Main Keyword = general trivia questions
LINKING = trivia questions
LINKING = questions to ask
LINKING = icebreaker games
These general trivia questions will test how much you actually know about the world around you.
I've published many posts about the best trivia questions here at Mantelligence. Trust me, when it comes to trivia, I know what I'm talking about. If you're also in need of some icebreaker games for your next trivia night, this list has all the best questions to ask.
What are you waiting for? Let’s go!
Best General Trivia Questions To Test Your Stock Knowledge
It's pretty important we keep our general knowledge at top-notch levels in case someone whacks out some general trivia questions. This is why this list of best general trivia questions is great for when you need to add to your knowledge about general things. You can also use these best general trivia questions to challenge your friends and see which of them actually listened when they were in school.
Here are 5 of the best general trivia questions to test your stock knowledge:
What countries made up the original Axis powers in World War II? Answer: Germany, Italy, and Japan
The Axis powers were called as such because Benito Mussolini declared that all the other countries would from then on rotate on the Berlin axis. Having handy information like this is an asset because you'll never know when somebody needs a quick answer. If you're trying to impress a girl and she happens to love fun facts about history, knowing this tidbit will make her think you're smart.
The first dictionary was written by? Answer: Robert Cawdrey
He wrote this in 1604 and it was the first single-language English dictionary that was ever published. It contained 3,000 words. Now, our dictionaries list over 170,000 words. If your friends love Scrabble or word games, asking them this question would catch their attention and really get them thinking.
Who was the first woman pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic? Answer: Amelia Earhart
Although she was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, Amelia Earhart was actually the sixteenth woman to receive a pilot’s license in 1923. She was also became the first person to fly solo across Mexico City to Newark.
How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'? Answer: 8
If you think that that your colleagues like arcade games, this is one of the perfect questions you can ask them. You can also ask a follow up question like “Who are the 8 playable fighters in Street Fighter II?” It is also the best-selling game since the golden age of arcade video games. It is played by 25 million people in the United States alone.
How many referees work a soccer game? Answer: One
What is the world's most expensive spice by weight? Answer: Saffron
Harvesting this spice requires a lot of physical labor. That‘s what makes Saffron the most expensive spice. It costs $5,000 for just one pound. Can you imagine that? Will you use Saffron the same way ever again?
Randomly Picked General Knowledge Trivia For Everyone
LINKING = random trivia questions and answers
General knowledge trivia is useful for when you want to show off your knowledge to your friends. It also makes you look more attractive. Who wouldn't want that?
Using random trivia questions and answers to start conversations with your friends or potential partners is a great way to share your assets to them. Knowing random trivia is great because it allows you to know a little something about everything. It will help you when you want to share your input in different conversations. Each of these questions have been fact-checked, so you don't need to worry about being incorrect. All you need to do is find out the best time to ask these questions.
Here are 3 randomly picked general knowledge trivia for everyone:
On a dartboard, what number is directly opposite No. 1? Answer: 19
Darts is one of the most popular games. The numbering of the standard dartboards is designed in such way to cut down the incidence of a “lucky shot” and to encourage accuracy. This is also a common game found in bars. So, if you want to make drinking nights more fun, learning to play darts will be good for you. Impressing the ladies will also be easy to do when you know how to hit that bull's eye.
What is the nickname of the US state of California? Answer: Golden State
What is Cynophobia the fear of? Answer: Dogs
Even though a lot of people are dog lovers, 1 in 20 people from children to adults suffer Cynophobia. This is less common than the fear of spiders and snakes. From the Greek words that mean “dog” (cyno) and “fear” (phobia), this is one of the best questions to ask if you've got animal lovers in your gang.
What item is the werewolf most afraid of? Answer: Silver
Which Swimming Stroke Was Introduced Into Competition In 1952? Answer: Butterfly
Did you know that the butterfly stroke is one of the most difficult swimming strokes to learn because it requires precise technique in addition to good rhythm? It is also the most effective all-around strokes for toning and building muscles. If you want to get sexy in the water, this stroke is the one to try.
What does “www” stand for in a website browser? Answer: World Wide Web
General Knowledge Quiz for Kids
LINKING = easy trivia
LINKING = trivia for kids
Kids nowadays spend more time on their phones and computers playing games and watching videos. These activities keep them occupied, but it rarely teaches them anything. It is important to keep your kid to be up to date with what is happening in the world. One of the best ways to help your children learn and build their knowledge is through general questions and easy trivia. These trivia for kids can really help them learn more about the world around them.
Here is a good general knowledge quiz for kids:
What geometric shape is generally used for stop signs? Answer: Octagon
Giving the stop sign its unique shape has an advantage. The octagonal shape makes it easy for drivers traveling in the opposite direction to recognize the sign from the back, which helps prevent confusion. Even if it’s covered in snow, you’ll still know it’s a stop sign. Clever, right? Your friends will thank you for this little bit of information, because they know now what to look for when they're driving.
