Your Horoscope This Week: February 20th to February 26th, 2022
February 20, 2022BruceDayne
It’s the third week of February, following the big full moon in Leo, and like most things that are Leo-related, we’re bound to keep talking about it. While we learn to hold the light of that moon with us, we move forward in Pisces season. The vitalizing Sun creeps ever-closer to Jupiter, and as Leo icon Kate Bush once sang, “Like the sun coming out… Ooh, I just know that something good is going to happen. And I don't know when… But just saying it could even make it happen.” Mercury moves forward in Aquarius, forming a helpful sextile to Chiron and a square to Uranus on the 24th, charging our words with the strength to facilitate healing and change in our lives. While we’re out in the world, cloudbusting, Mars and Venus continue their conjunction in Capricorn. If you feel like making money moves, then the planets are with you, scheming up a reason to build something beautiful. Venus makes a sextile to Neptune on the 24th as well, reminding us that our dreams are valuable, and that what we call into our lives has the power to be transcendent.
Aries Sun & Aries Rising
It’s true that the full moon’s influence continues to shine on you long after her shape has begun to change. Leo rules an Aries rising’s fifth house, the house of pleasure and creativity, and while it may be hard for most of us to get it up — creatively speaking — when the state of the world is a major downer, an Aries knows that beauty and pleasure are a remedy for times like these. The conjunction that Mars has made to Venus in Capricorn bolsters your efforts and helps drive your creative force forward with a sure and determined step. The more that you believe in what you are doing, the more possible it seems, the quicker it takes shape, and the more it resembles the private world you long to bring into the light. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising
Like a wise animal in a quiet forest, you’ve heard something from a long way off and you felt it getting closer. What can you say now, with certainty, about your circumstances? Has change arrived or do you feel the closeness of it nipping at your heels? The full moon in your house of heritage and home lit up what surrounds you, what you have to work with, and what you’ve been working for. It pulled against your preconceived notions of who you think you have to be in this world and what you have to say yes to. In its wake, your ruling planet Venus tied her wagon to the driving force of Mars, a herd of goats tugging you steadily forward. The journey will not be short and it will not be simple but it will also not be one made in solitude. Look again at who you allow in and who you keep at arm’s length, and make sure your boundaries reflect who you’re becoming so that who you’re becoming has good company. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising
Pisces season can be a potent time for Geminis, who face the Pisces stars at an angle rich with challenges. The Sun lights up your house of public image, making you feel more visible and possibly more empowered. Of course, touching power is not a simple step into the light. It’s an internal negotiation about what you’ve been raised to believe about yourself and the roles you take on in relationship to others. The self-beliefs we hold are often inherited, and while they may have sustained the ones who raised us, it’s on us to know when we have paid our debts to them. With your ruling planet, Mercury, in Aquarius, there’s something to be said for learning when to open up the conversation. This week, try to pay attention to what experience has taught you about the world, it’s expansive and unpredictable nature, and the way that nature lives in you.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising
The week after full moon might have you feeling resourceful and erotically charged, rich in creative possibilties. There’s something to be said about the passionate energy that Leo brings to the table, about their desire to live out their potential. If this lunation has enriched your days, then it has fortified you for the work that the Mars-Venus conjunction has in store for you. The planets move through your house of relationships, past Pluto, and toward your house of transformation and debt. Think back to when Pluto made its way under the stars of Capricorn in January 2008: How has your approach to relationships changed since then on a structural level? What Pluto intimates, Mars and Venus make plain. What beliefs have you released, what fears still govern your attachments? What do you want — and are you sure?ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Leo Sun & Leo Rising
Just because the full moon in Leo is behind you doesn’t mean her affects have been put to rest. Tending to the old hurts of past relationships and their influence on your ego isn’t an overnight process. Hell, it’s not even an over-month process. A full moon’s wisdom comes in waves, so keep an eye on the tides and what washes up there, especially as we make headway into Pisces season with the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune shoring up in Leo rising’s house of transformation. Of course, life isn’t all reckoning and self-improvement, even if you’re the self-help type. It’s the small things that make up a life: tiny pleasures, pets, errands and favors, mundane labors and daily devotions. As you go about your week, try to notice if you can feel your relationship to these things changing shape, if the person you’re becoming in your daily life can help an older self within you hold those old hurts in a gentler way.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising
For a long time, your idea of home has been changing, bolstered by your own work to confront ideas you might have inherited about where you belong and what you deserve to claim for yourself. In some cases, the work you endeavored upon was the work of unlearning settler ideas about land, about who it belongs to and building foundations on tenuous ground. With Mars and Venus beginning their path through Capricorn together, there’s a sense of movement in relation to that work. Each step forward fuels you and has a wide impact on your creative life. You’re learning, day by day, to make choices that reflect your values — and these choices transform the way you show up in the world, in your work, and in your body. Stick with it, Virgo, and don’t be afraid to take a few leaps of faith. They’re more than likely to pay off.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Libra Sun & Libra Rising
It’s Pisces season, and for Libras and Libra risings in particular, the weeks ahead can definitely usher in a busier time. It’s not unlikely that you might find yourself brimming with new ideas, especially in regards to writing. The third quarter moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd spurs those ideas on, and makes a square to the Sun in Pisces, challenging you to find new ways to apply your creative energy. Meanwhile, your ruling planet, Venus, continues her path through Capricorn alongside willful Mars. It’s important to show yourself a lot of energetic respect at this time, to recognize the many different ways that your commitments to friends and community members affect you. Pay special attention to your energy levels before and after any joint effort. Note what replenishes you and what depletes you. Just because something is meaningful doesn’t mean it’s worth your health and peace of mind.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising
Scorpio might have a bad reputation on the internet but, like a certain cartoon character with a red mane and a penchant for rabbits, they are mostly just drawn that way. In real life, Scorpios work hard on their reputations and even harder on their intimate circles, spending much of their life at the beck and call of friends and lovers in need of a listening ear or a moving truck. For Scorpio risings, with their house of friendships ruled by Virgo and their house of communications ruled by Capricorn, it’s fair to say that when it comes to being a steady and dependable friend, they are also drawn that way. I offer these facts as an affirmation and a reminder that while acts of service in the name of love and community building are not quid pro quo, they are evidence of a person who has earned the right to call in the kind of support they need. And, they’re proof of your right to draw a boundary around your heart and your life in response to those who should have you believe that you deserve anything less than what you give.
ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising
The moon is a powerful force in astrology. She pulls at our bodies of water with her own gravity, she pulls us, moves us forward and prompts us to look back. Despite all the movement, this constant cycling, the moon speaks to our sense of safety and security — and perhaps there is something here about recognizing that something dependable and constant need not always look the same. With Mars and Venus making a conjunction in your house of resources, you might feel a shift in your relationship to abundance and what it means to feel materially secure in the world. You might even find yourself making decisions and initiating new arrangements that challenge old beliefs around what you deserve and what you are worth. Try to remember that while certain approaches might feel unfamiliar, all ways of being were unfamiliar before you grew into them.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising
Capricorns are renowned for their work ethic, but you can bet your hard-earned bottom dollar that every Capricorn knows that all work and no play makes for a dull life. You work hard but you know how to play hard. The trouble isn’t decided if you get to play — it’s when. Of course, there are seasons that try to rob us of leisure, weeks that collect deadlines like small medals of bitter achievement. Breaks can feel impossible and time off is often burdened with the obligations of daily life that pile up on the side of capitalist survival. Sometimes, there is no perfect time to let loose; sometimes it’s on you to bend time and space in service to your pleasure; sometimes innovation is necessary when the hours fall short. The good news is that you are more than capable of bending time to your desire and your will — and where there’s a will there’s a way. ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising
A visionary like yourself knows that while your stars may stay fixed, how you interpret them — and yourself, for that matter — is liable to change. And while there are people who relish the chance to be one thing for as long as possible, and certainly people who consciously or unconsciously make demands of others to stay the same, those people are not your people. Which is not to say that they don’t belong in your world or that you cannot love them. Rather, this is a reminder that while love is free, it does take time and energy. Pay attention, then, to who replenishes that energy and who can and cannot recognize you. Make time for those who can keep you in good company no matter what path you choose, and those who support your vision of a world abundant enough to hold all the selves you wish to develop.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising
There is a time for being conservative, for holding yourself back until you know for sure what can and can’t hold water. Surely, your solar return is not that time. The stars, dear Pisces, are ever in your favor, even if the sea looks foreboding, even if the waves argue. The Sun in Pisces invigorates you and the heat of the moment pulls you toward the wild unknown, which is your province. The Sun moves ever closer to Jupiter, applying a conjunction toward the end of the week, and each stroke you take forward strengthens your resolve. Neptune is co-present, forming a trine to the Mars and Venus Conjunction in Pisces rising’s 11th house, helping you recognize the many ways that you’re expanding, not only as a person but as an integral part of your collective — a school of fish made more powerful together.ILLUSTRATION BY barbarianflower
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