Your Horoscope This Week: February 27th to March 5th, 2022
February 27, 2022BruceDayne
As we prepare to leave February, the moon in Capricorn and Aquarius awakens our awareness of time. Things are changing and we realize that our actions must also adapt to the current rapid pace of time — regardless of if we feel ready or not. The first days of March are jam-packed with astrological activity as we welcome a powerful lunation, a triple conjunction, two planetary shifts, and what some astrologers call the most fortunate day of the year.
March 2 brings the new moon in Pisces, one of the most eagerly awaited new moons of the entire year. At this lunation, the luminaries are activating the Jupiter-Uranus sextile, a rare aspect that will not happen again until 2026! We not only feel supported, we feel like the universe is pushing us forward to act in alignment with all our weirdnesses and kinks. It’s time to expand — but we can only do so in full authenticity, with the reminder that this year’s astrology is all about embracing our inner weirdo.
This lunation also precedes what is known as the luckiest day of the year, which arrives on March 5 as the Sun meets Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system. Regardless of what we are trying to manifest this year, Jupiter can certainly deliver, as it is currently strongly placed in Pisces, its traditional home sign. This is a week to be bold and take risks, with the awareness that over-expansion is the only potential downside.
With Venus and Mars, the cosmic forces of raw creation sitting next to no-nonsense Pluto all week, we are bound to feel ambitious. Under this triple energetic fusion, we crave power but must be careful with the way we go about it. A surge of raw sexual and creative energy is bound to take over us — a powerful influence that can help us make quantum leaps when channeled properly and positively.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising
Lover Venus has been traveling closely with Mars, your planetary ruler, teaching you that “receiving” can be just as productive as “acting.” And this week’s new moon deepens this trend even further when it activates your twelfth house of subconscious mind. This lunar event reminds you of one of your themes of 2022, which is that most of your growth is happening in your inner life and behind the scenes. So, during Tuesday’s dark moon, slow down, tune in, and allow yourself to absorb all the downloads it has for you. By the time Wednesday arrives, you could be feeling ready to charge ahead on your ambitions. Venus and Mars will meet with powerful Pluto in your tenth house of career and public visibility. This triple meetup is bound to awaken your inner fire, and by all means, you should act on it. With asteroid Pallas now in your sign, you have the gift of strategy at your fingertips. So, the more tactical you are in your approach, the more you will succeed. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising
You have a stellar week for networking, Taurus! Over the week ahead, the planets will be activating your tenth house of career and public visibility and your eleventh house of community. This translates into a golden opportunity for reaching out to people who appreciate your work and can help you succeed. Your planetary ruler, Venus, meets with Mars and powerful Pluto, exuding magnetic vibes for a project that at first perhaps seemed far away from happening. While you normally prefer to hustle on your own, this week’s new moon helps you realize that now, there is more power in numbers. Since this is the sector of life in which you will experience more growth in 2022, use this expansive lunation to create a heightened awareness of your position within the context of a group that you see yourself evolving with. Mercury’s conjunction with Saturn, also in your career sector, speaks of sealing the deal on something meaningful that will boost your long-term success. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising
Pisces season might not be the easiest, but it is an incredible opportunity to face challenges and use them as fuel to succeed. This is especially true with four planetary bodies (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune) currently camped out in your tenth house of public image. Since this is where the new moon and the luckiest aspect of the year happen, how can you make use of this rare and fortunate energy to your advantage? Since Jupiter entered Pisces in late December, you’ve been experiencing expansion in your career. And under this new moon, you can channel a new, creative vision as well as a newfound inspiration. Go ahead and bask in a sense of renewal and reinvigoration with regards to your career goals and potential. At the same time, Mercury’s meet-up with Saturn speaks of the possibility to seal the deal on a project, contract, or new job. While this might entail hard work on your end, it could be one of the best deals you’ve seen so far done. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising
Your seventh house of partnerships has been lit for quite some time. And this week’s triple line-up of Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Capricorn brings the grand finale. If you’ve been flirting with getting serious with your babe, this could be the week you call it “us.” If you’re single, you could be craving some serious attention, so go ahead and put yourself out there while your inner fires are burning. Alternatively, you could be closing a business connection that could catapult you to great power in the next few years. This week’s lucky Sun-Jupiter conjunction could have you feeling hungry at an intellectual level, while also bringing the ultimate chance to feed your craving soul. This astro-weather illuminates your ninth house of far horizons, reawakening your interest in study and learning new things. Travel could also be the way you decide to expand your mind, in which case planning a trip to an exotic destination by the water would be ideal. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Leo Sun & Leo Rising
For you, Leo, this week spells major commitment as Mercury, Saturn, and asteroid Juno join forces in your seventh house of partnerships. In astrology, this is the house that rules serious relationships, business alliances, and working one-on-one with coaches, therapists, and even astrologers. So besides getting the green light from the universe to maybe take a romantic relationship to the next level, you’re also encouraged to form an alliance with someone who will help you level up. After all, Saturn in Aquarius is all about “adulting” in this area of your life. On another note, this week’s new moon is activating a sensitive part of your chart, when you could gain increased awareness around the role a special person has in your life. If you already have a partner, it could bring moments of deep intimacy. Although intense, this lunar energy also brings you the opportunity to work on finances. If you have debt, the fortunate Sun-Jupiter conjunction can help you formulate a reasonable payment plan. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising
