Your New Year’s Eve Horoscope Is Here, & This Is How Each Sign Should Celebrate
December 30, 2021BruceDayne
Ready to celebrate new possibilities for 2022? It’s promising to be a happy year. There's an air of optimism ahead, thanks to Jupiter's recent transit into Pisces. The Planet of Expansion moved into intuitive Pisces as of December 28, blessing us with loads of luck and romance for 2022.
That said, if you're considering setting resolutions this New Year’s Eve, don't be too hard on yourself. Since Venus began her retrograde journey in Capricorn on December 19, we’ve been encouraged to think carefully about details. (Unlike her speedy brother Mercury, the Planet of Love, Beauty, and Money only moves in reverse every 18 months.) We may be tempted to make significant changes through cosmetic procedures, major home changes, hasty relationships, or financial decisions during this period, but we need to hold off. Prepare to be ready for more solid ground and seek transformation when she stations direct on January 29.
The sun’s entrance into practical Capricorn on December 21 encouraged us to celebrate our ambitions and pursue our dreams. This NYE, use that energy to create positive goals and manifest exciting projects. Our collective energy winds down on Friday night as the moon wanes in optimistic Sagittarius. It's time for us to tie up loose ends so that we can begin fresh upon the first new moon in the new year, on January 2 in Capricorn.
Ultimately, the planets are in favor of us having an expansive, successful new year — all we have to do is lean into that energy, and find time to celebrate.
Take it slow, Aries. You may be itching to get things moving this NYE. With romantic-ruling Venus retrograde in Capricorn as of December 19, your passionate spirit needs a little breather. Single or attached, the Planet of Love encourages you to recharge your emotional batteries. Conserve your energy by letting others take the lead. Thinking about strategizing power moves to push your professional life forward in 2022? Right now, your creative-ruling Sun inhabits your 10th house of career in ambitious Capricorn. Bottle this energy by making a list of what you'd like to achieve in the new year. Jupiter, your career-ruler, spends his time in imaginative Pisces this NYE, offering exciting new ideas for your professional life. You might be inclined to host an impromptu get-together with friends to celebrate the end of 2021, as your domestic-ruling moon wanes in generous Sagittarius on December 31. Keep it casual (and safe), and ring in 2022 in the company of friends.
Focus on simplifying your routine, Taurus. There's no sense in complicating your schedule as health-conscious Venus moves retrograde through disciplined Capricorn. Stick to the basics, and you'll wake up in the new year ready for a fresh start as Venus stations direct in determined Capricorn on January 29. You may be thinking of new ways to bring inspiration into your home for the new year. The domestic-ruling Sun lights up your 9th house of education, philosophy, and travel, influencing you to spice things up. Embrace a spirit of adventure during this happy transit. You're feeling connected to others more than ever on NYE, as the moon wanes in freedom-loving Sagittarius. Friends and family are excited to discuss bright ideas for the future — lead the conversation.
Are you ready to leave 2021 behind, Gemini? The world may feel heavier to you right now, but that's just because the sun is traversing your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change. This NYE, embrace the chaos and imagine a future where your dreams are possible. Your financial-ruling Moon wanes in energetic Sagittarius, asking you to take one last look at your budget. Are there any edits or resolutions you'd like to make for the new year? Get ready to set a powerful new intention on January 2 when a new moon arrives in hard-working Capricorn. If you're single, you could see the chance to hook up with someone new in early 2022, as romantic-governing Jupiter fills up Pisces. This happy transit offers lots of love from the universe and encourages us to open our hearts to new possibilities. If you're in a relationship, use this energy to deepen your bond and take your connection to the next level.
You might not be in the mood to host a big party this NYE, Cancer. Home- and family-ruling Venus stationed retrograde back on December 19, putting a bit of a damper on your usually sparkling domestic skills. Don't worry; you'll be back in the game when Venus stations direct in hard-working Capricorn on January 29. For now, enjoy letting someone else take the lead and offer a helping hand as the sun highlights your 7th house of relationships on the last day of 2021. You're incredible at supporting others; share your sense of humor to lift each other up as you celebrate. Your ruling moon wanes in insightful Sagittarius on December 31, helping you to protect your energy. Celebrating the new year at home may be more your style (and, this year, the safer option), as your energy is mirrored by the Moon's intensity. Consider what personal goals you'd like to set for 2022 on January 2, when the Moon begins a fresh new cycle in Capricorn. Wellness-ruling Jupiter entered sensitive Pisces on December 28, helping you to find, and stick to, a schedule that encourages you to be your best self.
Practice being present this New Year’s Eve, Leo. Make sure to leave your work brain at the office as you celebrate, while influence-ruling Venus moves retrograde through ambitious Capricorn. It's a good idea to stick to simple tasks and stay away from grand designs until professional-minded Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29. Redirect your energy towards taking care of your physical body and helping others. At the same time, the ruling sun shines on your 6th house of health, routine, and service. If you're seeing a friend for NYE or celebrating solo, cook up some delicious snacks, or arrange a beautiful charcuterie. Your charm and wit will be a hit in the kitchen, making it the perfect place for you to shine as the new year approaches.
