DMT Beauty Transformation: 34 Mind Blowing Questions: Excite And Win All Your Friends Over Now!
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34 Mind Blowing Questions: Excite And Win All Your Friends Over Now!

February 03, 2022BruceDayne

mind blowing questions - people talking to each other

via: Pexels / Julia M Cameron

Are you looking for the best mind-blowing questions that will surely make you think? This post is all about the questions that will blow your mind!

When it comes to the questions to ask, I've written all the best there is, whether they're impossible questions or those that are the best conversation starters. With my expertise in the right questions that make you think, your mind will be filled with confusing questions that give more life to your day.

Let's start.


Top List of Mind-Blowing Questions

Man thinking while looking at his laptop

via: Unsplash / Dollar Gill

Do you ever find yourself coming up with those makes you think questions for fun times with friends or family? With this top list of the questions to blow your mind, you'll be armed with the best questions for other people (and for yourself, too!)

Question Categories

4 Best Mind Blowing Questions

friends talking on a platform beneath lake

via: Unsplash / Yanapi Senaud

If you're looking for the best of the best, we've got them all for you. Exercise those brain cells with these questions.

Here are the 4 best mind-blowing questions:

1. If you stand behind a clock, is it still going clockwise?

The answer is obvious, but laugh it out with your friends if you want to play around with the question. Let's hope they actually laugh with you.

Four-dimensional clock

via: Unsplash / Bryce Barker

2. If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

Maybe another big bang? This random question is sure to get your mind working about our universe. Who knows? This one might transform into a deep conversation.

3. How do you grow a seedless fruit?

If you're actually curious to know, you propagate them. But where's the fun in knowing that, right?

4. Why does shaking your head means no while nodding it means yes?

Just thinking about this question is already playing around with my consciousness of everything around me.

Man gesturing indecisive response

via: Pexels / ROMAN ODINTSOV

Mind-blowing Questions - Infographic

via: Mantelligence

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3 Unanswerable Questions That Will Blow Your Mind

Friends having a session of fun conversation

via: Pexels / Monstera

Unanswerable questions are more fun if you try to give them the right answer. However, conversations become more interesting if you can turn these questions into conversations that give you an idea of the other person's personality.

Here are 3 unanswerable questions:

5. When did time begin?

It depends on what beliefs you have as an individual. This one makes for a great brain teaser, though!

6. Where does a thought go when it's forgotten?

This is a big puzzle in our brain. Does it just stop existing, like it never happened?

7. Are we living or slowly dying?

It's like asking if the glass is half empty or half full. An interesting question to discuss with your friends if you want to go deeper into the depths of your minds.

Man in a wild forest

via: Pexels / Ron Lach

4 Funny, Then Confusing Questions That Will Melt Your Mind

friends talking while walking on the shore

via: Unsplash / Nqobile Vundla

It's a good thing we have funny but brain-melting questions to give maximum enjoyment with your time with friends or loved ones. These funny questions to ask don't fall short of being the right sentences to trick people's brains.

Here are 4 funny questions to blow your mind:

8. How far up do bald people go when they wash their faces?

Maybe you should ask a bald person, and he will have the answer.

9. If you were shorter than someone, would it be possible to talk down to them?

Whoever's asking this to someone shorter than them knows the right question to get the reaction out of them.

10. How do you know you're not crazy and just hallucinating your whole life?

I'm going to be honest. There's really no way of knowing, so let's just hope that we're not in some kind of sick experiment. Is our consciousness even real, or are we all bananas?

Confused man sitting in a sofa

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

11. Have you ever wondered what your dog named you?

No, this isn't a stupid question. We all want to know what our dog named us.

4 Questions to Ask A Girl That Make Her Brain Overdrive

couple laughing together while leaning on wall

via: Pexels / cottonbro

Whether she's your friend or you're dating her, asking the right thing that can make her brain go into overdrive is a special kind of skill. These questions to ask a girl are all you need to get an answer from her. And yes, she has to answer beyond a yes or no.

