#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
It started, like so many things over the past year, over Zoom. Constantly looking at myself in my computer monitor, I noticed a few things. First, I talk with my hands way more than I realized. And secondly, I hate my crocked bottom teeth. Maybe it was the “Zoom Dysmorphia,” I'd been hearing about, but it was actually something I'd been considering for a while.
So I decided to use the last few months of social isolation to my advantage and straighten my teeth with clear aligners. After all, at a time when so many of us are relying on meal kits and on-demand workouts via connected equipment, why not have your orthodontia delivered to your door as well?
Of course, I'm not the only one thinking this. These aligners have become increasingly more popular over the past few years. Which is why the market seems suddenly flooded with companies offering to deliver a perfect smile with little to no effort involved. How do they work exactly? According to the American Association of Orthodontists, these 3-D printed aligners are essentially plastic replicas of your teeth. Wearing them puts gentle pressure on the teeth, slowly but effectively repositioning them.
So which one's the best? Some, like AlignerCo, claim to have the lowest prices. Others, like Byte and Candid, promise premium service and speed. You've got to do your homework when it comes to body modification, right? Here's what I found and why I decided to go with the company I did.
via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
, Khareem Sudlow