DMT Beauty Transformation: 37 Romantic Ways To Propose - Make a lifetime commitment!
DMTBeautySpot Elaisa

37 Romantic Ways To Propose - Make a lifetime commitment!

December 13, 2022BruceDayne

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via: Pexels / vjapratama

With something as impo

rtant and meaningful as asking someone to make a lifetime commitment with you, it's absolutely essential that your romantic ways to propose are heartfelt and genuine before you decide to take the knee.

But what really makes for the best romantic proposals, anyway?

It's our belief that the best way to create a truly wonderful romantic proposal is to search through plenty of proposal ideasthen put your own unique spin on the one that you find most exciting. This way, you'll know that you have the best of the best while remaining true to your own experiences and intuition.

So what are you waiting for? Get started on your romantic proposal here:


6 Best Romantic Ways To Propose

romantic ways to propose - Best romantic ways to propose

via: Unsplash / Pablo Heimplatz

The most romantic proposals will always have a personal touch that calls you back to something special that you've shared together. Take a look through these ideas, and try to imagine spinning your own story into one of them.

1. Interactive Website

This one works as a perfect setup for getting video footage of the proposal from something as unassuming as the comfort of your own couch!

2. Call into a radio station

A particularly old-school approach, this proposal can be made extra sweet (and mildly embarrassing) by sharing it at a party or event.

romantic ways to propose - Call into a radio station

via: Unsplash / Austin Distel

3. Plan a romantic destination getaway for two.

The allure of travel has inspired many people to closer connections, and can be an amazing way to pop the question.

4. Have a custom jigsaw puzzle made

Half of the fun of this one is waiting to see how long it takes putting the puzzle together before she realizes. The moment of sudden insight is priceless.

5. At a Concert

Score tickets to a band that you listened to when you first started dating, and you've got a perfect recipe for a romantic proposal that she'll never forget.

6. spell your proposal out in glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling

The setup for this one is perfect: Invite her for a romantic sleep-over in the living room, then kick back to "look at the stars" together.

7 Simple Romantic Proposal Ideas

romantic ways to propose - simple Romantic proposal ideas

via: Unsplash / João Silas

For some couples, going to lavish extremes just wouldn't be them. Instead, keep it minimal and classy with these simple proposal ideas.

7. Plan a stargazing picnic

Keep it extra personal with this low-key proposal plan, perfect for the spring and summer months. You can hide the ring in the bottom of the picnic basket.

8. Carve “Marry me?” into a pumpkin.

Specially made for Halloween lovers, this proposal idea is great for pictures in costume, too.

9. Love poem

If you have a way with words, the simple and old-fashioned love poem is a perfect low-key way to propose.

romantic ways to propose - Love poem

via: Unsplash / Sandrachile .

10. Hollow out an old book, put the ring inside

Bonus points if you can get an old book from a favorite author of hers!

11. Take your girl back to where you first met.

Match one beginning with another: The beginning of your life together.

12. Write your proposal in the sand on the beach

Plan a weekend at the beach, and you can have this message ready near your umbrella setup. Just have her go grab something out of the car, and you'll have time to write your personalized message.

13. Spell out "Will you marry me?" with chocolate.

This one is perfect as a setup after a romantic dinner; you can even get a restaurant to bring it out to you, if that's your style.

7 Romantic Creative Ways To Propose

romantic ways to propose - Romantic creative ways to propose

via: Unsplash / Zack Marshall

Finding creative ways to propose can be as easy as choosing any artistic activity, and blending your proposal message into that medium. Or, you can get even more inventive and turn the proposal into a game, saving the big reveal for when there's already great emotional build-up.

No matter which route you take, these creative proposal options will give you plenty of great ideas!

14. Scavenger hunt

Making a scavenger hunt that takes you through places and events that have personal significance in your relationship is a thoughtful, creative way of popping the big question.

15. Matryoshka Dolls

Also known as Russian nesting dolls, you can hide the ring inside of this seemingly innocent present and film the whole thing.

16. Hide the ring box in a carton of eggs.

If you can work in a smooth way of asking her to make breakfast, this can be a perfectly surprising way to propose.

romantic ways to propose - Hide the ring box in a carton of eggs

via: Unsplash / Caroline Attwood

17. Aquarium Proposal

Ready to go all in? Hire a diver to carry your proposal message into a huge aquarium tank.

18. Hire a skywriter

Sure, it might seem a little clich̩ Рbut how often have you actually seen it done? The shock value alone makes this one a creative option.

19. Escape Room Proposal

Team up together with the goal of breaking out of a puzzle room, but get the staff in on it. That way, the last step of the escape will be your clever proposal!

20. Reenact their favorite movie proposal scene.

For the film buff, nothing could be more creative than giving them a taste of the movies that have always caught their imagination.

6 Unique Romantic Ways To Propose

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via: Unsplash / Josh Felise

When only the rarest and most exclusive will do for her, figuring out unique ways to propose can make the entire experience unforgettable. After all, don't you want your proposal to be something that you can both look back on and tell stories for years to come?

21. Rearrange the Keyboard

When she goes to open up her laptop, it may not be immediately apparent. Just wait patiently, and that special moment will surprise her in the most amazing way.

