Your Horoscope This Week: February 6th to February 12th, 2022
February 06, 2022BruceDayne
The second week of February finds us knee deep in the Capricorn mud. Mercury moves steadily toward Pluto until they make a conjunction on February 11, and Mars and Venus in Capricorn make their own way forward stone by muddy stone. The Sun shines bright in Aquarius against the winter blues of the Northern Hemisphere, but on Earth, the road ahead must be cleared before it can be illuminated. Tenacious Mars in Capricorn makes a square to irreverent Chiron in Aries on the 6th before making a trine to destabilizing Uranus in Taurus on the 8th. There’s a prevailing feeling that if a change is coming, it comes slowly and it will require a great deal of work. Work that begins from the inside out, that challenges us to not only accept our mistakes but use them to do better. The first quarter moon in Taurus on the 8th lights up the night as it hangs between Uranus and the North Node; it makes a square to the Sun in Aquarius and Saturn too. A few days later, on the 12th, Mercury in Capricorn makes a trine to the North Node in Taurus, and the message is clear: The moves we make now will have enduring results, so the moves we make now must be disciplined and account for inevitable losses. What falls away, clears the way.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising
A magical thing about Aries people is their ability to not only be self-starters but self-directed learners. There’s pride in figuring it out yourself, working your way toward illumination on your own terms. Process is a pleasure that follows one kind of discovery and begets another. With Mars still plodding through Capricorn this week, the process is the point. But process isn’t the only thing that matters. Mars in Capricorn forms a square to Chiron in Aries early on the 6th, encouraging a negotiation between self-belief and self-direction, between the way the world has limited you and the way you limit yourself in turn. This negotiation continues through February 8th, on the first quarter moon in Taurus and the trine between Mars in Capricorn and Uranus. It might take a long long time for your process to reflect who you really are, what you’re really capable of, but — like another audacious Aries — you’re the rocketman.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising
Sometimes, you have to come first, even if it feels indulgent. Even if you think your time and energy should be spent doing things you find more meaningful, things that put everyone else at the top of your list. The truth is, the lower you get on your own list, the lower your reserves and the harder it is to show up for everything and everyone. On some core level you know this because you are the master of energy, energy conservation, and energetic engagement. Both are forms of patience and prayer. This week doesn’t outright encourage you to lie down, and it’s likely that rest and restoration will feel far from intuitive. But, the first quarter moon in Taurus on the 8th glimmering between Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, pulled by both, arrives just in time to remind you: stillness is a portal not an end. Steady and ready rhyme for a reason. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising
Yes, Mercury has stationed direct. But the coast isn’t clear quite yet. While cosmic crowds rejoice, the Mercury-ruled know that just because you’re mutable doesn’t mean you bounce right back. There’s developments to assess, arguments to process, claims to ascertain and a whole shadow period to do right by what you’ve learned. While that may sound like a big energetic laundry list, it’s not so daunting with Venus and Mars in Capricorn at Mercury’s heels, pushing you to keep it pushing. The truth is, what might feel like busywork at first won’t feel that way as you keep going. Magic is an integral part of the mundane world and this week gives you plenty of opportunities to remember that — especially when Mercury makes a conjunction with Pluto on the 11th. This is the week of practical magic, of the transformative power inherent in showing up.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising
Aquarius season might have you wanting to be social. But you might find that the more you try to initiate quality time, the more aware you become of just how much the company of others affects you — and, sometimes, the harder it might seem to communicate and connect. It’s good to remind yourself that recognizing how others affect you isn’t the same thing as rejecting it. It’s neither good nor bad to be sensitive to the energy that another person brings into the room, it’s simply information. What you do with that information is what matters, and that takes practice. This is a great week to reserve some of your social energy, even in company. Presence doesn’t always mean presenting solutions. In conversation, rather than rushing to imagine a response, practice noticing the emotions and sensations that move through your body as you interact. What can your body tell you about your relationships?ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Leo Sun & Leo Rising
Mars, Venus, and Mercury in Capricorn keep you busy this week and, just like anyone, you’ll find that the past couple of months have left you a lot to sort through when it comes to the frayed edges of communications and plans that went awry. That said, these personal planets aren’t in cahoots to bring you busy work. They’re collaborating, like singular threads, to weave into a larger tapestry. With the Sun still very much in Aquarius, your most intimate relationships are still at the center of the conversation. When the Sun forms a square to the first quarter moon in Taurus on 8th, the way you show up in those relationships shines a light on how your emotions and insecurities manifest in the public sphere. As the to-do lists narrow and the communications flow, you’ll find that it’s easier to see the bigger picture — not just between you and loved ones, but between who you are now and how you want to be in the world moving forward.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising
There are caveats to be made around the phrase “if you love what you do then you’ll never work a day in your life.” But, if there’s one sign that can make some truth out of those claims, it’s you, Virgo. Even so, it’s easy enough to get caught in the capitalist web, to convince yourself that what you love is feeling useful even if you’re doing something that has no use to you. Being the sign of service can be quite the spiritual burden when it falls on you to not only maintain a system but tend to the spirit of it — a spirit that is often underfed or minimized (teachers who are invested in the pleasure and joy of learning, for example, or landscapers who think about ecological impact). You’re allowed to take your time and protect your energy, Virgo, but don’t let the others narrow your scope. What you put your hands to, you give life to. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Libra Sun & Libra Rising
With the amount of infographics, “lightworkers,” and specialty Lycra pants out there, it’s not hard to imagine a world where the process of transformation is just a coconut wax candle away. But, if you’ve been paying attention to the cycles of your life, you should have picked up by now that our most transformative moments are rarely pretty, planned, or packaged. They arrive at our doorsteps like wounded animals and tear through our homes like relentless storms. Sometimes, they are as hard to track as they are impactful, like a steady presence in your life that shows you who you are simply by being who they are consistently. Whatever form you find yourself facing now, Libra, it’s a form that’s already doing its work on you. You can try to pinpoint it or play smart enough to resist it but change is always coming, and change is exactly what you need. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising
What’s it like to be a fixed sign and the sign of change, to be the all-seeing detective and the keeper of life’s mysteries? Duality, old friend, we meet again, in the season of another fixed sign — Aquarius. And perhaps it’s under the stars of Aquarius where the answers lie. A sign that is invested in the collective mind, Aquarius knows that sometimes becoming more of yourself means stepping away from what you know. It means getting uncomfortable. Aquarius knows that you can inhabit other worlds, take a ride on a train of thought that’s not your own, try on another person’s perspective, and still remain authentic to yourself and accountable to your own needs. Not every compromise is a self-betrayal, Scorpio. Sometimes, these are simply negotiations between one reality and another, between imagining how people are and actually knowing them.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising
Abundance is a tempting word, and a catchy one too. You don’t have to search too hard to find someone inviting you into an abundance practice. But, it can be hard to parse this language from the very real scarcity many of us are raised inside of. Scarcity of time and scarcity of resources wreak havoc on a person’s confidence. Besides, self-confidence and self-esteem aren’t just attitudes, they’re mindsets that are cultivated from a very young age through affirmation and validation, and those of us who were raised otherwise can’t turn back time. Since time travel is off the table (unless?), it’s worth considering that re-parenting oneself is always an option. With Jupiter traversing the timeless realms of Pisces, it’s a great time to explore what kind of attention and affirmation the kid in you needs to feel accomplished and rich in possibility.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising
You can have the nitty gritty of it, the planetary steps that lead you down the week ahead. You can watch Mars in Capricorn, a tenacious energy, as it squares Chiron in Aries early on the 6th and challenges you to push past old setbacks that made you doubt your gut and your ambition. You can keep track of Venus in Capricorn, as it influences the moves you are about to make. Pay special attention to the value you place on the opinions of people whose private lives exclude you. Pay special attention to the power you grant others, and the power you give away. And, you can keep Mercury in Capricorn on the hook for the plans you put on pause, the ‘yes’ that you were hesitant to give before you were sure. You can have the planets give you the run down and be your counsel but the choices in front of you require you to make a leap of faith where your faith was challenged — especially in yourself. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising
There’s a lot of talk about the moon when it comes to Cancer but there’s something to be said for Aquarius and the way the moon rules the tides. February began with an Aquarius new moon and new lunar year, but the second week brings a first quarter moon in Taurus that makes a square to the Sun in Aquarius and Saturn too, in her way. The tide goes in and out then, the waves revealing the land that’s available to you and then obscuring it. What feels feasible in one week can feel impossible the next, or if not impossible then impeded. But, it’s important that you don’t take the setbacks that arrive personally or as proof of what the universe wants to offer you. The universe doesn’t always speak a language we can understand and what the tides drag out is simply proof that the schedule the tides keep isn’t subject to the one we write in pen. Don’t give up, little wave. Try again.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising
As Jupiter moves along under your stars, opportunities follow. But, not all opportunities look the same and not all opportunities are worth taking. This need not only apply to building income or new skill sets, although it will. It’s a well-known fact that opportunities arrive on the heels of the people who enter our lives and the worlds they connect us to. While your mutable nature might draw you toward all kinds, it’s important that you practice being discerning when it comes to who you allow to breach the perimeter of your inner circle. Try to remember that protecting your more intimate world is not the same as being ungenerous or unwelcoming and it need not preclude the valuable exchange of ideas and resources. In an ecosystem animals know when to collaborate and when to protect what’s theirs. It’s never too late to learn from them.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
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