Your Weekly Horoscope: November 21st to 27th, 2021
November 21, 2021BruceDayneIt’s the last full week of November and the end of Scorpio season, but not the end of Scorpio’s influence, what with Mars still making his mark under Scorpio’s stars. Still, the universe is wise and our Sun’s ingress in Sagittarius is a welcome relief following an especially potent lunar eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Even the stars need a break from time to time, to recover and to reflect. The days leading up to the quarter moon in Virgo on the 27th are just that. An opposition between the Sun in Sagittarius and the North Node in Gemini on the 23rd encourages us to leave space for what we don’t yet know, to live in the story before we decide how it ends. Mercury in Sagittarius follows the impulse with an opposition to the North Node on the 25th, asking: “Are you sure? Is that true? Could there be another truth?” — before we put our feet in our mouths. Saturn in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries on the 26th, supporting our efforts to circumnavigate the paths formed by old wounds, to stop what has harmed us from hemming us in. By the 28th, the Sun’s conjunction to Mercury should feel like an alignment, a light that clarifies our intentions, that helps us mean what we say and say what we mean — even if it hurts.
Aries & Aries Rising Horoscope
Time is on your side, Aries, even if these days seem to collapse time until weeks and months are indistinguishable. Mars, your ruling planet, is still under the stars of Scorpio, where he can both relax and stay ready. He looks to Neptune in Pisces for confirmation: The signs and omens are all around you, the catalyst you’re waiting on is already working on you. There is a flow, but you have to surrender to it. Surrender is not easy, though, no matter how well the word rolls off your tongue — especially when there have been years of compromise. But didn’t those years steer you toward this good road? Mars makes a sextile to Venus in Capricorn too, and it’s a gentle push toward recognition: Your work is never in vain. What is meant for you, comes to you.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Taurus & Taurus Rising Horoscope
The week following the lunar eclipse in Taurus might have you feeling a little laid-out and overextended, especially when it comes to the work you do in the world — and for it. It’s a good thing then that Venus, your ruling planet, continues her transit under the stars of Capricorn. While she may not exactly relish her stay in Capricorn, Venus is not without her pleasures there. Venus is resourceful, whether the resources she has access to are her own or someone else’s, and she can help you be resourceful, too. But, receiving is a skill and a power, and it requires a steady commitment to unlearning. Unlearning the myth of being self-made, of self-sufficiency as a virtue. Your heart is part of a herd: When they eat, you eat, too.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Gemini & Gemini Rising Horoscope
In astrology, we say that the moon shows us what we need to feel secure. But, the moon is also who we are with those familiar to us, those who make us feel safe. What surfaces is a feedback loop more than an arrow. I am myself when I feel secure; I seek secure spaces so I can be myself. A mutable sign, you know that who you are is always changing, redefined by your relationships, weaving new threads into the story of yourself. It’s only right that what you need to feel secure is changing, too; the value systems you inherited are transformed by the life you’ve lived. Seeking reassurance and validation by the old measures won’t ultimately give you what you want: time to grow into who you are becoming, security to share it with others.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Cancer & Cancer Rising Horoscope
If you’re reading this then you have sailed safely through the wild waters of the recent lunar eclipse. A lunar babe, you know that there are no guarantees, not when emotions lap restlessly at our days, changing the shape of the land. And, you know that the red light of the eclipse and the feelings it brought up in you are far from past: feelings about belonging and about connection, about the desire to feel like an integral part of something bigger than you. This week’s last quarter moon in Virgo echoes these emotions but the waves are gentle and, if you stay observant, they will wash up reminders of all the connections you’ve worked so hard for, all the magic you contribute to the circle.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Leo & Leo Rising Horoscope
No one can ever really control their reputation, no matter how little or how much they put out there. The horses of gossip cannot be reined in because gossip is a wild force that loves to run. And while it may be true that there are people out there that have an image of you that feels untrue or outdated, it is also true that your relationship to your own image is shifting. No use in worrying about who others think you are, Leo, when you’re busy finding it out for yourself. Whatever loneliness you face, whatever feelings of isolation find you, remember: you don’t owe anyone an explanation for the work you do. Do the work because it matters to you; do it for reasons that you have a right to keep to yourself.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Virgo & Virgo Rising Horoscope