22. Change your contact name to “Will You Marry Me?” on her phone

This is the perfect setup for asking her to call your phone because you "lost" it.

23. Carve it into a Tree

Or, go with a more eco-friendly option and hang a sign with your proposal message from a branch of the tree.

romantic ways to propose - Carve it into a Tree

via: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema

24. Customized heat changing mug

If you're both dedicated coffee or tea drinkers, this can be an adorable and unexpected way to propose that gives you a long-lasting memento, too.

25. take a hike and propose at the mountaintop

For the fit and outdoorsy types, proposing on a hike can permanently register that place in your memory as a special destination to revisit.

26. propose inside a photobooth

This way, you don't even have to worry about getting it on camera – it's already a given!

6 Cool Romantic Ways To Propose

romantic ways to propose - cool Romantic ways to propose

via: Pexels / Artem Beliaikin

Hey, if it's always been your dream to be the James Bond type, there are worse things you could do than find cool ways to propose. Even if she's not the ultra-adventurous type, these heartfelt gestures can make a big impression in her memory.

27. message in a bottle proposal at the beach

You'll probably need to get a friend in on this one to execute it well, but the payoff is well worth it.

28. drone show

Search in your area for a drone rental company, and you could even do an aerial shot of the whole proposal.

29. propose in a ferris wheel

Carnivals are magical places all on their own. Why not take that special atmosphere and make your proposal even cooler?

romantic ways to propose - propose in a ferris wheel

via: Pexels / Silvia

30. fill an entire room with balloons and photos

Ask her to grab something from that room for you, and – Bam! – be waiting on one knee when she turns around. Priceless!

31. restaurant menu proposal

Many restaurants will print a whole message on a menu. Save it for dessert, and you can really enjoy the whole outcome that much more.

32. go to a sports event and take advantage of kiss cam

Lots of arenas will gladly play wingman to you if you let them know where you're sitting and when you plan to propose.

5 Cute Romantic Ways To Propose

romantic ways to propose - cute Romantic ways to propose

via: Pexels / Artem Beliaikin

Maybe you're ready to do away with all the extravagant, over-the-top proposal ideas and go right to the sweet stuff. If so, great cute ways to propose are always going to be your best option for creating a truly memorable experience.

33. propose on a dance floor

This is especially good if you can find ballroom dance classes together; the environment is perfect for it.

34. slip the ring in while she is sleeping and nonchalantly ask about it

This might be the cutest proposal of all – just be 100% sure that she's ready to marry you, first!

romantic ways to propose - slip the ring in while she is sleeping and nonchalantly ask about it

via: Unsplash / Toa Heftiba

35. have a horse-drawn carriage deliver a special package

Make her feel like she's living in a fairy tale with this adorable proposal idea.

36. conspire with their coworkers and show up to a meeting

Equal parts cute and embarrassing, it can be an amazing way to surprise and delight the lady of your dreams.

37. propose next to a bonfire

There's something special about looking into a fire together. Take that cozy, comforting atmosphere to new levels by planning your proposal on a camping trip.

How to Pick the Best Romantic Ways To Propose

romantic ways to propose - How to Pick the Best Romantic Ways To Propose

via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

In almost every case, picking the best romantic ways to propose comes down to three major choices:

1. Public or Private?

romantic ways to propose - Choice #1_ Public or Private_

via: Pexels / Pedro Sandrini

Depending on your girlfriend's particular temperament, you should definitely choose a place that's going to make her comfortable and at ease – but still emotionally active. For introverts, try to plan a private proposal; with extroverts, a public proposal might be more memorable.

2. Do you need an assistant, or can you do it alone?

romantic ways to propose - Choice #2_ Do you need an assistant, or can you do it alone_

via: Pexels / nappy

Certain types of proposals absolutely require having another person (or multiple people!) in on the act. Can you plan your proposal with other people without the secret getting out? Because the more people you involve, the higher the chance that your surprise proposal might get spoiled...

3. Simple or extravagant?

romantic ways to propose - Choice #3_ Simple or extravagant_

via: Unsplash / Djim Loic

In proposals, as with gifts, it really is the thought that counts. This doesn't mean that you should skimp on whatever will make your proposal the most special and meaningful – only that you should choose whether you want an elaborate or minimal proposal based on the emotional impact that it's likely to have.

Downloadable and Printable List of Romantic Ways To Propose

Here is a downloadable and printable list of Romantic Ways To Propose (right click the image and select Save Image As..)


More Great Ways To Get The Girl

Marriage proposals are a truly beautiful and unique experience. Do your best to make yours something memorable and romantic.

But if you don't have a special lady in your life to propose to, don't worry –  we've got you covered:

  1. Looking for the perfect little something for your lady? Check out these perfect gifts for girlfriend.
  2. Anniversary gifts for girlfriend are a great way to commemorate and honor the time you've shared with one another.
  3. Maybe you just need some more fun activities to develop a closer bond? Try out some of these date night ideas to deepen your connection.

In Conclusion

As you're preparing to ask one of the most important questions of your life, we hope that this list of romantic ways to propose has helped sparking your imagination and inspired you to create a truly memorable experience.

With all these proposal ideas at your fingertips, you should be able to create a list of your most romantic proposals. Then, ask a trusted friend to narrow down your options, and you'll be ready in no time!



Elaisa, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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