#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
After one of the most groundbreaking years we’ve experienced in decades, 2021 arrives and kickstarts us into the Age of Aquarius. This is defined by two power player planets — Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, and Saturn, the Planet of Challenge — leave the practical and conservative sign of Capricorn, where they’ve resided since 2019 and 2017, respectively, and entering airy, unconventional Aquarius for several years. The year 2021 brings unparalleled progress in the fields of humanitarianism, technology, social movements, and raising the collective consciousness. During this new era, we’ll see a rise of people signing up for therapy or mindful meditation, most likely through online services. Many students will continue to choose virtual learning over in-person classes, and we’ll notice that fewer high-school graduates choose to go directly start college — gap years will be on the rise, as well as leaps into entrepreneurship.
With Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, spending another year in the grounded sign of Taurus, and Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, still in Capricorn until 2024, we may collectively experience a tug-of-war between our desires to build a new society with fresh, radical ideals, and the comfort of staying connected to the status quo, holding on to what feels familiar, even if it’s outdated.
Politically, the year begins on an unprecedented note. On January 20, 2021, inauguration day in the United States, Saturn and Neptune form a planetary square to each other, and since Neptune is the Planet of Illusion, we should gear up for the transition into a new presidential era to be a bit nebulous and confusing for many.
Patience will be essential during the first quarter of 2021, as we adjust to the changing cosmic tides. As a collective, accountability will be an essential theme in 2021 — not only holding our elected officials accountable for the change we’d like to see, but holding ourselves accountable for being that change as well. We must remember, however, that the more we try to rush productive change, the longer it takes to arrive.
Our collective efforts at building a better society will make an impact, particularly around March 2021 when Mars, the Planet of Action, enters Gemini, followed by the start of the astrological new year on the 21st. That's when we'll start to see greater momentum in our lives and feel like the year has truly kicked off. Save your resolution-making: The Aries New Moon on April 11 is an ideal time to set intentions for what we’d like the year to feel and look like.
Jupiter briefly shifts out of Aquarius and enters Pisces on May 13 for the first time in 12 years. It stays there until July 28, and this is one of the most beneficial transits of 2021. Since Jupiter feels at home in Pisces, summertime may feel more loving, sensual, and filled with creative possibility for all zodiac signs. Our relationships with ourselves and others will deepen significantly, and there’s likely to be less overt political strife around this time. There will be a larger emphasis on healing through sustainable, holistic means during this transit. On the heels of the first year of the pandemic, chances are, humans will have been making healthier lifestyle decisions and boosting our immune systems through taking better care of our bodies via the food, drinks, and media we choose to consume — and, potentially, getting vaccinated. Around early-October, as Saturn and Pluto end their retrograde, we may start to feel as though we’ve gotten over the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The final quarter of 2021 is likely to be the most exciting for us on a political, financial, and personal level. As both Pluto and Saturn end their retrogrades in early-October (on Oct. 6 and Oct. 11, respectively) we’ll see the return of many themes from summer 2020. But due to the shift Saturn made into Aquarius in December 2020, we’ll find ourselves open to more innovative solutions, which will help us connect with each other in a more universal way, even if it’s still mostly digitally. 2021 is the year where we may make new friends in unforeseen places. Many of the intentions we set around the start of the astrological new year in March 2021 will unfold beautifully by the Full Moon in Aries on October 20, allowing us to enter the final two months of 2021 feeling more liberated and confident in our futures than we did when it began.
Dossé-Via is a West African astrologer with 15 years of experience and the founder of KnowTheZodiac.com.