Here are 4 questions to ask a girl:

12. What is true love?

Let her answer with her views, and see how different each person understands love.

13. Can happiness exist without sadness?

They say you can't know happiness without sadness and vice versa. Maybe that's the point of humanity. Everything has to co-exist.

Woman deeply thinking while holding her phone

via: Pexels / Alex Green

14. What makes some memories stick with us and others we barely remember?

If you want to go into a deeper conversation with a girl, this is the perfect one. This one really is a question that will make both of you think. It's such a gray matter to discuss; that's why it's interesting.

15. If Cinderella's shoe fit her perfectly, why did it come off?

What a great trick question! Do you know the answer?

4 Deep Questions That Might Send Your Mind Into An Existential Crisis

Three friends having a deep conversation

via: Pexels / Keira Burton

We all experience some existential crisis here and there. It's not the worst thing for some people. If you're the kind of person to seek that feeling with some deep questions actively, you're in the right place.

Here are 4 deep questions to send you some existential crisis: 

16. How would you divide your life into chapters if you wrote an autobiography?

If you're a traveler, would you divide it by location? When you were in New York or South Africa, and so on? Would you divide by childhood, teenage years, and adult life if you're playing it safe?

book with a clipped dried flower

via: Pexels / Диана Дунаева

17. If you get fulfillment from wasting time, is it wasted?

If you're happy, it's not wasted. But it still depends from one individual to the other. Maybe wasting time watching a tv show or reading a great book isn't really time wasted.

18. What makes you, you?

We all have that unique thing. Our 'special sauce.'

19. What does the world need, more intelligence or wisdom?

Or should they go hand in hand? Why do you think the other is more important than the other?

Man reading a book inside a library

via: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

5 Mind-Boggling Would You Rather Questions

Friends having a fun conversation in picnic

via: Pexels / Helena Lopes

Would you rather questions are fun because they're easy to answer. There's no right or wrong answer, only what you believe in. However, the thing about them is that they can melt your brain, too!

Here are 5 mind-boggling would you rather questions:

20. Would you rather know the uncomfortable truth or believe a comforting lie?

Either way, you'll feel something off every time. It's probably best to go for the right thing in this case.

21. Would you rather be the last person on earth or the first person on another planet?

They're both lonely, but at least if you're the first person, you know someone will come after you unless you want to be left alone forever.

22. Would you rather know all the secrets of space or the secrets of the ocean?

The ocean seems interesting because there's still a lot to be discovered, and we don't seem to be making as much progress as we are with space.

view of the earth's surface from space

via: Pexels / Pixabay

23. Would you rather be able to see your future or be able to see everyone's future but your own?

Both of these options are scary if you really think about them.

24. Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year or take 3 years off your life?

The same day over and over again sounds like a movie I've seen. Thinking about it really makes your brain cells work off.

5 Mind-Bending Riddles To Shake Up Your Conversation

friends having a fun conversation outdoors

via: Pexels / Helena Lopes

Who says riddles are for kids only? Riddles for adults are all the more fun because they can blow your mind! Brain teaser? Yeah, these will definitely tease your brain.

Here are 5 riddles to blow your mind:

25. A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn't get a single hair on his head wet. Why? Answer: Because he was bald.

This trick question... tricked me. If you want your friends to never stop thinking about it, go for this riddle.

silhouette of man outside under the rain

via: Pexels / Aleksandar Pasaric

26. I have four fingers and a thumb, but I'm not living. What am I? Answer: A Glove.

That makes complete sense, but if you didn't know the answer, it wouldn't make any sense at all!

27. I disappear if you say my name. What am I? Answer: Silence.

I mean, some people disappear if they hear their name because they're trying to avoid you, but they're not named Silence.

28. I go up but never come down. What am I? Answer: Age

And we're always so terrified when it goes up.

woman with backpack going up the stairs


29. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. What are we? Answer: Words.