Mercury’s move into Sagittarius might have you fired up this week, feeling ready to move whatever it is you’ve been negotiating to a new stage. And while there might not be any specific detail or distraction holding you back, it’s worth taking some time to make sure that whatever you agree to do feels good right now. These moments of reflection will be especially useful on the 27th, when the last quarter moon in Virgo squares both Mercury and the North Node. Try to notice when your go-ahead comes from an intuitive understanding of the situation and when your agreements are fueled by anxiety about the future, about a timeline that has not yet been changed to reflect the present moment.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Libra & Libra Rising Horoscope
Venus, your ruling planet, isn’t often described as a teacher but of course she can be. When Venus is in Capricorn, her lessons tend to be hard ones since Capricorn often chooses the hard road. Venus in Capricorn can find herself drawn to relationships that take work, people who are hard to crack, and love that feels like it needs to be earned. To take this attraction at face value, you’d walk into the room of love, roll up your sleeves, and begin to assess: what is or isn’t working? Who is responsible? But, such an approach only makes the work harder and the people involved harder too. Venus in Capricorn wants to find pleasure in the work and such pleasure begins in the room of love where connection is sustained by tenderness.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising Horoscope
With Mars still under your stars, you can rest assured that whatever it is you’re trying to tackle, you have the will to do so and your will is good. What’s in question is not so much your ability or your intention but your very real and limited capacity. If the Taurus full moon had her way with you last week, then surely she conspired to rein you in and set your limits — especially if you felt unable to set those limits yourself. Hopefully, these lunar limits have made an impression on you that persists into the week ahead. Everyone who knows you knows you take your verbal contracts very seriously and you do your best to honor them. The strength of your word is what gives you grace to change your mind — or at least change the terms of your agreements.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Horoscope
Sometimes, Sagittarian fire is a flaming arrow, flying into the distance, looking for a sign of life. But your birthday season lands that arrow and makes a campfire from its small flame, something friends and frenemies can circle around to keep warm and share stories. It may not be obvious, it may not feel like it, but you were born to make that fire a place where connection happens, where we learn from each other by listening deeply and being unafraid to ask questions. In the days to come, as Mercury moves under your stars with the Sun, your role and your gift to others should become more and more apparent to you. It will be your task to accept the information as it comes, and use it to renegotiate old connections and create new ones.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising Horoscope
Okay, but hear me out: What if you spent time with some new friends? What if you widen your circle just a little and let someone new in? Or, better yet, because widening is not your forte (unless you're widening your commitments), what if you dipped your ankles in circles other than your own? Dip your ankles as in: Go a bit deeper, stay a little longer, see if you can acclimate long enough to enjoy the shift in temperature — perhaps even relish it? Venus is all about invitation and when she’s lit up in your first house (Cap Rising) and makes a sextile to Mars in your 11th, what you are looking for is looking for you, too. Whether you’re open to sending an invitation out or ready to accept one, what transpires can have transformative influence.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Horoscope
When you’re a sign that spends their time in the stratosphere, space is the place. But just because you’re a space cadet doesn’t mean you’re not an Earthling too, and as an Earthling, you sometimes need the little things to secure you to your world and give you assurance. It can be hard, of course, to admit the power that little things have over you — things like thoughtful gifts, attentive regard, and mundane acts of consideration. Especially when you compare the size of a sweet note or kind word to the size of the Earth’s grief. But, if you offer the Earth your small kindnesses, both you and the Earth will feel them. The little things make up our lives, they are the magic ingredients to the spells of our days. That’s why they are so potent and so necessary.Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
Pisces & Pisces Rising Horoscope
Just because Scorpio season has wound down to a close, ushering in days illuminated by the inquisitive nature of Sagittarius, doesn’t mean that Scorpio energy is done with you. This is especially true for Pisces Risings, whose 9th house is ruled by Scorpio. Mars’ transit through Scorpio infuses you with wanderlust — what else is new — and pushes you toward all matters of explorations, from new locations to new schools of thought. Surely, carrying this influence with you into Sagittarius season is a recipe for some new adventures, even if one of those adventures is a private journey into the mycelium (Jupiter IS in Aquarius after all). If you have it in you, Pisces, then say yes to the ride, it promises to be a transcendent one. Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
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