Where Love Is, Nothing Else Can Be- Ep 167 Go(o)d Mornings with CurlyNikki
December 02, 2021BruceDaynePhoto by Katarzyna Gonsior on Unsplash
Where Love Is, Nothing Else Can Be
Where Love Is, Nothing Else Can Be- Go(o)d Mornings with CurlyNikki
Go(o)d Morning, beautiful!
Take a while to listen to today’s 7-minute-long check-in and reset from “Go(o)d Mornings with CurlyNikki”!
Join our free community of Go(o)d Friends to deep dive into today’s practice with us!
Where Love Is, Nothing Else Can Be – So where does that leave your problems? Where does that leave ‘you’? Only Love is here. Breathe. Smile. Rest.
Today’s Quotes:
“This way of desirelessness is the way to attain your desires.” – Rumi
“Where God is, nothing else can be.”
– John Stephenson, Fullness of Joy
“The challenge for (St.) Francis was not to give up desire but to remember what he really wanted. ”
– Dr. Bruce Davis, “Simple Peace The Spiritual Life of St. Francis of Assisi
Bonus Quotes:
“Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.”
– Adyashanti
“The thing you want is to want nothing.”
– Cory Allen
“You make known to me the path of life;
in your Presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
-Psalm 16:11
“The most exquisite paradox… as soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can’t have it. The minute you don’t want power, you’ll have more than you ever dreamed possible.”
-Ram Dass
Today’s Practice:
1. Stop for a moment (as many times as you can remember throughout the day)
2. Close your eyes
3. Smile and think,” where God is nothing else can be.”
Feel into what the words are pointing toward. This ‘nothing else’ includes your problems, your desires, your darkness, your goodness… it includes YOU! When you’re fully aware of the Presence of God, fully remembering God, you forget (your belief in) the world. You know by feeling, that God, this Love is the only power and you rest and dissolve in That. When you’re ‘here’ no seeming other power can touch you.
I Love you,
If you want to help me out, please subscribe, review and share with someone that needs it! Let’s start a new morning routine, a dope self-care ritual, together, TODAY, and everyday weekday morning at 7 am ET!
With you in and AS Love,
**10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to “Showering Love” a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope, and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.
If you have questions you want me to answer on future episodes, message me at nikki@curlynikki.com.
Check out my recent FORBES feature, here!
via https://dmtbeautyspot.com
Jacqueline Samaroo, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,