Finding Your Purpose and Getting Paid Well for It- Erica Wigley’s Journey
March 10, 2021BruceDayne#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Finding Your Purpose with Erica Wigley
HERjourney Series
“There are empowering life questions that will open the window of heaven within you. Questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose? What am I called to do? What lights my soul on fire? What are my gifts and talents? The answers will clarify your path forward.” – Erica Wigley
Tell us about yourself!
My name is Erica Marie Wigley and I’m a coach, consultant, meditation instructor, and nurse. I reside in NYC with my family. My two sons are 25 years old and 21 years old. My oldest son is an investment banker in NYC, and my youngest son is a senior at Fordham University.
How long have you been on a self-healing or spiritual journey?
I’ve been on this journey since 2007.
What event, situation, or life circumstance sparked your journey to finding your purpose?
I hit my version of rock bottom from two events: The first is from a highly contentious divorce and custody battle in 2002-2004 that left me feeling broken. My solace was in uncovering the truth about myself beyond my relationship with pain in this physical world. I consciously made the decision to “disconnect” from many of the people that I knew, and I invested many years asking the deeper questions of life to uncover who I really am, what I wanted, what I was called to do, and how to forgive….to forgive myself for making decisions that were not best suited for me and to forgive my ex-husband. I also spent many years reading, being a student, and in many ways I will always be a student, even though I share the wisdom that I’ve learned now.
My second life altering moment was when I almost lost my life, after a surgical complication. The beauty about that moment was that I was no longer willing to work at a job that was not congruent with my soul and spirit. I no longer had the desire to play it safe anymore, so I resigned from my job and took a chance on accepting a new position that was not financially rewarding but was soulfully rewarding. It was one of the BEST decisions I made that eventually opened up other opportunities that allowed me to do what I love and get paid well for it later on.
What’s your primary practice?
Laughing with my sons, being playful, meditation, prayer, breathwork, connecting with the people I love, talking with God, mindful of the answers He sends me, mindful of how I feel and honoring those feelings by giving myself what I need, mindful of how my body communicates with me based on food/environment/people/thoughts/situations, and quiet time to reflect, clear, and cleanse.
What’s your top three favorite books?!
How are YOU treating Life?, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, A New Earth, ….(there are so many :-).
How has it benefited you mentally, physically/materially, and/or spiritually?
Absolutely, all four. Each book is thought provoking and questions life and our fit within it. It speaks to our potential and our now. It holds our hand, leads the way, and then guides us. It also opens up a new world beyond what we think exists. It’s like Alice in Wonderland, but realizing that WE are the wonderland.
Have you faced any challenges since beginning? How did you overcome?
Yes, I once worked for a company that was not in alignment with who I was. It was a toxic work environment in which I was warned by one of their employees before accepting the position. In fact, most people left the job within a year of being hired. After two years of being there I became physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. I was aware that things needed to change but I was worried about leaving a “good paying” job because I had children to support. During the time I was scheduled for minor surgery, which I knew energetically was related to the stress I was holding in my body. What was supposed to be a simple procedure left me almost losing my life. During those moments of complete surrender, I was forced to be still, and to focus on what truly mattered. It was during that time that I was willing to leave my position, even with the uncertainty of knowing what the next steps would be.
After three months of recovery, I went back to work with the clear intention that my solution was coming. On one of my last appointments at work, I decided to cross the lines. No one at work knew that I became a Reiki Master, and was asked to speak at a wellness event for Mind Body week in Bethesda, MD. As I was waiting for the meeting to begin, one of the nurses and physicians saw my Reiki book and said: “Wow, are you a Reiki Master? So is Dr. Lee.” As you can imagine, I was blown away, because I ordinarily wouldn’t share what I do outside of work with what I do inside of work, but this time I threw caution to the wind and didn’t care who knew because I was clear that I was leaving that job. A week later, the same nurse called to tell me that there’s a position available to help spearhead a groundbreaking Integrative Medicine program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Pentagon, Ft Belvoir, Quantico, and Andrews Airforce. And guess what? The Medical Director in charge of that initiative was someone I knew many years prior. It was during those times that I merged who I was outside of work with who I was inside of work. I no longer had these dual roles. It was the culture of that environment to leave people better than how they entered. My gifts and talents were finally being used in purposeful ways to help others. It was also the reason why I created a coaching and consulting business, and furthered my knowledge as a meditation teacher by studying at The Chopra Center. I learned a very valuable lesson, we can turn our bruises into beauty, our sorrow into success, and our breakdown into breakthroughs. It’s all a choice. It’s a choice in how we decide to play this game called, Life. And I decided to play it, instead of it playing me.
Share one of the biggest winks or nods from God/The Universe that let you know you’re on the right path!
Wow, there are so many winks from God. In 2010, I was on a girl’s trip with one of my friends in NYC. At the time, I was living in Maryland, and one of my bestie’s was in Philly, so we decided to meet in Manhattan. About a month before our trip, I set a clear intention on creating an echo friendly skin care line. In my intention setting exercise, I shared with God all the reasons why I felt worthy of creating these products. I asked God to give me a clear sign in a way that I would understand. As I closed out this exercise, this question stayed on my mind: “Am I worthy?” Flash forward, I’m on the girl’s trip for the weekend, and we walk into Bloomingdale’s department store on East 57th street. As we went up the escalator to the second floor, my eyes landed on a nightshirt that said: You Are Worthy! I started laughing hysterically as I told my friend that God had blatantly answered my question. A couple years later, my skincare and haircare line was sold in Whole Foods Market.
I have so many stories of winks from God over the years, including following the promptings to start my coaching & consulting business. In fact, almost everyday I receive a wink from God. This is why I know that there is a world beyond what we can see, feel, touch, taste, smell, and even fully comprehend.
Advice or counsel for those looking to get started on the journey!
There are empowering life questions that will open the window of heaven within you. Questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose? What am I called to do? What lights my soul on fire? What are my gifts and talents? The answers will clarify your path forward. Follow the promptings within you by becoming mindfully aware of your thoughts and how those thoughts affect your feelings, how those feelings affect your physiology, how your physiology affects your actions, and how your actions affect the life that you create. It’s the subtle things that creep up ever so silently that we must be aware of. The reality is that you and I are powerful manifestors. That means, even the things that we don’t like, we somehow pull those conditions toward us. As we learn how to harness our superpower in helpful ways, we’ll create more of what we want to experience, and the people we want to experience it with.
Finding your purpose doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. In fact, it comes when you stop thinking! For more information on stepping into your true Self, click HERE!
What’s your story? Respond to the questions/prompts above, and submit to using ‘herjourney’ in the subject line!
curlynikki, Khareem Sudlow