DMT Beauty Transformation: funny things to say to a narcissist
Alyssa DMTBeautySpot

funny things to say to a narcissist

February 26, 2023BruceDayne

Main Keyword = funny things to say to a narcissist

LSI = how to insult a narcissist, comebacks for narcissists, funny comebacks to say to a narcissist

LINKING = funny things to say

10 Best Funny Things to Say to a Narcissist

I'm sorry you feel that way. Let me buy you a nice cup of get over it.

You have your entire life to be a jerk. Why not take today off?

What a big ego you have!

You must be really proud of yourself!

Wow, you must be really special!

Did my self-absorption get in the way of yours?

You're so ugly that your reflection looks away when you look in the mirror.

Whenever we hang out, I remember that God really does have a sense of humor.

You sound better with your mouth closed.

I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.

Ultimate List Of Funny Comebacks For Narcissists

Note to writer: No need to add a section header intro in the ultimate list header. The minimum number of items for the H3 headers is 10. No need for long descriptions (max of 1-2 sentences).

Funny Clap Backs That Will Leave Them Speechless

I am not an astrologer, but I am sure that the earth still revolves around the sun, not around you.

I bet you can't go five minutes without talking about yourself.

You're so full of yourself, it's amazing you don't float away!

Do you know what your problem is? You don't know you are the problem.

You live life like it's all about you. Why do you think you're alone?

Smart One-Liners That Will Bruise Their Ego

Clean your mouth. There is still some trash around your lips.

I don't think you're as great as you think you are.

Well, I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

No sponge in the world can beat your abilities at self-absorption.

Hit the brakes, speedy.

Feed your ego yourself. I am busy doing important things.

You're like a balloon, full of hot air.

And that's why no one likes you.

I think you might be overestimating your importance here.

I forgot that I only exist when you need me.

Witty Answers That Will Take Away Their Power

I'm sorry. I must have mistaken you for someone who actually cares.

Remember when I asked for your opinion? I don't, either.

Get over yourself. Not everyone wants to be in your shoes.

Keep rolling your eyes. You might eventually find a brain.

Someday you'll go far, and I really hope you stay there.

Other Ways to Handle Narcissists

Establish and enforce boundaries.

Know when they're gaslighting you.

Avoid confrontation

Stay calm

Speak up for yourself.

Get support

Frequently Asked Questions

Should narcissists be trusted?

How do people turn into narcissists?

Can narcissists change?

Should I keep engaging with narcissists?

How to tell if someone is a narcissist?

More Things To Say

  1. LINKING = positive things to say to someone
  2. LINKING = funny things to say to a girl
  3. LINKING = romantic things to say



Alyssa, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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