DMT Beauty Transformation: 4 Of Our Best & Warmest Layering Tricks To Optimize Your Outdoor Time This Fall
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4 Of Our Best & Warmest Layering Tricks To Optimize Your Outdoor Time This Fall

October 25, 2021BruceDayne

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Cuddl Duds

Softwear With Stretch Leggings


"Thanks, they have pockets" — something you can say when someone compliments you on these thermal leggings.

Cuddl Duds

Softwear With Stretch Long Sleeve Turtleneck


Did you notice the turtleneck underneath? Another neutral piece adds warmth without detracting from the main pattern.

", "
Cuddl Duds

Softwear With Stretch Long Sleeve Crewneck Top


This lightweight shirt debunks the notion that warmth must equal bulk.

", "
Cuddl Duds

Softwear With Stretch Long Sleeve Crewneck Top


Fifteen colorways means you can make even more eye-catching combos with these crazy-comfy tops.

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Cuddl Duds

Chenille Knit Beanie With Pom


Chenille isn't just for throws — a pom-pom beanie in the ultra-soft fabric feels just as snuggly.

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Of all the changes we’ve gone through in the past 1.75 years, there’s one so minor you might not have even noticed it: checking the weather report with increased regularity. It makes sense — whereas in the before times we’d go door to door from home to the train/bus/car to the office then back again, these days, we’re still maintaining our daily walk schedules and socializing more outside.

But what does this mean for our wardrobes? For one, we’re now even more highly attuned to the exact mille-feuille of clothes needed for specific temps (more on that in a bit.) For another, we’ve found the key to achieving successful layering: Cuddl Duds, whose much-loved thermals, turtlenecks, leggings, and more have kept us toasty through it all — including a holiday dinner outdoors when we were sat far from any heat lamps (true story).

This philosophy served us well then, as it will this cold-weather season. So below, see four tried-and-true outfit recipes — accompanied by some sample forecasts — that’ll keep you warm and stylish.

Cool and overcast (though that can’t dull your shine)

When in doubt, choose co-ords — these come in a printed thermal that’ll keep you toasty and autumnally picturesque. Top the matchy-matchy affair with a neutral shacket and headband to keep the focus on that cheerful red and blue buffalo check.

55° with a chance of toasting marshmallows

For a streamlined look that’s still appropriate for all-day light bopping, start with a feels-like-nothing-at-all-soft top to wear closest to your skin. Then add a heavier shirt on top and matching bottoms — both in the most unbelievably warm fleece — to make a monochromatic outer layer (very put-together). Finally, pull on gloves to keep your digits flexible — we heard there’s going to be a s’mores assembly line later.

Brisk & ideal for browsing a farm stand

Double the tops means double the insulation against the elements, which you’ll need if you’re going to rise early to unearth the best produce for your tagine. (Seriously, the farmer’s market can be a competitive sport sometimes.) A lightweight duster can 1) be removed if picking out the most prize-winning turnip has you heated, and 2) easily take you straight to post-harvest brunch, combined with a pair of stretchy leggings.

50° (but feels like 60° with the hiking)

Here, the formula has you layering fleece on top of the softest crewneck for the ultimate in warmth and comfort. (Play with scrunching the sleeves to reveal a flash of blue, and don’t forget leggings in a cloud-soft material to complete the cozy vibe.) As the cherry on top of your strategic fabric sandwiching, the outermost button-up can be peeled off to tie around your waist when you finally reach the overlook.

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?



Kat Slootsky, DMT.NEWS, DMT BeautySpot,

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