Your Horoscope This Week: March 13th to March 19th, 2022
March 13, 2022BruceDayne
This week’s stars shine a hazy blue, with the Sun continuing his journey through Pisces with dreamy Neptune in his wake. Mercury is in Pisces too, behind Jupiter, inviting a kind of slipstream sense of time and space, blurring lines between people and meaning. It’s not exactly an ideal time to have clarifying conversations or settle disputes but it’s a perfect time to make music and create art. Venus and Mars make their way under the stars of Aquarius, and when Venus makes a sextile to Chiron in Aries on the 18th there’s a sense that what’s beautiful about humanity is also what’s heartbreaking about it, that beauty — like music, like villages, like lovers — is something to aim for and something to protect. On the same day, we hold a full moon in Virgo, which reflects a cluster of planets in Pisces. It’s okay to be tired, to be exhausted is not to be without purpose. It’s ok to be critical, to be critical is not to be without compassion. It’s okay to want to offer more and not have more to offer. Don’t let comparison define your understanding of your best. Your best is a limit that you draw yourself or that your body draws for you.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising
As your ruling planet Mars continues his trajectory under the stars of Aquarius, it’s likely that new ways of connecting or networking will become available to you. Of course, you’re no stranger to the hustle and are more than well-versed at convincing strangers to sign on for a wild project or two. With Venus in the mix, there’s a sense that what you pitch now might hold higher stakes because it holds more value for both you and the people you work with. Venus in Aquarius makes a helpful aspect to Chiron in Aries on the 18th, the same day as the full moon in Virgo. If you can get clear about your investment (energetic, financial) and why it matters, you’ll find yourself more able to go all in on an emotional level, something that might help heal the ways this kind of work has disappointed you in the past.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising
Taurus people are known for not dealing well with change but just because Taurus people find change difficult doesn’t mean they’re incapable of it. Once a Taurus changes their mind, their approach follows suit like a track change on a railroad, efficient and ironclad. As Venus traverses Aquarius with Mars alongside, the effort you’ve been putting into your life begins to provide returns — proof that what’s meant for you arrives when it’s meant to. It’s your task to witness the ways the world rewards your efforts but it’s not always easy to live up to the kind of person you have worked to become. In preparation for Venus’s square to Uranus in Taurus on the 19th, which underlines these tensions, the full moon in Virgo invites you to reflect on work you’ve done to get this far and take pride in it. Forget obligation, remember desire.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising
When your presiding planet Mercury meanders under the auspices of Pisces, things tend to lose a little definition. Mercury loves to spread information and make connections but when Pisces is in the mix, that information can start to sound a lot like dreamlogic more suitable for Carl Jung than it is for the general public. Of course, if the work you do is deeply tied to dream logic — if you’re a musician, psychic, or a poet for instance — then this time can be potent for you, especially with the Sun and Jupiter in the mix, amplifying what you’re putting out there. If slipstream creating and delirious divination aren't your fortes, you might find that this week is a good week to keep a low profile and attend to the mundane home tasks that don’t require you to make sense to anybody but yourself.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising
While some people might have trouble finding the right words in the days ahead, Mercury’s transit through Pisces could have the right words finding you. Mercury winds their way toward Jupiter this week and there’s opportunity for new levels and depths of understanding — teachings that speak to your spirit and your heart. Still, you know better than most that not all ideas should be shared upon inception. Some philosophies need to marinate, some concepts need to be nurtured before they are resilient enough to withstand an outsider’s scrutiny. In preparation for the Virgo full moon this week, which aches to be understood in all her communications, spend time reflecting on all the communication tools you’ve picked up in the past couple of years and how you practice using them. You’re a fast learner, but transformation takes practice and time. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Leo Sun & Leo Rising
Has Pisces season had its way with you? Have you felt yourself pulled by the undertow into deeper water until you found yourself farther out than you intended? Perhaps you were challenged to trust what your body already knew — how to combine both strength and surrender, how to swim to the shore in concert with the waves instead of against them. The Sun in Pisces beside Neptune creates a hazy sky and with so many urgent planets in your house of relationships, the yearning to connect authentically with others might feel like the only thing you can make out in all that haze. Connecting authentically is easier said than done but the opportunity is there if you’re ready for it. Let your curiosity and compassion take the lead and you’ll find that it’s not unlike negotiating waves: Listen to your body; don’t let fear tighten your grip.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising
A full moon in your house of self should have you feeling yourself and wondering who else is feeling you. Mutable moon baby, the stars line up in your house of relationships, amplifying the love and widening the field. The connections you make now are no distraction. They enrich the scope of your work with erotic purpose and reflect you back to yourself — your ambitions, your dreams, your further possibilities. Reception is the key this week and reception is not the same as making meaning. How does that song go? “All I ever wanted / All I ever needed / Is here in my arms / Words are very unnecessary.” Mercury’s transit through Pisces encourages you to feel rather than speak your way into connection — to feel your way back to yourself. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Libra Sun & Libra Rising
How do you feel now, Libra, that Venus has passed the portal of Pluto and spent time under the stars of Aquarius? What are you holding and reworking on the other side of a retrograde that brought so many to their knees? If your relationship to your home or place of origin has changed, have you found new ways to take pleasure in that change? Death gives way to life, an ending clears the way for creativity — for learning to live in the world you have now and not the one you lost. If the stars have been rough with you, then be rough with the stars. Make demands, take up space, get wider with your desire. If what defined you once now only serves to hem you in, then it’s your work to defy definition, to keep what’s essential and leave the rest.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising
Mars makes his way through Aquarius this week, trailing in Venus’s wake. There’s a feeling that one must know what they want before they act on it, that desire clears the way for our will and our action. While that may be true some of the time, it’s definitely not true all of the time, a fact that the stellium in Pisces makes clear. For Scorpio risings, whose 5th house is ruled by Pisces, what’s pleasurable is discerned in relation to the other — through experience. What you value and how you express your desires has a lot to do with where you come from, but your relationship to where you come from changes as you change. Memory is a mercurial thing and Mercury in Pisces softens definitions, inviting you to express yourself in unconventional ways. Maybe a different approach will make all the difference in getting what you want.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising
With your ruling planet, Jupiter, in Pisces, you might be finding yourself getting tired of the hustle and drawn to rest and relaxation. Like Sagittarians, Pisceans love to wander the world but you’re just as likely to find them living it up under a pillow fort as you are camping under the Northern Lights. With Neptune in the mix, the dreamy side of Piscean nature is calling your name, especially Sagittarius risings whose 4th house of home is ruled by Pisces. But, the full moon in Virgo on the 18th might bring up feelings of insecurity — of not doing enough. It’s important to remember that rest, relaxation, even resplendence, need not be an essentially escapist endeavor. Creativity thrives when the mind is allowed to settle. Acts of reception like reading and observing build our relationship to beauty and our participation in creating it.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising
Perhaps this week has you feeling a little of pressure, Capricorn, but what else is new? It’s as Capricorn David Bowie once sang, “It’s the terror of knowing what the world is about.” And who is more knowledgeable of the world’s demands than you? The stars cluster in your houses of resources and communications, highlighting the measures you must take with your finances and encouraging you to be more collaborative in your efforts — even if it means admitting your mistakes and asking for second chances. It’s notable that the hook of the song is a kind of lament, but within it are modes of relief. In the spirit of the full moon in Virgo — who means to be a great teacher for you — it’s worth underlining Virgo Freddie Mercury’s presence, he calls love into the song and how Bowie replies to his call: “And love dares you to care for / The people on the edge of the night / And love dares you to change our way of / Caring about ourselves.”ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising
It should come as no surprise to you that the stars speak of major life changes on your horizon. It should come as no surprise because, in many ways, you’ve been preparing for these changes, anticipating and avoiding in turn. Whether you have all the information now or not, the process has begun. What’s important to remember as the days move steadily forward, and Mars and Venus inch closer and closer to Saturn, is that while it feels like certain aspects of what’s occurring are beyond your control, much of what arrives is what you’ve been calling in. The work now is recognizing your agency and your desire and letting those waves shape the shoreline as they may. Change will not look like one mundane decision or another. It will be undulating and all-consuming. It will look like the surface of the sea.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising
The Sun’s trajectory through Pisces can feel like a welcome sparkling shine on the otherwise dark waters that define these weeks. What lies beneath the surface of your world can feel unfathomable and familiar at once, especially with Neptune’s influence in the mix. Time, if it is real at all, serves as an echo reminding you that whatever you are living through now, you’ve lived through before, even if you feel it more than you remember it. While this state of being isn’t exactly foreign to you, it’s a state that solitude sustains and company disrupts. In the company of others, murky feelings can give off mixed messages. You can only be who you are, Pisces, and you can only communicate as you know how. The burden isn’t on you to prove to others that what you feel is valid, true, or worthy of recognition. But, if you’re looking for support for those who live on land, you’re gonna have to communicate in a language they can understand. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
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