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After a year as unpredictable and collectively hated as 2020, we're all looking forward to ushering in 2021. But before we can do that, we could really use some guidance on exactly how we can go about making this upcoming year less of a dumpster fire. That's where tarot comes in.
Tarot is a form of divination that uses a pack of playing cards to provide a sense of direction. Practitioners believe that readings can help us figure out how we can best cope with the world around us. And while personalized readings can offer individual insight into the things going on in your life, practitioners can also practice "collective pulls" that offer more general insight, similar to how astrologers can give insight into the a particular planetary transit might have on everyone, in addition to specific signs. So why not use the cards to see what 2021 might have in store for us?
We sat down with Sarah Potter, a tarot reader, professional witch, and color magic practitioner based in New York City, for a collective 2021 tarot reading to help guide you into the new year and beyond. Click through to see what lies ahead.
Page Of Wands
The first card that Potter pulled for the 2021 reading is the Page of Wands, and it perfectly encompasses the "new year, new me" mindset. "This makes me think of that new intention energy — setting seeds, that spark we have when things are beginning and we have all of this desire to do something new," she explains. But, she notes, it's almost like we're not really sure how to channel this energy into our lives.
We're all so psyched that the Worst Year Ever, 2020, is finally over. But just because the numbers on the calendar are changing doesn't mean that everything is going to reset and improve in an instant, Potter warns.
"We have this technology and the vaccine coming out. Things are changing and we see the light at the end of the tunnel," Potter says. "But the reality is at 12:01 on January 1, 2021, we're still going to be feeling that 2020 energy — we're just going to have a little more optimism and excitement."
Potter's interpretation of this card: Don't head into the New Year thinking that everything is going to change once the clock strikes 12. There's still a pandemic going on, many of us are still working from home or out of work, so manage your expectations.Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Potter.
Knight Of Swords
Next, Potter pulls the Knight of Swords — something she says is a "really cool progression" to come after the Page Of Wands. She says that the energy from this card helps us direct that "I really want to move forward this year, but I don't know how" energy we get from the Page of Wands.
"Knight Of Swords calms us and says, 'This is what we do, this is the plan, here's how we put it into action,'" Potter explains. "I feel like it's a really nice thing, because when we're super-inspired and feeling creative, if we just let that energy be a jumble, we don't get anything done. Knight Of Swords calms that into action."
After the initial anti-climactic, jumbled start to the New Year, this card shows promise that we'll be able to move forward in 2021 and set our goals into action. It may look different for each of us, but that energy will be there for us to take advantage of.Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Potter.
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man tells Potter that while the energy may be there, the timeline might not be what we expected. This is one of the 22 major arcana cards in the deck, which represent big life lessons and karmic influences. The Hanged Man often comes up when we're in limbo. "I don't think our plans are going to come to fruition as fast as we want them to," Potter says. "I always think of The Hanged Man as saying, 'How do I get comfortable when everything is unknown and uncertain?'"
It may sound negative, but Potter says that this card paired with both the Page of Wands and Knight of Swords points to a lot of optimism. "If your plans don't take off immediately, it's okay," Potter says. "Just take this moment of pause to reflect and maybe change course if you need to. Understand that just because it's not happening as fast as you want it to it doesn't mean it's happening at all."
There may be a mid-year slump where our plans and goals aren't moving along as quick as we'd like, but the cards are telling us to use this slight decline to our advantage by taking time to reflect on what we really want. The key things we'll need to have during this time is patience and trust in the process. "It's not going to change overnight, but it is changing incrementally," Potter says.Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Potter.
9 Of Pentacles
Another natural progression: After that sense of pause from The Hanged Man, the 9 Of Pentacles indicates a rededication to our goals. "This card really brings forth our wishes and desires," Potter says. "I feel like that pause helps us get to this space, this is when things really get moving."
Potter says this is when the cards and their messages start to shift to the second half of the year. That may be when we'll start to see the advancements in technology (which might relate to more widespread roll-outs of the new COVID vaccines), and may speak to our new president enacting his own rules and regulations. After the first half of the year slump, this is when things will start to pick up again — just be patient!Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Potter.
Queen Of Wands
We'll end our year with the energy of the Queen of Wands — the card that Potter says is her favorite out of the entire 78-card deck. "If you've been holding back, or if that Hanged Man energy is you holding back, the Queen of Wands is saying, 'Be bold, be unapologetically you, be creative, shine as bright as you possible can,'" she explains. "It's almost that we see this progression of an idea and of creativity, and then by the end of the year we're fully standing in our new, fully realized life and reality because we are truly stepping into our own power."
This card is telling us that we'll probably be ending 2021 on a high note. Potter says this feels incredibly optimistic. The general theme of the collective 2021 pull, she says: "Don't give up!"Photo: Courtesy of Sarah Potter.
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Elizabeth Gulino, Khareem Sudlow