DMT Beauty Transformation: 30 Great Literature Trivia – See How Your Love For Reading Will Fare Now
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30 Great Literature Trivia – See How Your Love For Reading Will Fare Now

February 08, 2021BruceDayne

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couple reading a book - literature trivia

via: Pexels / RODNAE Productions

Test your knowledge of all things literature with these amazing literature trivia questions. See how well you know your literature with categories ranging from poetry to popular fiction novels.

If you love reading and know plenty of famous authors, this quiz will be a breeze. Use these trivia questions on members of a book club, or even in your English literature class.

The benefits of trivia questions are endless, and you’ll definitely benefit from this game of literature trivia.


5 Best Literature Trivia

girl holding pages of book

via: Unsplash / Natalie Grainger

If you think you know most of the best-selling books and their authors then you’ll enjoy these trivia questions. What’s great about these literature trivia questions is that they focus on all the best books and their brilliant, well-known authors.

Here are the 5 best literature trivia questions:

1. The Fault In Our Stars takes its title from which Shakespearean play?

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Julius Caesar

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The title comes from the quote, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, for we are underlings.”

2. What year were the first Pulitzer Prizes awarded?

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$250,000 was given in prizes and scholarships. That’s worth close to $8 million today.

Man handing diploma

via: Pexels / Ekrulila

3. What was the first book sold on

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Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought

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Well, of course, it would be a book about computers. Amazon is pretty much as old as the internet is.

4. What was the first novel ever written?

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The Tale of Genji

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It’s a Japanese novel written about 1,000 years ago.

Open book with pair of glasses on top

via: Unsplash / Adam Nieścioruk

5. A picture of which author, who created the character Huckleberry Finn, was the first image to be uploaded onto Wikipedia?

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Mark Twain

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And the quality of Wikipedia images is just as bad now as they were then.

5 Easy Literature Trivia

a paper on a typewriter

via: Pexels / Suzy Hazelwood

You don’t need to know much about literature to get these easy trivia questions right. Heck, you don’t even have to love reading. Most of the those listed here have had films made out of them. So, let’s hope you enjoy watching movies.

Here are 5 easy literature trivia questions:

6. Who is the protagonist of The Hunger Games?

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Katniss Everdeen

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The author of the hunger games says she got the idea of the name Katniss from the Arrowhead plant.

boy shooting a bow and arrow

via: Unsplash / Niklas Tidbury

7. How many acts are in Romeo and Juliet?

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An interesting fact to know is that these two were only teens, with Juliet being just 13.

8. According to the most popular modern text, what type of government exists in the world of Humpty Dumpty?

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A Monarchy

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All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

an empty room with chandelier

via: Pexels / Skitterphoto

9. What is the seventh and final installment in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series?

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Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows

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There are 7 books in the series which were made into 8 films. The last one split into two parts.

10. What was the title of Tolkien’s sequel to The Hobbit?

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The Lord of the Rings

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Although, if we’re talking about the films, The Hobbit was a prequel to The Lord of the Rings.

sword with intricate details

via: Unsplash / Ricardo Cruz

5 Fun Literature Trivia

Man playing a guitar in front of an Opera House

via: Pexels / Roy Reyna

Who said literature has to be boring? Those who don’t enjoy reading can get a kick out of these fun trivia questions. And those who love reading will enjoy these so much more.

Here are 5 fun literature trivia questions: 

11. What is the name of Thor’s war hammer?

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The name Mjolnir is thought to come from Scandinavian languages with it being close to a word meaning “to crush it”.

12. What word did Robert A. Heinlein introduce into the English language in his book Stranger in a Strange Land?

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If you don’t know, the word grok is pretty much the same as saying “I feel you”.

Hand holding purple flowers

via: Pexels / cottonbro

13. What is the smallest book in the Welsh National Library?

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Old King Cole

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By small, we don’t mean it has a short story. The book is only 44mm by 33mm in measurements. It makes a good sized book for a mouse.

14. In Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist, what food does Oliver famously ask for more of when he says: “Please, Sir, I want some more”?

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Haven’t we all repeated this line when asking for more of something?

hands clasped together

via: Pexels / Arina Krasnikova

15. What title belongs to the first novel in the James Bond series?

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Casino Royale

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This is actually a tough question due to all the books there are in the series.

4 American Literature Trivia

A sailor writing

via: Unsplash / Museums Victoria

Literature has a long history that goes back centuries and it has helped the written language developed. Take your time and learn about the history of literature with these history trivia questions. You’ll be happy to know that they’re all American history trivia questions.

Here are 4 American literature trivia questions:

16. What writer had more than 70 different pen names?

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Lauran Paine

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This was because his publishers only allowed a certain number of books for each other. So he decided to publish his books under different names so he could write more.

open notebook with scribbled notes

via: Pexels / Min An

17. Edith Wharton became the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize with which book?

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The Age of Innocence

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The book has been turned into a film which came out in 1993 and started Michelle Pfeiffer and a very young Winona Ryder.