March 21 to April 19
You’re one of the wisest zodiac signs as the year begins, Aries, because you learned major lessons regarding patience, perseverance, and trusting oneself in 2020. Keep that same energy as your ruler Mars shifts out of your sign at the start of the year and enters Taurus, activating your sector of security and abundance. Money will be on your mind, and your ability to sustainably attract and maintain it is connected to your ability to have faith in divine timing. Remember — your sense of wealth is connected to your self-esteem, so make sure the rewards you’re seeking this year aren’t just financial, but spiritual too. From February 21 to May 8, Ceres, the asteroid that represents self-care, will be in your sign, amping up your wellness journey. You may commit to a new fitness or health plan. Just focus on feeling good mentally and physically, and make sure you're not overexerting yourself in the process. Your ruler Mars will be in Cancer from April 23 to June 11, encouraging you to slow your roll enough to intuitively tune into your body’s needs. Pace yourself this year, Aries, and you’ll get where you desire sooner than you think. From June 20 to October 18, Jupiter goes retrograde in your sectors of technology and wellness, and this may be an ideal time for you to re-evaluate what you tend to give your time, resources, and attention to. A digital detox or timeline purge may help you weed out distractions and focus on what's most essential, and this will help you close out Q4 with a bang once Jupiter shifts direct. Illustrated by Vero Romero
April 20 to May 20
Taurus, you’re one of the cosmic favorites in 2021, especially since Mars, the Planet of Action, enters your sign January 6th, imbuing you with a greater sense of passion and commitment to your goals. Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, is also hanging out in your sign until 2026, making you feel more revolutionary, radical, and open to unconventional ways of living and loving. It ends its five-month retrograde on January 6, allowing the first half of 2021 to feel more expansive than previous months had. While you tend to love and seek stability, this isn't necessarily going to be the most predictable year, Taurus. You’ll have to learn to roll with the punches now that power players Saturn and Jupiter are both in the unconventional sign of Aquarius. This may be the year where you let yourself explore paths you previously had deemed unrealistic. After a year like 2020, you now know that nothing's off limits — you just have to give yourself permission to explore. Your birthday season is an ideal time to travel or go on an adventure. There will be a blend of Taurus, Gemini and Scorpio energy in the air around that time, encouraging leaps of faith and greater spontaneity. The Sagittarius lunar eclipse at the end of May lights up your sector of depth and outside resources, and you may have a financial windfall around that time too. Uranus begins its retrograde in your sign August 19, and your annual hibernation period begins. People may think you’re mellowing out, but your brain will still be plotting your next move from behind-the-scenes. You’ll be silently and consistently getting ready for a major reveal by your Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19. Illustrated by Vero Romero
May 21 to June 20
2021 is likely to be a year where you recreate yourself, Gemini. With your ruler Mercury entering Aquarius on January 8, you’ll feel inspired to look for new places to live, new topics to study, and new people to love. Saturn and Jupiter’s presence in your sector of expansion this year may lead to many of your dreams coming true — you just have to take time to decide what those dreams are, and commit to them. The start of the astrological new year on March 21 activates your sector of tech and social networks, so if some of your friendships start shifting around that time, know that it’s okay. You may have outgrown certain connections, and remaining true to your authentic self is key to having a successful year. With Mars, the Planet of Action, in your sign from March 3 to April 23, you’ll feel motivated to kickstart a new chapter in your life, and you'll be able to attract what and who you want with greater ease. On May 26, the first eclipse of the year takes place during Gemini Season. It’s a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, and it activates your partnership sector. If you have to leave a relationship or a dead-end job around this time, know that it’s for the better. Allow yourself to mourn, especially during Mercury’s retrograde in your sign from May 29 to June 22. You'll have to let go of a lot of dead weight this year, and once you do, you’ll find that much of what you've wanted flows to you consistently. On July 31, the asteroid Ceres enters your sign, and then starts its retrograde on October 8. You’ll be most social and optimistic in August and September, making these prime months to take leaps of faith, travel, and widen your social circle.
