thing young men can do in their 20s.
Even with a little more expectation and pressure to succeed in life, people in their 20s are far from avoiding risk and failure compared to those in their 30s, 40s, and beyond.
With fresh energy, ideas, and, most importantly, an optimistic self-belief to accomplish a dream, there are endless possibilities for you as a young man. But one thing will always be resistant and stop many of us from achieving more in life – fear of failure.
It's human nature to avoid them, but in the meantime, those who embrace failure will likely experience a more meaningful life.
When men get older day by day, the price of failure will be higher because it will affect the entire family and others. That's the beauty of being a young man. You don't have much to lose, while the upside from pursuing your vision, even if it's failed, is still worthwhile.
Courage is what it takes to make the most of your 20s.

The last thing I want to recommend is to be brave to live as a young man.
While these seven things I told you are easy to say, they're hard to do. Not every young man is willing to do them—only a few. That's why you heard many successful men on the Internet say, “It's so easy to win and stand out these days.”
So go out there and make the most of it. You will have many memorable experiences and life lessons that will make your future self turn back and say “Thank you” in the next decade.
Just like these 10 life lessons that I would tell my younger self.
The post How To Make The Most Out Of The 20s As A Young Man appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
Antonio Centeno, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,