You have a stellar weekly forecast, Virgo! No one will deny you’re one of the worker bees of the zodiac, but this week, the cosmos is asking you to focus on having fun and spending time with the ones you love. The current line-up of planets in Capricorn and Pisces are activating your fifth house of fun and your house of partnerships, respectively. While work should always be kept afloat, try spending less time hustling and more time playing. We know — it’s hard to drop work early, but trust us when we say that this influence is short-lived, as next week, your load will most likely ramp up. Saturday brings the most fortunate day of the year, and for you, the possibility to take a relationship or commitment to the next level. If you’re single, this is a fine time to start a profile on a dating app, as your love forecast for the next few months looks more than promising! ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Libra Sun & Libra Rising
It looks like you’ve been investing a lot of your energy on home, family, or even your community — and this week brings the culmination of this Venus in Capricorn influence. It’s been hard work, so don’t hesitate to celebrate whatever is coming to fruition for you around mid-week. Venus meets with Mars and Pluto, so expect to feel intensity within your most important bonds. Channeled properly, they could bring sexy vibes with a partner or a new date as well. As the new moon rises in the sky, it slowly but surely begins to turn the focus to your sixth house of daily work and health. If you’ve been struggling with keeping a healthy work/life balance, this new moon grants you exactly that! Since this is also where the lucky Sun-Jupiter fusion happens, you invite growth and expansion to all areas of life when you create a healthier routine or life-plan that you can stick to for the rest of the year. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising
As a deeply intuitive water sign, you love the energy of Pisces season — and you’re going to love what this week has in store for you. As the moon renews itself this week, so does your inner child. For you, this lunar influence is about fun, play, and creativity. It’s also a time of celebration, so don’t hesitate to walk down memory lane and appreciate how far you’ve come, dear Scorpio. If you’re a creative, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction sends waves of inspiration your way by assisting you in creating a unique, exciting vision. At week’s end, Venus and Mars enter your sector of career, highlighting a six-week period in which you will be making strides in this area of your life. How do you see yourself growing this year? And how much effort are you willing to invest to materialize your dreams? These are questions that Mars, your planetary ruler, will ask you to answer during its journey through Aquarius. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising
Financial work and stability have been the theme for you in the past weeks, and this week’s triple fusion between Venus, Mars, and Pluto in this sector of your chart brings a big ending. If you’re considering one last money or investment move, pull the trigger midweek. Once Venus and Mars enter Aquarius over the weekend, the focus shifts towards your third house of thought. For the next few weeks, you could be working hard on a writing or communication-related project. Mercury will keep you focused, and asteroid Juno and Saturn fully committed. This week’s fortunate new moon hits right home for you, as it activates your sector of home, family, and ancestral lineage. This is a highly spiritual moon for you, so don’t hesitate to connect to guides in the form of rituals and by spending time sitting in silence. With creative genius Uranus connecting with Jupiter, your ruler, under this lunation, the universe will deliver you innovative inspiration and flashes of insight. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising
You’ve had a ton of activity in your sign for months now, and this week brings a big ending as Venus and Mars meet Pluto in your sign. You’re feeling strong and ambitious — and if you feel like making one last power move, the road is clear for you to assert yourself. Wednesday’s powerful new moon and the ultra-special Sun-Jupiter conjunction happen in your sector of communication. And even though you’re not the most expressive sign of all, these cosmic events request that you awaken your voice. If you’ve been working on a key project or making a significant life change, show them to the world. Under this astro-weather, this will activate your luck and might even get you the support of your community. Once Venus and Mars leave your sign and enter your second house of money and resources over the weekend, your focus will shift towards your finances. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising
This week is one of reinvention for you as Mercury and asteroid Juno activate Saturn in your sign and with it, your commitment to succeed, despite all odds. Venus and Mars also enter your sign at week’s end, kicking off a four-week period of deep transformation. The sweet news is that this week’s new moon is lighting up your second house of money, bringing a new beginning to your sense of security and resources. Like 2021, 2022 is still a year of hard work, but it’s nice to get a break from the universe. And for you, Aquarius, this break shows up under this gorgeous and beautiful lunation. Regardless of if you get a raise or a nice surprise in your bank account, this is still a golden moment to craft a financial plan which you can stick to for the rest of the year. You have Mercury in your sign, giving you intellectual agility to tackle any hard-to-figure-out situation. Asteroid Juno assists in keeping you accountable. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising
It’s your season, Pisces, and this week’s new moon is by far the best of the year for you! As the luminaries activate lucky Jupiter and glamorous Neptune in your sign, you’re receiving cosmic blessings that are bound to reach every corner of your life. While this is a time to have fun and enjoy life, it’s also a magnificent and rare opportunity to plant a new seed. You’re beginning a whole new cycle, and whatever you start now will have long-lasting effects — no pressure! What’s important about this week is that you begin creating a “vision” of how, where, and with whom you see yourself in the next 12 years of your life. As you strategize your master plan for world domination, keep your authenticity at the forefront. With wild child Uranus in aspect to Jupiter during this lunation, you gain more followers and help from the universe when you show your talents in their weirdest, purest form. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
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