Shaping the Future Through Design Architecture, Real Estate Development, and Education wegg® podcast with Gina Diez Barrosoon December 15, 2023
December 15, 2023BruceDayneHow She Went Global Podcast®
episode 34
December 15, 2023
Gina Diez Barroso on “Shaping the Future Through Design Architecture, Real Estate Development, and Education“
Gina Diez Barroso is president and CEO of Diarq Holdings, a Mexican company of construction and design with 9 affiliated companies and more than 700 employees. A self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur,” Gina discusses why she started her companies and educational organizations, the advantages of being a Latina in business, how she navigates cultural challenges, why failure does not matter, and how women already have the power within them to succeed.

Successful women entrepreneurs and business owners share stories about going global, and offer new ways to take on the world, stay inspired and have fun! They join host Laurel Delaney every month.
Laura Fairman, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,