Which American president appears on a one-dollar bill? Answer: George Washington
Which restaurant's mascot is a clown? Answer: McDonald's
Kids go crazy for McDonald’s, so this question will surely catch their attention. Everyone loves McDonald’s! Even the Royal Highness herself had a McDonald’s open right near Windsor Castle. Queens and regular people always need their fast food fixes, and that’s what McDonald’s is for.
How many colors are there in a rainbow? Answer: 7
The Greek philosopher Aristotle first started musing about rainbows and their colors back in 350 BC. The rainbow is not a pure spectrum. It is actually made of a myriad of individual colors that have overlapped and mixed. If you’re teaching kids about the rainbow, here’s an easy trick for them to learn the order of the colors: ROYGBIV. That’s Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Neat trick, right?
What is the name of the largest ocean on earth? Answer: Pacific Ocean
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was the first explorer to sail through the dangerous straits to South America. He called this body of water “Pacific” due to the calmness of the water at the time. Pacific is from the Latin word “Pacificus” meaning “tranquil." Kids love learning about the world. So, when you teach them all about the ocean, this question will get those wheels turning for sure.
What is the rarest M&M color? Answer: Brown
Funny Questions To Ask During A General Knowledge Trivia Game
LINKING = funny trivia questions
Everyone loves a good laugh, right? It's a
Are you planning to host a fun game night? Using funny trivia questions with just the right amount of absurdity will definitely set the mood. You’ll have a lot of fun with these crazy questions because of all the equally crazy answers you’ll hear.
Here are 4 funny questions to ask during a general knowledge trivia game:
What TV series showed the first interracial kiss on American network television? Answer: Star Trek
It is often said that the first interracial kiss on TV was the kiss between Captain James Tiberius Kirk and translator and communications officer Nyota Uhura. This happened in the Star Trek episode "Plato's Stepchildren" that was broadcast on the 22nd of November 1968.
What is a duel between three people called? Answer: A truel
Truel is a three-person competition that generalizes the classic duel in which players can fire at one another in an attempt to eliminate them while surviving themselves. In some cases, weaker players in a truel opt to surrender or commit suicide.
Who invented the word "vomit"? Answer: William Shakespeare
In public places in the state of Florida, what's illegal to do when wearing a swimsuit? Answer: Sing
If you're planning to host a beachside karaoke party, you may want to cancel it. In Florida, it's illegal to sing in public if you're wearing a bikini or any other type of swimming suit. Did you know that it's also illegal to fart after 6 pm? Weird, right?
In the state of Georgia, it’s illegal to eat what with a fork? Answer: Fried chicken
In Gainesville Georgia, there is an ordinance that requires people to eat fried chicken with your hands. Gainesville calls itself "The Poultry Capital of the World." They even have a chicken monument in the center of the town. If you're a lover of fried chicken, this may be your dream vacation spot.
Question: What is measured in "Mickeys"? Answer: The speed of a computer mouse
Henry VIII introduced which tax in England in 1535? Answer: A beard tax
Challenging General Trivia for Adults During Pub Trivia Night
LINKING = hard trivia questions
LINKING = trivia questions for adults
People are always looking for interesting and resourceful ways to connect with family and friends. Sometimes, using hard trivia questions is a great way to challenge your gang and see which of you is the most intelligent one. If your group is a particularly competitive one, try out these trivia questions for adults when you're out in the pub. It's time to boost your general knowledge and run your own epic pub trivia night.
Here are the 3 Challenging General Trivia for adults during Pub Trivia Night:
Which monarch officially made Valentine's Day a holiday in 1537? Answer: Henry VIII
What was the first soft drink in space? Answer: Coca Cola
Globally loved soft drink, Coca-Cola became the first soft drink in space in 1985 and was then shortly followed by Pepsi. The two famous soda companies only had an 8-hour gap between them. Did you also know that the first non-soda drink in space was Tang?
Which is the only edible food that never goes bad? Answer: Honey
Not a fan of bees? You have to give them credit for creating one of the most delicious substances on earth. Honey is also medicinal. It is used as a natural treatment for dandruff, stomach ulcers, and even seasonal allergies. It is one of the few foods known to have an eternal shelf life.
"Hendrick’s," "Larios," and "Seagram’s" are some of the best-selling brands of which spirit? Answer: Gin
Gin is a Dutch creation and was made popular worldwide by the English. Gin was born around 1689 and is one of the healthiest spirits around. It's hard to believe now, but back in the day, gin was actually sold in pharmacies to cure all sorts of ailments.
What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? Answer: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What is the correct term for a question mark immediately followed by an exclamation mark? Answer: Interrobang
How Do You Host A Trivia Game?
