68 Coffee Jokes - The Only List You Need To Mocha People Laugh!
February 22, 2023BruceDayne
via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto
Love coffee? Then you'll love these brilliant coffee jokes. Mix these jokes in with your morning cup to start your day off in a humorous mood.
The only thing better than coffee are jokes about coffee. Just like all the different drinks you can make with this caffeine infused drink, there's also plenty of ways to make jokes about it as well.
So get your cup of Joe ready, find yourself a comfortable place to sit, and enjoy these puns all about coffee. We've got a latte them...
8 Best coffee jokes

via: Unsplash / Samuel Fyfe
Pretty much any cup of coffee can be the best depending on who's drinking it. Though, the same can't be said for jokes about coffee. It doesn't matter who the person is; anyone will think that these are the best coffee jokes out there.
1. Starbucks or Victoria Secrets?...Who charges more per cup?
Both charge more for larger sizes.
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I think it depends on the size of the cup.
2. How do you discipline a coffee bean?
Not exactly sure why a coffee bean would need to be disciplined, but, you know, there's always going to be a few bad apples in the bunch.
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You ground it.
3. What’s a coffee’s favorite spell?
This one's for all those coffee lovers who also double as Harry Potter lovers.
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Espresso Patronum!
4. What’s a barista’s favorite exercise at the gym?
Any barista can tell you that an actual French press is a real workout!
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The French press.
5. What do baristas say to their least-favorite customers?
Baristas definitely have some crazy customers with those exaggerated orders.
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You mocha me crazy!

via: Unsplash / Daniel Norris
6. What specialty coffee is never on time?
This is also true for those who drink it. They're too busy enjoying their drink.
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A choco-late mocha.
7. How do you know if you’ve had enough coffee?
Can you even channel surf without a remote?
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You channel surf faster without the remote.
8. New word: Procaffeinating (n).
Any regular coffee drinker knows how real this word is.
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The tendency to not start anything until you've had your coffee.
10 dad coffee jokes

via: Unsplash / Nathan Anderson
Parents are probably some of the worst coffee addicts. Who can blame them? Raising kids is no easy task! Still, it's always best to look at the bright side of things. Like these corny dad jokes all about coffee — they're hilarious!
9. How does Henry VIII like his coffee?
Decap or decaf — both are sad and unsatisfying.
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10. What should a father say to his daughter every day?
He'd definitely only say this before he has had his coffee.
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You're brewtiful.

via: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema
11. What is best Beatles song?
The Beatles have many great songs that deserve favoritism, though, this one's probably the favorite of all the coffee lovers out there.
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Latte Be!
12. How is divorce like an Espresso?
It can't get any more truer than this...
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It's expensive and bitter.
13. What did the coffee say about its late assignment?
Another latte joke... You could go on and on with this drink.
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Better latte than ever!
14. Why are Italians so good at making coffee?
Or maybe they just know how to make really good coffee...
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Because they know to espresso themselves.
15. How does Moses make his coffee?
Hebrew — for those who didn't get it.
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He brews.

via: Pexels / Chelsey Horne
16. How are coffee beans like kids?
And kids think they have it bad! Their grounding is a weak punishment compared to coffee bean's grounding.
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They're always getting grounded!
17. What did the coffee lover name his son?
Coffee lovers can't live without that cup of Joe... So much that they name their kids after it.
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Joe, obviously.
18. What’s the technical name for a pot of coffee at work?
You got that right! People can't function without that much needed fluid during break time.
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Break fluid.
10 corny coffee jokes

via: Pexels / Allan Mas
If you thought those dad coffee jokes were corny then we're not sure what you'll think of these corny jokes about coffee. They're so corny they'll make you spit out your coffee from laughter!
19. What Kind Of Coffee Was Served On The Titanic?
A little insensitive, but still witty! Just make sure not to tell this joke to Titanic survivors — if there are any left.
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20. How Does One Bad Cup Of Coffee End A Marriage?
Don't be surprised if a cup of coffee actually was the reason for a divorce. People are so petty these days.
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One person thinks it's grounds for divorce.

