35 Fantastic What Am I Riddles - Train Your Mind And Have Fun Now
February 26, 2023BruceDayne
via: Unsplash / Attentie Attentie
Our list of "What am I?" riddles will surely increase your brain power and fun!
As a word game lover, I love a good riddle game. Solving riddles is especially interesting for me because it's like a puzzle; it tests my logic skills and has me figure out the correct answer using only the clues and hints provided. You can see how much good I am making (and solving!) riddles in these posts: riddles for adults and riddles and brain teasers.
Ready for some interesting riddles? Let's begin.
10 Best What Am I Riddles

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
1. The more you take away, the more I become. What am I?
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A hole
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A classic riddle that this list simply couldn't do without. If you heard this in your childhood, you already know the answer. So, say it with me!
2. I have two hands, but I can not scratch myself. What am I?
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A clock
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Clocks are the subject of many riddles, owing to how, despite their simple construction, they can do something most humans can't - tell the time. Here's another example of a clock riddle: I have two hands and a body but no face. What am I?
3. I am a seed with three letters in my name. Take away the last two, and I still sound the same. What am I?
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A pea
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It's a word puzzle, and it rhymes! What more could you ask for? Maybe some peas and quiet?
4. What has one eye but cannot see?
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A needle
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If you've never used a needle before, you probably won't know that the hole in the middle is called an eye. This is a good way to test if people know some basic trivia!
5. What is full of holes but still holds water?
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A sponge
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Another absolutely classic riddle, one most kids are taught when growing up. We all love sponges, especially yellow ones.
6. I am the part of the plant that makes most of the food the plant needs. What am I?
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This one's less difficult and more of a test of your memory. We all learn about the parts of a plant, but can you still remember it now, years after you've learned it in school?
7. I live where light is but die if light touches me. What am I?
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Darkness is also possible, but a shadow is the most fitting answer. It cannot exist without light, but light itself erases it. Poetic, isn't it?
8. I travel around the world but never leave the corner. What am I?
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A stamp
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Think about it: letters go all over the world. But what's on a letter that never moves? A stamp.
9. I have lots of keys, but I can't open anything. What am I?
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A keyboard can also suffice, but a keyboard is also another name for a piano. Make sure not to press too many keys now!
10. I start with an E, end with an E, and I only have one letter. What am I?
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An envelope
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And it's not "the letter E." This famous riddle expects you to know about synonyms, making it perfect as a challenging riddle.
Ultimate List of What Am Riddles (with Answers!)

via: Pexels / ANTONI SHKRABA
Whatever kind of riddle you need, we've got it all on this list. Tricky riddles, riddles for kids, funny riddles, and so on. Young minds will have their critical thinking tested, while adults will enjoy these blasts from the past. So, we hope you find a fun riddle or two in this great list!
Riddle Categories
5 Easy What Am I Riddles

via: Pexels / Antoni Shkraba
We all love an easy riddle that we can answer right away. Some riddles may be tough to crack, but the easy ones are always fun to bring out just to test someone's knowledge. So, if you know the correct answer to these, great! But even if you don't, these are easy enough that you can guess it right away.
11. I have lakes but no water, mountains but no stone, and cities but no buildings. What am I?
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A map
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Maps are extremely helpful, and if you're ever unfamiliar with a place, you'll often look for a map of it. So, if you've ever gotten lost before, you'll know the answer to this riddle!
12. I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but whatever I touch will soon turn red. What am I?
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This one's easy if you can get the wordplay. But even if you don't, the last part will immediately clue you in. Even blue flames cause red fires, after all!

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13. I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?
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A feather
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Ever tried to throw a feather? I know I have. A piece of paper could also fit, or any other very light thing that gets tossed around by the wind.
14. I get answered even though I never ask a question. What am I?
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A door knock or doorbell
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I sure haven't been asked a question by my doorbell before. So, you probably already know the answer to this.

via: Pexels / Feyza Altun
15. I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for five minutes. What am I?
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Your breath
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Unfortunately, this riddle is a little outdated. The world record for holding one's breath is 24 minutes and 37 seconds, set in 2021.