18. In what year was Gillian Flynn’s domestic thriller Gone Girl published?

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And two years later a film was released due to the popularity of the story.

a clapboard

via: Pexels / Obregonia D. Toretto

19. To Kill A Mockingbird is set in what fictional town?

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Maycomb, Alabama

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The town name might be fictional, but the events that happen in the book are very realistic and most definitely did occur in the state of Alabama.

5 Random Literature Trivia

hands typing on typewriter

via: Unsplash / Neel

Not all literature history comes from books. Sometimes the interesting facts come from the personal lives of the writers, or other random stuff. Learn some interestingly random things with these random trivia questions based (loosely) on literature.

Here are 5 random literature trivia questions:

20. Why was playwright Joe Orton sent to prison in 1962?

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Defacing library books

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After being released from prison, he said that being locked up in solitude was good for his writing.

Man standing behind prison bars

via: Pexels / RODNAE Productions

21. In 2004 who became the first person to earn $1 billion by writing books?

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J.K Rowling

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The Harry Potter books alone are worth 7 billion dollars, with J.K. Rowling making around 1 billion dollars from them.

22. What famous author was a descendant of one of the Salem witches?

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Ray Bradbury

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He’s a decendant of Mary Bradbury who was accused of being a witch. She managed to get out of her hanging sentence though.

Old witch rag doll on a motorcycle

via: Pexels / revac film’s&photography

23. What is the name of Christian’s helicopter in 50 Shades of Grey?

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Charlie Tango

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Because of the Seattle Aviation Law, producers for the films weren’t able to get the exact helicopter described in the novels.

24. What is the title of the longest-running play ever written?

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The Mousetrap

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It has been playing since 1952 making it close to 70 years old.

Girls dancing on a stage with flowers on hand

via: Pexels / Dalila Dalprat

6 Hard Literature Trivia

Old lady reading with a magnifying glass

via: Pexels / Anna Shvets

Are you an English Major or know someone who is? Maybe you’d like to challenge your English literature teacher with a game of trivia. If you do, then these hard trivia questions will work just fine. Just make sure you study up on all the answers to outsmart your teacher.

Here are 6 hard literature trivia questions:

25. Who coined the word ‘robot’?

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Josef Čapek

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Is it odd to say that his name sounds robotic. Spelling Joseph with an F at the end… Come on.

26. George H.W. Bush owned a famous book-writing dog with what name?

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Millie was the first dog to write a book and it was at the top of New York’s best sellers. Talk about great marketing!

Dog being pet on the head

via: Pexels / Alice Castro

27. Mohandas Gandhi carried whose essay entitled “Civil Disobedience” with him during his prison stays?

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Henry David Thoreau’s

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Ghandi was impressed by Thoreau’s resistance. In his book, he simply stated how you have the right to disobey your wrong doing government.

28. How many rejections did Louis L’Amour receive before being published?

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That’s the type of perseverance we all need. If you keep trying, you’ll get there one day, even if it takes 200 tries.

crumpled pieces of paper

via: Pexels / Steve Johnson

29. According to the earliest medieval ballads about him, where did Robin Hood live?

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Bernsdale Forest

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This is a part of South Yorkshire, England.

30. All of this author’s novels, including Amerika, were published after his death in 1824.

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Kafka only became famous after his death. He continued writing even on his death bed and asked his good friend to destroy all of his writings after he dies.

Three books stacked on top of a table

via: Pexels / Suzy Hazelwood

Downloadable List of Literature Trivia

Here is a downloadable list of literature trivia (right-click the image and select Save Image As…):

downloadable list

via: Mantelligence

More Awesome Trivia Questions

We can all agree that trivia is awesome. Try out these other questions instead.

  1. You don’t need to read the books to know the answers to these Harry Potter trivia questions. They’ve all been made into movies!
  2. Music is just poetry with a melody. So, if you’re a fan of literature (or not) then you have to check out these music trivia questions.
  3. Books, music, movies… They’re all part of pop culture. If you stay up to date with the latest trends then you won’t have a problem answering some pop culture trivia questions.

How To Pick The Best Literature Trivia

Girl reading a book in front of a bookshelf

via: Pexels / Pixabay

Do you need some help choosing the best questions for your trivia game? Just follow the tips below.

Here’s how to pick the best literature trivia questions:

1. Popular Facts Give Everyone a Chance

Bookshelf for teenagers section

via: Unsplash / Sincerely Media

People love playing games they can relate to. So when you add a whole lot of popular subjects into your game, it makes it so much more fun. Remember that this is a game, and unless you’re trying to give people a lesson on literature, go with the questions you know people will guess correctly.

2. Add a Little Bit of Everything

Woman scribbling notes on an open notebook

via: Pexels / fauxels

Unless you know exactly how everyone wants to play the game, add questions from each category. You never know which subjects people will like best.

In Conclusion

If you weren’t familiar with all the answers to these literature trivia questions, we’re sure you are now. And it’s likely that you’ve benefited from all these trivia questions.

Because, like we said above, there are so many benefits of trivia questions. Thanks to us, you might have just become a little more smarter.

The post 30 Great Literature Trivia – See How Your Love For Reading Will Fare Now appeared first on Mantelligence.



Jasper, Khareem Sudlow

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