The 7 Day ‘GoOD Life’ Challenge – Rules and Tips!
August 30, 2022BruceDayne
The 7 Day ‘GoOD Life’ Challenge – Rules and Tips!
Welcome to the GoOD Life!
Welcome to our 7 Day ‘GoOD Life’ Challenge! This week, we’ll be waking up (at least) 15 minutes earlier, dropping something unnecessary, and picking up our mantra as often as possible.
1. Wake up 15 minutes earlier
- Like it’s your job, like it pays you because it will, it does.
- You’ll feel better and more accomplished, which means you’ll be even more productive for the rest of the day.
- You can place your phone in the bathroom or in the other room so you HAVE to get up to go turn it off… you can do the 5,4,3,2,1 feet on the floor countdown… or you can just accept the belief that sitting in the presence of God, for even just 15 minutes will radically change your life.
• During these 15 minutes you could sit with us in our Love Charging Station (download the app and join us at 6:30am ET) each morning this week, and/or you can journal, you can meditate, you can chant, you could sit in front of a picture of your favorite Deity or teacher, and listen to a gorgeous song that moves you into the inner smile and holds you (t)here.
2. Drop something (a food, a habit, etc). It’s like our own little Lenten season. Like,
- The news
- A Worry – but be specific. Drop that problem or issue just for this week. Every time your mind goes there, pick up the mantra.
- IG or all social media (I wish I could, I basically do for weeks at a time lol)
- Added sugar ** this is my challenge, replacing it with Divine Sweetness, and grapes 😉
- Gossip (my grandpa used to say, ‘If you ain’t got nothing nice to say… don’t say it.’
- Alcohol
The more you practice this Love, the sweeter it becomes, and the easier it’ll be to drop things. You won’t even feel like you’re missing out or lacking, because you’re so full of the Real, so full of the True.
3. Pick up a mantra – chant as often as you can remember internally
- Pick ONE mantra and chant it as often as you can remember. While you’re driving, eating, dressing, cleaning, etc. It should be going on in the background all the time, the way you’re usually thinking about random stuff while you’re going about life, you’ll be chanting instead. Bottom line– your main priority is to chant, everything else, including idle chatter, is secondary. You’re going to put everything into this week, everything into your practice, and prove to your Self that this is the way. Ram Ram Ram, or Peace Peace Peace, or Love Love Love, or I am Loving Awareness, or Fullness, Fullness, Fullness, or Eyes Fixed, Eyes Fixed, or ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus’. The shorter the better for all day chanting.
The Manifesto-
“I am SO thankful that I am now consciously aware of my Inner Power. This natural feeling of Love is my constant reminder of who walks with me. I fear nothing. I am loved, confident, and free. When I feel this current of inner Bliss, I am feeling God’s infinite wealth flowing to me now, and forever.”
Write yours, and read it to yourself 3 times, with feeling each morning during the challenge. Then, set it aside, and sit or lay with your eyes closed for a few minutes. Keep your attention on the area in the center of your chest. Feel Love/Bliss there as your breath flows in and out. When thoughts come, bring your attention back to your heart. Back to the smile. Allow your heart-feeling, breath, and mind to become One. If you’re doing this right, you’ll feel yourself smiling again. It feels good. If you feel nothing, that’s fine too! Just keep at it. The Bliss will reveal itself.
Remember that the Bliss isn’t something that comes and goes or something you create with your mind—It’s always there. Keep rediscovering It this week. Welcome to the GoOD Life.
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