Illustrated by Vero Romero
June 21 to July 22
The end of last year brought a series of intense eclipses, Cancer. The energy of 2021 encourages you to mellow out and take a breather as you adjust to a more free-flowing reality during the Age of Aquarius. Use the first five months of the year to build your nest egg with both Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius activating your sector of depth, wealth, and mergers. You may win a lawsuit or an inheritance around this time, or suddenly forge a long-term partnership that has the potential to reap great rewards. Once Mars enters your sign from April 23 to June 11, you’ll feel more sensual and romantic, and you’ll also feel a desire to remain close to home. Just make sure you don’t lean too much into hermit mode as summertime approaches. June 10's New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini activates your sector of spirituality and healing, so you may decide to go on a mindful meditation retreat or begin a yoga certification around this time. You're feeling an urge to heal inside and out, and to extend those healing powers to those around you. Use your annual New Moon on July 9 to think of ways to boost your self-esteem over the course of the next six months. The last half of 2021 is likely to be filled with opportunities for you to put yourself out there more consistently and be celebrated for your talents. Scorpio Season is likely to be the most tantalizing of all the seasons for you, as your sector of fate, fun and adventure is lit up, and you may find yourself falling in love with a person, a craft, or yourself. Keep that same energy as the year closes out, Cancer. Illustrated by Vero Romero
July 23 to August 22
In 2021 you’ll be focused on creating balance, harmony, and sustainable adventure in your partnerships, Leo, be they romantic, professional, platonic, or a blend of them all. During Aquarius Season from January 19 to February 18, the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter stay in your partnership sector. You may pour your heart out to someone regarding your desire to connect with them. Interestingly enough, the more passionate and authentic you are about your desires, the more likely you are to get what you want. So avoid the urge to tame your needs or dim your shine just because you’re sometimes seen as intimidating. This is the year to let yourself fully glow (especially around your annual Leo Full Moon on January 28), and those who are meant to shine with you will gravitate towards you. During Mars’ transit in Cancer from April 23 to June 11, you may go into your annual hermit mode as you choose to recreate yourself by becoming aware of inner securities or trauma that you’d like to heal. Then once Mars shifts into your sign from June 11 to July 29, you’ll be the center of attention, making it an ideal time to ask for a raise, get married, or dive into creative self-expression. Saturn and Jupiter’s retrograde in Aquarius on May 23 and June 20, respectively, may lead to you taking a step back from your social circles and learning how to feel fulfilled on your own, which can feel empowering, yet at times lonely or isolating. Luckily you’ll come alive in Q4 once Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 6, significantly easing the pressure you placed on yourself professionally and health-wise. You’ll end the year in a more hopeful and daring state of mind, saying yes to more adventures, more flirtations, and more soul-stirring passions. It’s what you deserve!
Illustrated by Vero Romero
August 23 to September 22
You’ll appear to be flying under the radar in 2021, Virgo, but you’ll actually be the one calling the shots — just the way you like it. As your planetary ruler Mercury enters innovative Aquarius on January 8, the way you think about your goals will feel more unconventional and progressive. Perhaps you’ve noticed a feeling of stagnation in recent months, and you know it’s time to take greater leaps of faith in the direction of your inner child’s dreams. This is the year to do it, and the Leo Full Moon on January 28 can lead to you receiving the confidence needed to initiate dramatic change. But hold your horses during Mercury’s first retrograde, from January 30 to February 20. Use the period before the astrological new year on March 21 to re-evaluate, re-organize, review and release what’s no longer efficient in all areas of your life. Around the Scorpio Full Moon on April 26, you may be celebrated at work or reach a creative milestone that helps amp up your momentum as we near the midway point of the year. Jupiter’s brief shift into Pisces from May 13 to July 28 can lead to you falling in love, or deepening a soulful connection with someone who sees you in ways you’ve never been seen before. The most transformative period of the year may arrive around November 24, once Mercury enters Sagittarius during eclipse season. You may travel somewhere new and discover a hidden hobby or secret talent, so use this as motivation to make this a year where you set yourself free of self-imposed limitations. Illustrated by Vero Romero
September 23 to October 22