Hosting a trivia game is fun and super easy to plan. You should involve a good mix of questions to keep the game going, so it's best to stick to general trivia. Take note that if the gameplay moves too slowly, players may get bored. In the list above, you can use any of the funny and interesting trivia questions we've provided. Your friends will be talking about your memorable game nights for ages to come.
A virtual trivia is a form of game or challenge played via online platforms. Here are 3 tips on how to host a Virtual Trivia night:
1. Schedule your trivia night
Scheduling an event is one of the important step. You should plan this event to avoid the last-minute fuss. Create a group message and state all the necessary details of your game night. It will be a waste of time to wait for everyone, so make sure that you provide all the info a few days before.
2. Send invites to the entire players.
Sending a proper invite to everyone who would be a part of your virtual night is also important. You can email them or send the link to everyone who's participating in the event. Some emails also provide a reminder, so they will be prompted when the game is about to begin.
3. Set the rules.
You should have ground rules for everyone to follow. There are high chances of people getting into fights during the game. So, make sure you prepare a nice set of rules for everyone to avoid confusion.
Hosting your trivia night at your party is a fun way to keep everyone entertained. It is also a good opportunity to get everyone at your party to interact and enjoy each other's company.
Here are 3 tips on how to host a trivia night at your party:
1. Recruiting Players.
Because you are in charge of the trivia night, the first thing you need is to do is figure out the number of players that will be joining. Headcount is important! It will help you plan the format of the game. Is it possible to play solo? Is it better to play in teams? Having the headcount a few days before gives you time to prepare.
2. Have a good M.C.
One of the key parts of trivia game success is to have a good host. They must have a strong voice, witty and able to read questions and answers without stumbling. Plus, they should also know the rules and format of the game so they can explain it well to the players.
3. Prepare Awesome prizes.
Great prizes draw guests! So, when hosting a trivia night, invest in prizes worth competing for! This will add an additional motivation for the players. It will also make the night more memorable.
Pub trivia nights are a great way to entertain guests having a drink or two. It's even better when you plan them with your friends. Ditch the old drinking session that ends in drunk-calling your ex. Plan a great pub trivia night instead! Here are a few tips on planning a pub trivia night:
1. Determine the theme.
One of the steps in hosting a pub trivia night involves picking a theme. The more general questions, the better. Beware of the themed trivia questions that only attract a few folks. Go for the questions that generally apply to everyone.
2. Prepare your questionnaires.
What kind of questions will you be using? You'll have an easy time determining this once you have a theme in mind. Plus, you can always return to the list above for ideas on questions to ask.
3. Plan it with alcohol.
You're in a pub, right? Some parts of the game can include a drinking punishment. Involve the elements at your disposal and you will definitely have a lot of fun with your group. Make sure that they drink moderately, though. Remember, I said you have to ditch drunk-calling your ex.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there anything else you want to know about using general trivia questions? See if these frequently asked questions can answer some of your concerns.
Are general trivia questions easy to answer?
Yes! General trivia questions is easy to answer because some of these questions are composed of general knowledge. They're stuff you probably already learned in school. Just make sure to give easy ones to keep the game light and fun.
What are the benefits of answering trivia questions?
LINKING = benefits of trivia questions
The benefits of trivia questions are extensive. Answering trivia questions will help you improve your cognitive skills. This will also help you to expand your intelligence and improve mental capabilities. It's like an intense workout for the brain.
Who can participate in general trivia games?
Anyone in your group can participate in trivia games. Trivia can be played at any time, any day, with as many people as you desire. But, if your trivia game has a theme, you've got to make sure that your group is fairly familiar with the theme. Otherwise, they won't be able to relate to the questions and it won't be as much fun as you had hoped.
Is it true that trivia questions enhance your brain memory?
Yes! Answering trivia questions can enhance your brain memory. Playing trivia games also unlocks your minds potential and mental cross-training. Playing them with your friends and family will also let you create memories with them. Who wouldn't want that?
More Awesome Trivia Questions
If you want to get more awesome trivia questions, you can check these out:
- LINKING = sports trivia questions - Are you a sports fan? See if you're up to the challenge with these sports trivia questions.
- LINKING = disney trivia questions - If you think you've probably answered every Disney quiz there is, think again. These Disney trivia questions are sure to blow your mind.
- LINKING = star wars trivia questions - Have you got a knack for Star Wars trivia? It's time for you to test your knowledge and see if the force is with you when you answer these Star Wars trivia questions.
In Conclusion
LINKING = same as intro
This list of general trivia questions has now been passed on to you, friend!
Now, I know that you'll be able to reel away from the traditional icebreaker games. You have a great list of questions to ask for your next trivia night, so get your gang hyped up for your plans. Let them know ahead of time that you're hosting a trivia night, so they'll be ready when you whip out these great trivia questions you've just learned.
Here's to your next memorable game night. Have fun!
The post general trivia questions appeared first on Mantelligence.
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