DMT Beauty Transformation: KttiPay: The New App to Help Make Splitting The Bill Simple
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KttiPay: The New App to Help Make Splitting The Bill Simple

December 15, 2023BruceDayne

KttiPay: The New App to Help Make Splitting The Bill Simple

KttiPay: The New App to Help Make Splitting The Bill Simple
KttiPay: The New App to Help Make Splitting The Bill Simple

We’ve all been there: the uncomfortable silence that follows an epic Christmas dinner as the unpaid bill looms. Shirley didn’t drink, so it wouldn’t really be fair to ask her to pay the same amount as everyone else. And Jo is a vegetarian … in a steak house. So an equal split doesn’t really apply here. And who takes charge? You pull out your phone, calculate the expenses, pay with your credit card, and cross your fingers for food-loving friends to ” transfer their bit.” But let’s face it – that rarely happens without a few awkward reminders. Enter KttiPay, a new app designed to help Aussies through the awkward scenarios when splitting the bill and group spending.

Splitting headaches and splitting bills

Handling bills for your home or organising group events can be a financial challenge, and chasing people for reimbursement is a headache nobody wants. According to a Finder survey, Australia is deemed a ‘nation of freeloaders’ with 1 in 4 Aussies owed money by their friends. 

” $350 billion is transferred between friends and family every year,” reveals Iain Salteri, CEO and Founder of KttiPay. However, until now, the system for exchanging that cash has been imperfect. Constantly reminding friends to settle accounts, checking if money has hit accounts, or being shortchanged after every group expense – these issues led to the creation of KttiPay.

Group spending, whether for dining, holidays, transportation, event tickets, or gifts, often leads to relationship trouble. With the rising cost of living, financial disputes have the power to strain relationships. The conventional debt management approach merely tracks owed funds but fails to actively ensure settlements, contributing to strained relationships.

The cat’s out of the bag!

KttiPay targets Gen Z and Millennials, acknowledging their daily encounters with group spending. The app, loaded with customizable features, simplifies the process by allowing users to create separate ‘Ktties’ for different purposes. KttiPay issues Visa debit cards directly linked to each Ktti, facilitating seamless payments and expense tracking.

Whether for a casual dinner, a weekend getaway, or a celebration, KttiPay enables group members to contribute directly to the app using digital wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay. A Digital Visa Debit Card for the specific Ktti is then issued for group-related expenses. Post-event, participants can also effortlessly review and track expenses within the app, ensuring transparency. Any excess funds are automatically redistributed among Ktti members, eliminating the need to chase people for repayment.

Money management made easy

“In a time of increased complexity, it’s nice to go back to tried-and-trusted ways of managing money,” says Iain. The app echoes the old system of paying into a shared kitty, making it work for the modern era. KttiPay ensures that, at the end of an event, the last thing anyone discusses is how to split the bill. It has been crafted for modern Aussie users to eliminate the need for settling up, promising a future where fair and hassle-free splitting is the norm.

The post KttiPay: The New App to Help Make Splitting The Bill Simple appeared first on Women Love Tech.



Marie-Antoinette Issa, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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