Your Weekly Horoscope: November 28th to December 4th, 2021
November 28, 2021BruceDayneThe last red shreds of November and the beginning of December offer different Earthly climate conditions depending on where you are, but the astrological weather is a shared one. On Sunday the 28th, the Sun in Sagittarius makes a conjunction to Mercury in Sagittarius and it’s a good time to say our goodbyes to visiting family members and tenuous connections lest we finally say what’s been percolating for days yet never lands well. Of course, conjunctions are not a bad time for the right conversation, especially when it comes to making new connections and agreements with like minds. So make a date, a phone call, an inquiry with someone who you regard highly, or someone who knows how to make sense of all your inklings.
There are two trines on November 29th, Mars in Scorpio to Neptune Rx in Pisces and Mercury in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries. Both of these trines involve Jupiter and Mars (Mars rules Scorpio and Aries; Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces), so both of these trines activate our desire to enact our will and to expand on what we have already learned and/or experienced. The ideas and inklings, the fortuitous conversations and synchronous emails, they gather around these days asking us what we mean to do with our “wild and precious life” (Mary Oliver, Mars in Scorpio).
November 30th features several sextiles and supportive aspects. Mercury in Sagittarius makes a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius and if you mean to put discipline behind your big plans, you’ll find that there are more ways to move forward then you could have predicted. And they have always been here. The Sun makes a trine to Chiron and it’s a good reminder that you couldn't be who you are, know what you know, without having lived through what you lived through. It’s a gift to be able to see that in yourself, it’s a doorway toward empathy if you walk through it. Speaking of empathy, Venus in Capricorn makes a sextile to Neptune Rx in Pisces and while Venus persists in her retrograde shadow, there’s space today to be supportive of each other even if we don’t understand each other’s methods, even if support means stepping back. The independent Sun in Sagittarius echoes this influence, forming a sextile to well-boundaried Saturn in Aquarius.
Neptune stations direct on December 1st, giving our mutable signs a little relief and our ships better sailing weather for the moment. Both Mercury and the Sun make a quincunx aspect to Uranus on the 1st and 3rd respectively, maintaining that while certain discomforts are behind us, we take ourselves wherever we go and are highly prone to recreating old dynamics with new twists. These insistent desires to move forward, these troubling realizations that there are no versions of ourselves left behind, these faithful steps toward the unknown lead us toward the new moon on December 4th, which is a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Like the heat around a light bulb switched off, or the hum of an idea taking shape, the night is electric and generative.
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Gala Mukomolova, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,