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5 Funny What Am I Riddles

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Who doesn't love funny riddles? They're clever and witty but also incredibly funny. So, enjoy some funny, entertaining riddles below! Whether you laugh a lot or crack a smile, it'll all have been worth it.
16. I get put on a ring but not on a finger. What am I?
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A telephone
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We put rings on things, but we usually don't put things on rings. So, this is a question that makes you pause as you try to make sense of it. But when you find out the right answer, you'll giggle because of how simple it actually is.
17. I am white when I am dirty and black when I am clean. What am I?
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A blackboard
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Usually, we think things are clean when they're white. So, this is another one of those riddles that throw you for a loop. But if you recall your days at school, you'll know the answer.

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18. I have 21 eyes but cannot see. What am I?
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A dice
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It's an oddly specific number, isn't it? That's your clue to the answer. Don't think it's just nonsense!
19. I make two people out of one. What am I?
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A mirror
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Simple, straight, and to the point, but it still has some mystery. It's a great riddle, and you'll love it for its simplicity.

via: Pexels / cottonbro studio
20. I am a beer, however many kids drink me and do not get drunk. What am I?
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Root beer
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Pretty easy riddle, but if you're an adult, you've probably outgrown root beer and will start thinking about adult beers. But just take a step back into your childhood, and you'll know the answer immediately.
5 Average What Am I Riddles

via: Pexels / Monstera
These riddles are the meat of every riddle game! We say "average," but what I mean is "important." Riddles that are neither too hard nor too easy and are a decent challenge to plenty of people! So, enjoy these average but still challenging riddles!
21. I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
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A candle
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Candles are important to have when the power's out or when you need a lovely scent for the room. They're also a good subject for a riddle!
22. I have a head and a tail that will never meet. Having too many of me is always a treat. What am I?
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A coin
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You probably already figured it out after hearing "head and tail." Everyone's flipped a coin once in their life to see if it landed on heads or tails!

via: Unsplash / Eduardo Soares
23. I can fly but have no wings. I can cry, but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?
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Lots of things need wings to fly. Birds, planes, insects. So what flies but doesn't have wings? Maybe you need to look up to find out...
24. I'm (usually) white and used for cutting and grinding. When I'm damaged, humans usually remove me or fill me. For most animals, I am a useful tool. What am I?
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A tooth
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Can't get any more descriptive than this! Not many things can be used as a tool by both humans and animals. Plus, it's white. Need I say more?

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25. I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
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A barber
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Ever wonder why barbers rarely shave? Wouldn't a barber seem like they're great at their job if they were clean-shaven?
5 Hard What Am I Riddles

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26. It's good to stretch me and push my limits. The more you use me, the stronger I get. When I am sharp, I'm at my best. What am I?
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Your brain
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You might be thinking, "it's probably a muscle!" While it certainly can fit, "sharp" isn't what you use to describe a muscle. They do say, however, that the brain is a muscle!
27. I run, but I don't walk. I drip and drop, but I can't pick myself up. You have to consume me, and sometimes I surround you. What am I?
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This one is especially descriptive, so it's not too hard as long as you pay attention to the wording. But if you think too literally, the answer may run away from you, like water.

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28. I have a stem, but I am not a flower. I have a foot, but I cannot hop. Children are too young to hold me. What am I?
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A wine glass
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With just the first two sentences alone, a lot of things can qualify. But with the third sentence, you'll have a much better chance of figuring it out. So, did you get it right?
29. You find me once in the morning, twice in the afternoon but never in the evening. What am I?
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The letter O
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If you're thinking of a physical object, you've already failed to answer the riddle. Pay attention to the English words being used here: if you figure out that it's a spelling riddle, you can find the right letter easily.