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto
21. Why Don’t Snakes Drink Coffee?
Definition of viperactive: fake word made up just for this joke.
Other definition(s): hyper activity in snakes.
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Because it makes them viperactive.
22. What's a barista's favorite morning mantra?
We mean grinding coffee beans. Don't take this joke inappropriately.
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Rise and grind.
23. Who is Al Pacino’s coffee-loving brother?
No, not Capitan America folks.
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24. Why did the rabbit stop drinking coffee?
Can't imagine how much more jumpy a rabbit would be after drinking coffee.
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It made it too jumpy.
25. When do mechanics drink coffee?
Coffee break? Regular break? Or car brake? We'll never know...
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When they are on a brake...

via: Pexels / Lina Kivaka
26. Why should you be wary of 5-cent espresso?
Cheap coffee isn't always as good as the cost is.
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It's a cheap shot.
27. Why did the espresso keep checking his watch?
Can't be late when you're a quick coffee drink!
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Because he was pressed for time.
28. Where do birds go for coffee?
This should be a real place where people can sit in nests while drinking coffee — I'd definitely go there!
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To the NESTcafe.
10 bad coffee jokes

via: Unsplash / Gian Cescon
Not all jokes need to be good to be funny. Sometimes bad jokes are just as great as all the others. Take a look at these bad coffee jokes to understand what I mean. You won't be disappointed.
29. I like my discussions as I like my coffee...
Some people won't agree with any of these preferences, me being one of them!
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Hot and strong.
30. A guy walks into a cafe and orders a coffee to go...
Yikes! Hopefully, this is as bad as they get!
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The coffee gets up and leaves.

via: Unsplash / Joshua Rodriguez
31. What kind of coffee goes well with a fruit cake?
Fruit cakes are meant to be happy cakes that put you in a good mood, though they actually do the complete opposite. No one likes fruit cakes...
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32. What do chocolate, men, and coffee have in common?
Sadly, this is completely true.
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They are all better rich!
33. What does a coffee bean’s Valentine’s Day card say?
I think we need to stop with the latte jokes now... They're just getting played out.
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Sending you a whole latte love.
34. What kind of sugar does Lady Gaga use in her coffee?
Gaga ooo lala.
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Raw raw raw raw raw raw.
35. How does a coffee lover hit on a woman?
...should I even waste my time?
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I've been thinking about you a latte.

via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez
36. Why did the coffee file a police report?
Oh gosh! There must be so many of these police reports out there. Something needs to done about this!
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Because it was mugged.
37. What’s the difference between coffee and your opinion?
Ouch! That definitely was a burn rather than a joke.
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I asked for coffee.
38. What's it called when you steal someone's coffee?
It's literally called mugging when you steal anything from anyone! Not just coffee!
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10 punny coffee jokes

via: Pexels / cottonbro
Everyone loves puns just as much as jokes. Some even love puns way more. With these punny jokes, you've got the best of both. Who doesn't appreciate a clever and funny way to use a word as a joke?
39. What's coffee's favorite Bob Marley song?
Frappe, happy, there's no difference. To a coffee lover, coffee time is a happy time!
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Don't worry, be Frappé.
40. What did the barista say to the overly excited coffee beans?
Hmm, I wonder if they were excited to get in the kettle and be boiled down to liquid...
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Kettle down everyone.

via: Unsplash / quan le
41. What type of coffee do vampires drink?
Because vampires need something to keep them awake and not sleeping in coffins.
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42. What kind of coffee likes to race?
And they'll definitely win the race. No other coffee is made faster!
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Instant from an espresso machine.
43. Why did the gardener save his coffee grounds?
He obviously wanted to make a cup of coffee worth remembering, or never forgetting.
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For sedimental reasons.
44. What Did the Fraternity Coffee Shop Specialize in?
I wonder how that one tastes...
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45. What are Russian coffee shops called?
This is probably true, or they at least pronounce is this way.
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via: Pexels / RODNAE Productions
46. What’s fat, hairy and drinks a lot of coffee?
Although this joke pokes fun at Jabba the Hut from Star Wars, there's actually a coffee shop in Dublin with this exact name.
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Java the Hut!
47. Why shouldn't you discuss coffee in polite company?
No doubt about that. Just drink the coffee, don't talk about it!
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It can make for a strong and heated debate.
48. How does a tech guy drink coffee?
Java is a must-have for techies just like coffee is important to coffee enthusiasts.
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He installs Java!
10 what do you call coffee jokes

via: Pexels / Samson Katt
What do you call jokes that are funny and make you crave coffee? Awesome "what do you call" coffee jokes. You won't find jokes better than these!
49. What do you call male and female Jewish baristas?
Funny, but also might be offensive to people who speak Hebrew.
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Hebrews and Shebrews.
50. What do you call a Frappuccino that won't stop brewing?
Coffee that stands up for itself is my kind of cup!
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Stand your ground coffee.

via: Pexels / Wendy Wei
51. What do you call an Indian coffee?
Don't be surprised if you hear some Indians pronounce it this way. They're pretty close in pronunciation.
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A Kapur-chino.
52. What do you call a baby calf that’s lost his head?
Sad to visualize, but makes for a pretty good joke!
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53. What do you call it when you walk into a cafe you’re sure you’ve been to before?
It probably isn't deja brew you're feeling. You've probably definitely been to that Cafe before, or one that looks similar to it. All cafes look alike...
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Déjà brew.
54. What do you call it when cafe customers joke about their coffee?
This one should be up there with corny jokes, because it sure is corn filled!
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A brewhaha.
55. What do you call two coffee mugs sitting next to each other?
This one's actually pretty cute when you think about two of those cutely designed coffee mugs sitting next to each other.
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A happy cup-ple.

