Are Resolutions Relevant? How We Are Giving Back in 2021
December 31, 2020BruceDayne#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
I do it every single year.
I get my notebook and sit down to make the grand list of New Year’s Resolutions. My list usually consists of things like “play more piano” or “travel to a new country” and “do the kitchen renovation.” Some of those things are meaningful and some I was actually able to accomplish in 2020. However, those are not the types of resolutions I am jotting down in my notebook as I head into 2021.
If I learned anything in 2020, it’s that I have very little to zero control over things that are outside of my control. That sounds silly to say, but what I mean is that I can only have control over my own happiness and my own family. I cannot control things like illness, airline schedules, shut downs, rainy days, beautiful days, other people’s opinion of me and my family or even the way my messages are received in this world. And when I cannot control many outside factors, it can be quite difficult to downright impossible to achieve goals, work on personal projects and meet the added pressure to “improve” thy self.
While I truly see how resolutions can feel very counterproductive during troubling times and during a very difficult year, I am choosing to continue with my annual tradition in creating them.
However, this year I’m doing things a bit differently.
Rather than sitting down to check off a list of accomplishments from the year prior, or setting some sort of goals that circulate around change or improvements to myself, I’m adding a bit of compassion and grace to my “resolutions.” There will be no pressure or list of goals to achieve. In fact, I’m very much letting myself off the hook from really having any goals in the next year.
My list, which you can find at the bottom of this email, is more of a “begin as you mean to go” list. They are things that I have already started to do and implement in my life over the last year. The way I see it, this list is fairly easy for me to continue to work on because I’ve already starting doing the “work” (doesn’t feel like work at all).

My List of Resolutions for 2021
Worry and stress less – Last year, I allowed things to really stress me out far more than I should have allowed. Sometimes there are things that are completely outside of your control. Stressing about them will not alter the outcome nor add any value to your life. I started watching the news less. I figure if there is something that I really, really “need” to know then someone will tell me about it.
Get my Health in Check – I have actually already begun to do this by getting my very first mammogram a few weeks ago (check, check!). I also saw my first Orthopedic specialist for a neck injury and got my hormones checked by a hormone specialist who put me on a variety of supplements. Often times I put off or avoid going to doctors, dentists and getting things checked in on unless something is “wrong.” My goal by the end of the year is to be up to date on all of my check-ups.
Be the Best Mom I can be for June <3
Find More Meaning in my Work – Thanks to every single one of you, my amazing and supportive readers and friends, we were able to offer contributions and support to those in need during 2020. With every purchase, click, like or comment that is made on my blog and social media channels, I either earn money through commissions plus it increases the value of my brand which allows me to make an income. As a result, this year we were able to give back more than ever before. Just after Covid-19 hit the US, we began increasing our charitable outreach by donating 50% of our proceeds to Baby2Baby for the first 3 months of the year. We also started a GoFundMe for my dear friend, Amanda Kloots, where you all helped raise funds to support her and her family. As the year went on, we expanded to help support different organizations and strengthened the amount of monthly donations we make to them. We also ran several giveaways through my social media channels to support giving back to those in need and shed light to small businesses. We also collaborated on an exclusive necklace with Retrouvai that donated 100% of the proceeds back to The Love Land Foundation. Let’s not forget 1212, the baby clothing brand that I am a Creative Director for and the incredibly generous donations we offer year-round. With each purchase you make, a donation is made back to Baby2Baby.
I am so proud of this work, because without adding this meaningful element, I simply do not know what my “WHY” would be. I also think it is so important to celebrate these amazing contributions because they would not be possible without your readership, loyalty, comments, purchases made through my blog and YOUR SUPPORT. I cannot thank you enough. As the New Year begins, I want to assure you all that we will continue to do our best work so that we can continue to support those in need.
jaceylenae, Khareem Sudlow