Your Weekly Horoscope: November 28th to December 4th, 2021
November 28, 2021BruceDayneThe last red shreds of November and the beginning of December offer different Earthly climate conditions depending on where you are, but the astrological weather is a shared one. On Sunday the 28th, the Sun in Sagittarius makes a conjunction to Mercury in Sagittarius and it’s a good time to say our goodbyes to visiting family members and tenuous connections lest we finally say what’s been percolating for days yet never lands well. Of course, conjunctions are not a bad time for the right conversation, especially when it comes to making new connections and agreements with like minds. So make a date, a phone call, an inquiry with someone who you regard highly, or someone who knows how to make sense of all your inklings.
There are two trines on November 29th, Mars in Scorpio to Neptune Rx in Pisces and Mercury in Sagittarius to Chiron in Aries. Both of these trines involve Jupiter and Mars (Mars rules Scorpio and Aries; Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces), so both of these trines activate our desire to enact our will and to expand on what we have already learned and/or experienced. The ideas and inklings, the fortuitous conversations and synchronous emails, they gather around these days asking us what we mean to do with our “wild and precious life” (Mary Oliver, Mars in Scorpio).
November 30th features several sextiles and supportive aspects. Mercury in Sagittarius makes a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius and if you mean to put discipline behind your big plans, you’ll find that there are more ways to move forward then you could have predicted. And they have always been here. The Sun makes a trine to Chiron and it’s a good reminder that you couldn't be who you are, know what you know, without having lived through what you lived through. It’s a gift to be able to see that in yourself, it’s a doorway toward empathy if you walk through it. Speaking of empathy, Venus in Capricorn makes a sextile to Neptune Rx in Pisces and while Venus persists in her retrograde shadow, there’s space today to be supportive of each other even if we don’t understand each other’s methods, even if support means stepping back. The independent Sun in Sagittarius echoes this influence, forming a sextile to well-boundaried Saturn in Aquarius.
Neptune stations direct on December 1st, giving our mutable signs a little relief and our ships better sailing weather for the moment. Both Mercury and the Sun make a quincunx aspect to Uranus on the 1st and 3rd respectively, maintaining that while certain discomforts are behind us, we take ourselves wherever we go and are highly prone to recreating old dynamics with new twists. These insistent desires to move forward, these troubling realizations that there are no versions of ourselves left behind, these faithful steps toward the unknown lead us toward the new moon on December 4th, which is a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Like the heat around a light bulb switched off, or the hum of an idea taking shape, the night is electric and generative.

Aries & Aries Rising Horoscope
Sometimes it’s good to be a fire, a small spark that consumes whatever it sets on. But sometimes, it’s good to be a rolling stone — you know, the kind that doesn’t always get what it wants, but it gets what it needs. Keep rolling, Aries, and don’t lose heart. The inconveniences are important redirections, the resources are not dry, they are collecting somewhere else. How will you recognize what you’re waiting for when it comes, if it hasn’t come already? Don’t mistake a winter field for a dead one, reacquaint yourself with what it takes to take care of the ground, the cover that returns nutrients to the soil, the wild grasses that arrive like a memory. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Taurus & Taurus Rising Horoscope
It’s good to remind yourself, whenever you get the chance, that anxiety is not a simple emotion. Anxiety — especially a burst of it — can feel like your heart and mind are two racing horses. Anxiety is physiologically almost identical to excitement. And, it’s a physical response that wants you to move. Remind yourself of these things before the horses of anxiety arrive so that when you instinctively try to control them by slowing down or checking out, there’s a part of you that’ll resist the urge. Encourage that part, engage with it, ask if maybe you’re afraid of getting excited about something, and if the risk is worth the reward.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Gemini & Gemini Rising Horoscope
Mercury is a real straight shooter in Sagittarius, especially while sharing space with the Sun. Between the conjunction on the 28th and the sextile between Mercury and Saturn on the 30th, you might feel emboldened to share your ideas and lend your voice to a bigger cause. Of course, for Gemini risings, this Mercury activity is in the 7th house, regarded as the house of partnerships. This is the house that shows you who you are through your relationships with others. Here, temperance is necessary, especially when it comes to the truths people want versus the ones they can handle. Let the new moon on the 4th guide you toward the questions you’re ready to ask and have answered, not your fear dressed up as intuition. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Cancer & Cancer Rising Horoscope
Well, moon babe, it’s time for another eclipse! This time it’s a solar eclipse and during a solar eclipse, the moon occludes the Sun. Now, it’s not a competition and certainly not traditional astrology as I’ve read it, but there’s just something about the moon coming in so close, like she’s asking for a private moment with the Sun, that gives her just a whiff of Daddy energy. With Sagittarius and therefore Jupiter presiding over the scene, whether the Daddy energy lends itself to discipline or deviance is a toss up. Don’t worry about your role so much, dear Cancer, don’t let the opinions of others muddle your methods. When the week brings the Sun and its possibilities into your court, take your time — but also take your shot.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Leo & Leo Rising Horoscope
