DMT Beauty Transformation: 6 Steps to Self-Love Success

6 Steps to Self-Love Success

March 19, 2021BruceDayne

#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

how to find self love

According to Malanda, the steps to self-love are:


2. Isolate

3. Ache from being ‘lonely’

4. Healing

5. Acceptance

6. See God where you are, and where the world is.

self-love self-love self-love 

We look in the mirror and feel Go(o)d. We look at our family from the feeling of Love. We look at the people we don’t like and feel God inside. Where they appear to be, God is. Where we appear to be, only Love is. It is our true work to recognize this truth in every moment.

If you find yourself actually reading my wordy captions every day, know that you have been called. This Love is waking up where you are, and announcing Itself. The more you rest in and trust It, the more you’ll know and feel that, ‘Only God is present. Only the Love of God is here and I am that Love.’ You are safe. Say that, now— ‘I am safe.’ Feel the relief. Feel the Love.

curlynikki self love
This Love is your security. Love is Freedom. This Love is Life. Love is the only Power.

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” – #Rumi

You’re remembering.

With you in and AS this ocean of Love,



curlynikki, Khareem Sudlow

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