via: Unsplash / Nathan Dumlao
56. What do you call a couple of coffee bullies?
Haha, mean beans! That's a good one. (I'm being Sarcastic.)
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Mean beans.
57. What do you call a hard-working coffee pot?
And you know they stay grinding for all the coffee they need to make. Coffee's not going to make itself...
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A grinder.
58. What do you call sad coffee?
Sad, but true. Please don't give me a cup of that!
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10 stupid coffee jokes

via: Unsplash / Brooke Cagle
We can all agree that all jokes are stupid to some degree. Stupidity is almost always hilarious. However, if you're looking for some really stupid jokes, look no further. These jokes are sure to bring out the stupidity in us all!
59. A man went to his doctor and said "Every time I drink my coffee, I get a stabbing pain in my right eye," the psychiatrist said...
This joke is actually pretty funny. The only stupid thing about it is the man with the spoon in his eye!
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"Well, have you tried taking the spoon out?"
60. What did the caffeine addict name his cats?
There's nothing better than cream and sugar with your cup of coffee. You can tell he really loves his cats.
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Cream and Sugar.

via: Pexels / Tranmautritam
61. What’s Black And Never Works?
You got that right! Can we even call decaffeinated coffee, coffee?
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Decaffeinated coffee.
62. Coffee Is The Silent Victim In Our House…
Oh, enough with the mugging jokes! They're getting old!
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It gets mugged every day.
63. Why Do I Not Like a cup of coffee?
Coffee is definitely not tea! Can't you just say you don't like it? No need to compare the two.
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It's just not my cup of tea.
64. The worst type of criminal is...
I think we've gone through this one before, though this one's more accurate about mugging being a crime.
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He who mugs other people’s coffee.
65. Why did the kangaroo stop drinking his cup of coffee?
Nothing can make a kangaroo too jumpy. They're the king of jumps!
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It made him too jumpy.

via: Pexels / Kaique Andrades
66. What do gossiping pots do?
Those nosey, naughty gossiping pots! They're so bad!
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Spill the beans.
67. Why do they call coffee mud?
We all have to admit that this joke is one of the greatest on here.
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Because it was ground a couple of minutes ago.
68. How do you make Pig Jerky?
Hahaha! I think I've got it wrong. This one's the best coffee joke here!
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Give them some coffee.
Downloadable and Printable List of Coffee Jokes
Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of coffee jokes (right click the image and select Save Image As...):

via: Gamertelligence
How to Use Coffee Jokes

via: Pexels / Diva Plavalaguna
Jokes are known for accidentally offending people, and, even though these coffee jokes may not seem offensive to you, you never know if they may offend someone else. For this reason, it's always a good idea to know how and when to use coffee jokes...
1. Timing is Important

via: Pexels / Keira Burton
It's never a good idea to use any jokes at the wrong time. If people aren't in a good mood, funny jokes could come off as annoying or, plain, not funny. Although, sometimes jokes can lighten the mood. Make sure you know when the time is right before you use these jokes.
2. Find People Who Appreciate these Jokes

via: Unsplash / Taylor Friehl
Not everyone loves coffee. As surprising as that sounds, it's true. You don't have to love coffee to laugh at these jokes, but you do need to understand coffee terms and names. So, it's probably best to use these jokes on coffee lovers, or at least those who drink the stuff.
3. Stay Away From Offensive Jokes With People You Don't Know

via: Unsplash / Ethan Hu
It's hard to offend people with jokes about coffee, however, you never know what's offensive to some people. When telling jokes to people you don't know, stay clear of any religious, political or historical jokes. This is probably the safest way to go!
More Hilarious Jokes to Share or Start a conversation With
If you think these coffee jokes are funny, we've got many more jokes that will literally laugh out loud. Check them out for yourself!
- You and your friend walk into a bar and the rest of the story turns into one of those walks into a bar jokes. Check them out to figure out what the rest of the joke is.
- Want to read the best one liner jokes? We've got them right here!
- Who said Corny dad jokes were just for dads? Put on your best dad impression and get corny!
In Conclusion
You have to admit that these coffee jokes are funny and brilliant. And, whether you like coffee or not, you probably laughed at quite a few of these jokes.
Now go out and share these jokes with coffee drinkers and also those who hate the stuff! It's not like you're serving them actual coffee, you're just serving some incredibly good coffee jokes!
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