Saturn and Jupiter’s shift into Aquarius as 2021 begins lightens up our collective energy, Libra. For you, this year is about exploration of self and exploration of others, in ways that feel both fresh and familiar. With Jupiter and Saturn activating your sectors of fate, true love, and adventure, your inner child wants to take the lead in 2021. Explore various creative activities that they’d love to partake in. Whether that means signing up for an improv class, taking an online painting workshop, getting back into modeling or photography, or starting an online blog, the more you let your creative juices flow, the more expansive this year will be for you, particularly around the Leo Full Moon on January 28. You may make a digital splash around this time that will have a lasting influence — maybe you’ll go viral or connect with a mentor who helps guide you throughout the year. Two months later, your annual Libra Full Moon helps you resolve a six-month hang-up regarding your personal self-esteem. You may feel like a chapter has been closed, and a part of you has been reborn. Grudges may be released around this time, allowing you to open yourself up to new connections. Jupiter’s shift into Pisces from May 13 to July 28 activates your wellness sector, and you may decide to invest in therapy, acupuncture, or consistent full-body massages as a way to prioritize bliss and holistic healing. This gears you up for a rejuvenating birthday season and annual New Moon on October 6, the same day Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, goes direct in your domesticity sector. You may find yourself wanting to stay close to home during the final stretch of 2021, so take time to redecorate, renovate, and add special touches to your home base so it can feel like a comforting haven, no matter what may be happening externally. Illustrated by Vero Romero
October 23 to November 21
What would you do if you stopped overanalyzing everything and lived in the moment, Scorpio? That’s the main question you’ll seek to answer this 2021, and you’ll make an adventure out of getting to the bottom of it. With your ruler Mars entering Taurus as the year begins, and Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, ending its five-month retrograde in your partnership sector, you’ll realize that even though you can be an independent, self-sufficient being, you don’t always want to be. You may forge or deepen a connection — either platonic, romantic, or a blend of both — in January and February 2021 that plays a lasting role throughout the year. The key to it being sustainable is to release the need to control every bit of it, and have fun watching it all unfold. Once the astrological new year begins on March 21, your sector of health and wellness will be activated, and you may feel like you’re ready to create goals that you’ll commit to in terms of your mental and physical health. This may be the point in time where you boss up in every area of your life and get to work on projects you previously procrastinated on. The Scorpio Full Moon on April 26 can lead to an intention you set around your birthday last year manifesting, and your whole life could change for the better around this time. Use Mars’ transit in Cancer from April 23 to June 11 to explore your relationship with your spirituality and deepen your connection to home. In late-August, Uranus’ retrograde can lead to sudden endings in essential partnerships, or it may have you re-evaluating your priorities. Once Mars enters your sign from October 30 to December 13, you’ll feel a greater sense of clarity and deepened ambition, allowing your dreams to flow to and through you with ease. You’ll end the year feeling like you’re living the ultimate dream.
Illustrated by Vero Romero
November 22 to December 21
With your ruler Jupiter shifting into Aquarius this year, Sagittarius, you’ll find yourself thinking of deeply progressive and revolutionary ideas, and it’ll be challenging to turn your mind off, particularly as the year begins. The Capricorn New Moon on January 13 activates your sector of abundance and security, and this encourages you to commit to glowing up financially in the next six months. It’d be a great time to work with a financial advisor and take a look at your spending. What can you do to simplify, re-evaluate, and better strategize so that you can build a nest egg for rainier days? While Mars, the Planet of Action, is in Gemini from March 3 to April 23, you may find that you naturally connect with people on similar missions as you, who can help you reach your goals with greater efficiency. You’re likely to have many adventures and exciting discussions around this time, but you’ll have to avoid getting sidetracked or easily distracted in the process. Pluto’s five-month retrograde in Capricorn begins April 27, and you’ll find yourself undergoing an inner transformation regarding what your values are, as well as your relationship to wealth. You may start exploring minimalism around this time, as you realize that you don’t need as many material items as you once sought out. June 10 brings a Gemini Solar Eclipse and potent new moon in your partnership sector. A relationship or creative collab that begins now could meet outstanding success by year’s end. Once Venus enters your sign October 7, all eyes will be on you, allowing you to attract love, money and success with greater ease. This energy will multiply around the total Solar Eclipse New Moon in your sign December 4. Suddenly, your path may feel more clear than it had all year, and if you’ve taken time to create a stable foundation for yourself in the months prior to this eclipse, you’ll end the year feeling like nothing is beyond your reach.