Are you good at making your budget stretch, Virgo? It's time to get a little thrifty this New Year’s Eve. Money-minded Venus is stationed retrograde in Capricorn, encouraging you to come up with cost-effective ways to celebrate the entrance of 2022. You'll be in the right mindset to welcome wealth into your life as Venus stations direct starting on January 29. The future looks bright, as you're seeing the world through rose-colored glasses as the sun brightens your 5th house of romance, creativity, and children. It's easy for you to be present and enjoy the company of friends, and get your flirt on while the Sun shines on this effervescent house. You're feeling the magic of your space thanks to the influence of domestic-ruling Jupiter. The lucky planet spends his time in psychic Pisces, inspiring you to stick close to home to celebrate 2022.
You may want to keep your New Year’s Eve celebrations low-key this year, Libra. With your ruling Venus stationed retrograde in Capricorn since December 19, you may be feeling slower than usual. You can still party (safely, considering the state of the pandemic this year), but hosting might take too much of your energy this new year, so let someone else take care of the planning and see where you end up. Communication-ruling Jupiter moves through sensitive Pisces, so you could be in the mood to get deep in conversation. Alternatively, your venue for celebrating 2022 may be at home sweet home, as the sun highlights your domestic 4th house of home and family. You'll also be focused on winding things down at work. Your career-focused moon wanes in optimistic Sagittarius, signaling the approach of a new beginning. You'll be excited to start a new project on January 2, when the moon begins a new cycle in disciplined Capricorn.
Be gentle with that stinger, Scorpio. Passionate Venus stationed retrograde in realistic Capricorn, taking the wind out of your sails. If you're in a relationship and feeling a little deflated, help yourself rekindle your energy by letting others take care of you and opening up your heart. Single? Embrace your vulnerable side, and let someone surprise you. The influential sun illuminates your 3rd house of communication, helping you voice your opinions and passions at work. Use this powerful energy to help you manifest your goals. Money-minded Jupiter moves through imaginative Pisces on December 28, allowing you to think big when it comes to your finances.
Do you think you could embrace a more minimalist lifestyle, Sagittarius? You might be interested in simplifying your schedule while health- and work-ruling Venus moves retrograde through realistic Capricorn. By the time the planet stations direct again in Capricorn on January 29, you’ll be ready to take on more ambitious tasks. This New Year’s Eve, your mind might be focused on how to manifest cash as the sun lights up your 2nd house of finances, values, and possessions. You’ll also see eye to eye with others, a side effect of the moon waning in hopeful Sagittarius. Lead conversations by asking others about their ambitions, and you'll be the life of the (socially distant) party. Ultimately, it's easy to keep an open mind and heart as ruling Jupiter moves through imaginative Pisces. In 2022, there's nothing that you can't do.
Give your hustle a break, Capricorn. Stick to the basics when it comes to your career this New Year’s Eve, as influential Venus moves retrograde through practical Capricorn. Wait to begin making your next big move for the future as Venus stations direct on January 29. Instead, kick back and get dressed to the nines while the sun celebrates your 1st house of self, appearance, and first impressions. This beautiful transit will help you to command the spotlight and bring attention to your beautiful soul. Whether you're single or attached, you'll be feeling hopeful as your love-ruling moon wanes in honest Sagittarius on the last night of 2021. Get ready to focus on your sensitive side for 2022, as spiritual Jupiter moves through psychic Pisces into the new year. You're gifted with an opportunity for inner growth as the Planet of Luck moves through this intuitive water sign.
Get out of the house if you can, Aquarius. While you may want to steer clear of the crowds this year, you need a little excitement this NYE, as domestic-ruling Venus moves retrograde through eager Capricorn. If you're setting goals for 2022, hold off on making any home improvement plans. You'll be happier with any hard decisions made after January 29, when your home and family planet stations direct. You may have a flash of insight as you reconsider your year, as the passionate sun highlights your 12th house of inner growth, vulnerability, and conclusion. Be kind to yourself as you retrace your steps and move forward to live in the moment. Also consider enjoying a nutritious meal tonight; the moon, which rules your health and work life, is waning in idealist Sagittarius on December 31, so a nourishing practice will feel especially grounding.
You're getting back into the swing of things, Pisces. Make (safe) plans with friends and make New Year’s Eve a night to remember as your wellness-ruling sun shines on your 11th house of groups, friendship, and goals. As the moon wanes in bubbly Sagittarius, you’ll feel more clarity around on where you should spend your energy, and will feel excited to share your ideas. Use this transit to get feedback and help from those in the know. It's an exciting moment to celebrate as influential Jupiter gets cozy in Pisces, bringing you luck in your career. During this transit, make sure to write your best ideas down and get the ball rolling on your passion projects.
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