Leo, you know, is ruled by the Sun and the Sun is everywhere. It is everywhere and touches everything, feels everything, and is felt in return. So, the Sun knows when the eclipses come and when they shift. The Sun resonates because heat is electric and emotional. I remind you of all this because there might be days when you feel a little side-swiped, a little bit pulled out to sea by the state of things, by the moony emotions that demand to get in the way. That is a human feeling and you are allowed to have it. But, Leo, you are also the Sun and you have always been here. Let the night get long, let darkness settle in the creases where it likes. You can fight it or you can rest into it, take pleasure in knowing that darkness gives light definition.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Virgo & Virgo Rising Horoscope
How can an emotional archivist like you make sense of a week that is both exhausting and restless all at once? Where does one put the buzzing energy that leads up to a solar eclipse when the fatigue of the previous lunar eclipse lingers at the edges, dampening the scene? With Mercury making headway through Sagittarius and only a few degrees away from the solar eclipse on the 4th, you might be drawn to making sense of things before they occur, to ascribe old meanings to new events. And there’s no shame in using the frames you’re familiar with — humans are coded to categorize and seek out the familiar. To break the code you have to be diligent, you have to choose to see what forms before you give it meaning.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Libra & Libra Rising Horoscope
With this week’s upcoming solar eclipse linked to Mercury under the stars of Sagittarius, you might find yourself overcome with desire to hash things out, to use your words to get to the bottom of things so that you can seed something new down there, something better. Communication is key, as they say, but it doesn’t always open the doors you’d expect. Expectation, then, is important, what you expect out of the conversation you initiate and what people can or can’t expect of you. In the days leading up to the new moon, notice when your emotions are driving what you say and the kind of language you use when your feelings are heightened. Is it the language of repair you chose or the language you inherited?Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising Horoscope
There can be a lot of pressure in this capitalism-afflicted world to “get your shit together,” even as it becomes more and more evident that everything around you is falling apart. It can feel like a sleight of hand, the way money rules everything around us and is also increasingly immaterial or — even worse — tied to the (now cursed) image of an affable shiba inu. But what can it mean to get your shit together? And who is it for, exactly? Especially with the climate not so much in crisis anymore as it is at a conclusion. We all have to eat and live through it, Scorpio, but you don’t have to do it on anyone else’s terms. You can, if you’re ready, reimagine your aim and reset your boundaries. You can wake up to each morning’s fresh hell and design it in your image.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Horoscope
There’s no specific regimen or workout that gets your spirit ready for a solar eclipse in your sign. But, if you want to do more than live through it, you can commit to witnessing the event even if the actual eclipse won’t be visible where you are. You can start by noticing, by writing down the patterns of your moods this week leading up to Dec 4th. Choose an hour of the day and return to yourself in that hour each day. Note what thoughts persist, what thoughts have ebbed while others flow. Note the parts of your routine that are predictable, that have become unconscious. How do they affect you? If you had to rewrite your routine from scratch and commit to it, would you write down the same one? A day is shaped by the one who lives it.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising Horoscope
Something about Sagittarius season has the power to unnerve you, something about the centaur that reminds you of a person you might have been if not for the heavy demands you’re compelled to make of yourself. Sagittarians don’t demand proof, not of themselves and not of others. Sagittarius asks you to consider how the conversation that emerges is as valid and impactful as the numbers. Maybe more so. For Capricorn risings especially, there can be a lingering tug toward impulse, toward shooting for the stars just to see how high the arrow will go. This solar eclipse week, why not give it your best shot? Venus is with you and while your pockets might not be deep enough, your love for what you do will see your shot through.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Horoscope
If you let it, this can be a week about friendship. Not the playful, dizzying, and distracting fact of it, but the tenets of friendship and the foundation of it. What do you value in your friends, dear Aquarius? And how do you choose them? When do you know that a friendship has grown roots? When do you call it love? And, if your lovers are your friends too, if you hold them with the same regard, do you hold them to the same tenets? If all friendship is love and all love is a kind of friendship, then romantic partners have no special permission to act badly toward one another. If love is everything they said it would be, then what has been said of nurturing love through harder seasons? Of asking for friendship first and foremost, and finally forgiveness. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Pisces & Pisces Rising Horoscope
It may not sound great out loud, but there’s nothing wrong with making a choice in your best interest. Lots of popular media presents selflessness as aspirational, but selflessness rarely serves anybody. It isn’t honest. Humans who not only admit but respect the fact they have needs and dreams which they won’t compromise are humans who can recognize and respect the needs and dreams of others. This week, Neptune stations direct in your house of self, a move toward transcendence. Then, the moon (what you need to feel secure) will stand in front of the Sun (how you are known) during the solar eclipse, just a few degrees from Mercury. When it’s time to speak up and choose yourself, you’ll find that the words were there all along.Illustration by Stefhany LozanoLike what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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Gala Mukomolova, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,