Illustrated by Vero Romero
December 22 to January 19
This year, you’re granted a major cosmic breather, Capricorn, and you truly deserve it. It may feel weird at first, because after several years of constantly grinding due to Jupiter’s, Saturn’s, and Pluto’s lingering presence in your sign, you’re finally being gifted the opportunity to just mellow out and bask in your rewards. And yes, major rewards are on their way to you this year. With the Aquarius Age now in full effect, your sector of abundance, money, and security is activated, and you’ll notice that you have to work less to increase your income. You may decide to explore entrepreneurship in 2021, and it’s likely that you’ll find success in running an online business and coming up with ways of making passive income, by working smarter and not harder. Use your annual Capricorn New Moon on January 13 to set specific intentions about what you'd like to manifest for yourself within the next six months. Re-read these intentions up until the Leo Full Moon on January 28, and you’ll already start to see paths being paved for them to become a reality. Once Pluto begins its retrograde in your sign on April 27, you may feel the need to retreat from the social sphere and become more psychologically attuned with your own self. Two months later, the Full Moon in your sign on June 24 brings a pause to your hermit stage, and can also lead to you receiving financial rewards and professional accolades for the work you’ve done since 2021 began. Take a breather between then and the Fall 2021 to reflect on all that you’ve already accomplished instead of immediately putting pressure on yourself to do even more. From October 6 onwards, Pluto will shift direct in your sign, giving you the green light to end the year in the most extravagant way possible. Treat yourself like your ultimate best friend this year, and watch how the Universe continues to show you how worthy you are of an abundant life.
Illustrated by Vero Romero
January 20 to February 18
When I tell you 2021 is your year, Aquarius, I really mean it. It’s not every year that both Jupiter and Saturn align in the same sign — and that’s what’s happening this year. We’ve entered the Age of Aquarius, and you are therefore a symbol of this cosmic change of tides. Your ability to transmit energies is otherworldly, so don’t be surprised if parts of 2021 feel a bit trippy, as though you can think of one thing that you’d like one minute, and then manifest it the next. Use these manifestation powers wisely, especially when the year begins. Your modern ruler Uranus ends its five-month retrograde in Taurus on January 14, and for the following seven months you’ll be thinking of what home means to you, as well as the long-term legacy you’d like to leave on the world. With Mercury being retrograde for most of your birthday season, you’ll feel compelled to tie up loose ends during the first quarter of 2021. Mid-June, Mars, the Planet of Action, shifts into Leo for six weeks, activating your partnership sector. Things could get steamy with a new or ongoing connection around this time, and you’ll find yourself saying yes to unexpected rendezvous or opportunities to make beautiful art (and love) with people who understand the expansiveness of your mind. Saturn will be retrograde in your sign from May 23 to October 10, and that may be a period of time where you question your “why” and your life journey, releasing all that no longer resonates with who you’re growing into. Once Jupiter joins Saturn direct in your sign on October 18, however, expect to have flashes of insight regarding what’s next for you. As the year winds down, what you’ve asked and wished will become ready for you to claim. Be prepared to receive your blessings.
Illustrated by Vero Romero
February 19 to March 20
What if you could have everything you dreamt of, Pisces? What if you could believe in an existence that’s consistently fulfilling, dreamy, and fantasy-like? You’ll get a taste of this reality this year, with Jupiter briefly entering your sign for the first time in 12 years, from May 13 to July 28. When Jupiter is in your sign, life looks out for you a bit more than most, and you’re likely to feel luckier and more abundant than you had in previous years. But just because there’s abundance, doesn’t mean it’s easy to manage. So before Jupiter leaves Aquarius in mid-May, create a strategy for what you’ll do when everything you’ve asked for starts to fall into your lap, as if by magic. Once Jupiter shifts into your sign, spread the wealth that you receive to others; the more you give, the more comes back to you. Donating to charitable causes, rooting for the underdog, and shedding light on neglected social causes will come naturally to you during this transit — the key, however, is to make sure your own cup is full before trying to fix or save others. April 11 brings the Aries New Moon in your security sector, and you may notice a boost in your income around then, as well as your self-confidence. Set intentions to shoot your shot more consistently, and go after dream gigs or relationships that previously seemed intimidating. During your rulers Jupiter’s and Neptune’s retrogrades during the second half of the year, you’ll have a chance to reflect, and may find that you’ve outgrown friendships, places, or career paths — and that's okay. Once Neptune shifts direct in your sign on December 1, in the midst of eclipse season, you’ll feel like a caterpillar that’s transformed into a brilliant butterfly, and you’ll start to align yourself with more of the people and journeys you’d like to consistently experience. Jupiter will officially re-enter your sign for 13 months on December 28, meaning that as the year ends, your cosmic glow-up is just beginning. Remember those dreams you had at the start of the year? They’ll now become your reality. Illustrated by Vero Romero
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Dossé-Via, Khareem Sudlow