They say actions speak louder than words, but words can do all the damage without doing anything.

5 Amazing Random Trivia That Will Surprise You

Friends talking and having fun

via: Pexels / Ron Lach

Deep, thought-provoking questions can be facts! These random trivia questions and answers will surprise anyone who doesn't already know the answers (and there aren't a lot of them).

Here are 5 amazing random trivia:

30. Which country was the Caesar Salad invented in? Answer: Mexico

Yeah, no one saw that coming. The person that came up with Caesar Salad is an Italian immigrant in Mexico.

A plate of vegetable salad

via: Pexels / ROMAN ODINTSOV

31. On every continent, there is a city named what? Answer: Rome

You don't have to travel to a different continent to get to Rome.

32. What is the driest continent? Answer: Antarctica.

35% of the continent doesn't experience rain. It's practically a desert.

33. Who were high heels originally invented for? Answer: Men

Persian soldiers first wore high heels to elevate their feet. High heels actually symbolized a high social standing for men back then.

woman high heels sitting on the stairs case

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

34. The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by which country? Answer: France

It commemorates the alliance of France and the United States during the American Revolution.

Downloadable and Printable List of Mind-blowing Questions

Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of mind-blowing questions (right-click the image and select Save Image As…):

Downloadable list of questions

via: Mantelligence

Frequently Asked Questions

Woman asking the guy a question

via: Pexels / Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent

Still haven't got enough of these questions that can melt your brain? We have all the answers!

What are mind-blowing questions?

Mind-blowing questions are any questions that make the other person think until they can't anymore. They may also be questions that have answers that no one expects.

What is the most mind-blowing question in the world?

It's not easy to answer this one because it's subjective. What's the most mind-blowing to me may not be the same to you.

How do you start a mind-blowing question?

Just throw the question right at them! Be sure to check for the environment if it's the right time to ask, though.

What makes a mind-blowing question good?

If it gets the right kind of reaction from the other person (and doesn't offend them or anyone), then it's a good one! Of course, you have to satisfy the criteria of actually blowing their minds (not literally!).

Why do I have to ask mind-blowing questions?

They help make your conversations even better than normal! People enjoy thinking deeply about things every once in a while.

How to Choose the Best Question to Leave Them In Awe

Man taking down notes while studying

via: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

Sometimes, it's not all about knowing all the best questions. It's also knowing which questions out of all questions are the right ones. With this guide from us, you won't have to worry about choosing.

Here is how to choose the best questions:

1. Know The Person.

man looking at a distance

via: Unsplash / Paolo Bendandi

It's important to get to know the person you're asking before asking any mind-boggling questions. If you know what they like and don't like, you'll know which questions to avoid.

2. Know The Environment.

Man talking to clients

via: Pexels / Alena Darmel

Are you in a place that's not conducive to personal questions? Are you with other people? It's important to know if the environment is right for the question. Don't ask personal questions if you're in public. Don't ask funny questions if you're in a serious setting.

3. Enjoy.

Group of friends sitting near lifeguard post

via: Pexels / Kindel Media

Most of all, enjoy the conversation you're having! Sometimes, even asking mind-boggling questions requires you to stop thinking too much about it and just enjoy it.

More Awesome Questions to Ask

If you want to know and ask more questions, we have great news! We have more great questions for you.

  1. Prompting an answer out of someone can be a necessity sometimes. These leading questions can help you get the answer you want.
  2. If you're not the yes or no kind of person, open-ended questions are right for you.
  3. Whether you're asking or answering, knowing the best interview questions can help you become more prepared than you can ever imagine.


The right questions to ask aren't easy to come by, so we hope these mind-blowing questions helped you as much as they helped us. These confusing questions will definitely give more enjoyment and life to your conversations.

The post 34 Mind Blowing Questions: Excite And Win All Your Friends Over Now! appeared first on Mantelligence.



Jasper, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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