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30. I am sometimes powerful, I am sometimes complex or deep, and I can be blind, lost, or profound. What am I?
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A riddle can be abstract, and that also means its answer is. Some riddles trick you into thinking too literally, trapping you in an incorrect thought process. But if you pay attention to the wordplay, you'll find out the answer easily.
5 Famous What Am I Riddles

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These are some of the most famous riddles of all time! Some of them might even be older than you. If you've ever heard these classic riddles, congratulate yourself! You're pretty smart.
31. I am black, white, and red all over. What am I?
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A newspaper
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When we're told "black and white," we already assume that everything after it is also a color. So, we might think "red" is talking about the color. But if you know that the "red" pronounced here is actually spelled "read," then you know it's a newspaper. A classic phonetic riddle!
32. I have a straight back and sharp teeth to cut objects. What am I?
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A saw
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If you're a tool lover or have DIY experience, you'll know the answer instantly. No matter the saw, they'll always have a straight back and teeth.

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33. I'm always in you and sometimes on you. If I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?
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We tend to forget that humans are 60% water. So if you've never learned this fact in science class, this may be a hard riddle to answer.
34. Many have heard me, but nobody has seen me. I will not speak until spoken to first. What am I?
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An echo
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A famous riddle you've probably already heard of. But if you haven't, it's not hard to figure out the answer. Best used for people you think don't know the answer!

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35. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?
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The Letter E
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A very famous word puzzle that many have heard of. Riddles like these try to confuse you with big words, but sometimes, all you really have to do is try to spell it out.
Downloadable and Printable List of "What Am I?" Riddles
Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of "What am I?" riddles(right-clicked the image and select Save Image As...):

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Have some more questions about riddles? Here are some frequently asked questions I've answered that will help you.
What is a riddle?
A riddle is basically a word puzzle. It's a brain teaser that uses clever wordplay to disguise the answer and challenges you to find the solution based on the clues and hints it gives.
Why were riddles created?
Riddles were devised as a means of passing on tradition in a more easily known, memorable way. Riddles, and to a great extent wordplay, were formed so people could find it more memorable and worthy of passing on.
How do you write a "What am I" riddle?
First, think of what you want to be the subject. Then, try to describe it in a flowery and unusual way. Then, always end the riddle with "What am I?"
How do I get better at solving riddles?
Practice, practice! Riddles force you into falling into a certain mindset. By trying to solve more riddles, you'll understand better how you're supposed to think and won't fall for the tricks other riddles try to pull on you.
Are there rules in answering a riddle?
As long as you arrive at your answer naturally, there are no real rules in answering a riddle. Don't cheat or look it up, or you'll defeat the purpose of a riddle!
How to choose the best 'What Am I' riddle?
If you need tips on making the best "What am I?" riddles, we've got you covered! These simple but highly effective tips will ensure you have the best kind of riddles around.
Tip #1: Pick the subject before the question.
When you're picking a riddle, the better approach is usually to think about the answer before you think about the question. Pick something, whether a physical object, an abstract concept, or even the word itself, and try to base your question around it. The more obscure the subject, the better the chance you can make a crazy good riddle!
Tip #2: Use wordplay.
Wordplay is an important part of making riddles. The more you can confuse and mislead the person you're asking, the better the riddle gets. Use flowery and underutilized words and phrases to make the subject seem grander.
Tip #3: Shorter is sweeter.
The more you describe something, the easier it is to guess. So, try to keep your riddles short and sweet but still have enough words to describe the answer properly. The more you say about it, the better the chance they'll find out!
More Awesome Riddles
Want some more related articles about riddles? Check out some of our posts on riddles that tease and train the mind.
- Want some tough riddles? These hard riddles for adults will get your mind spinning.
- Need a more grown-up riddle? These adult riddles are for adults only.
- And if you need a more relaxed riddle-solving experience, try these easy riddles!
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