Your Zodiac Sign Influences Your Voting Style. Here’s What You Need To Know
October 16, 2020BruceDayne#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Arguably the biggest day of the year is right around the corner: Election Day. And this year, the lead-up has been especially intense. We're trying to figure out our voting plan. We're feeling stressed out from the news. We're alternately hopeful and despairing about the possible outcome.
If you're into astrology, you may be turning to the stars for some comfort and guidance during this time. While we should never use astrology as an excuse for inaction (the stars aren't going to swoop in and register you to vote, after all), astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Refinery29 that the zodiac can offer a useful way to make sense of the events taking place around us.
Mercury ending is ending its retrograde right on November 3, which means the weeks leading up to Election Day will be filled with possible mishaps and communication glitches. And each sign has its own specific way of handling the frustration and pressure that comes with the 2020 election season.
Ahead, everything you need to know about your sign's voting style — and your best action plan ahead of November 3.
March 21 to April 19
Aries are known for being impulsive fire signs. But when it comes to picking a candidate, they have their heart set on a certain someone for the job. "They are very impetuous, but they also really vote for who they're passionate about," Stardust says. "Aries are probably going to be the first ones to mail out their ballots or be the first ones at the election site."
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
April 20 to May 20
Stardust says that Tauruses are actually the opposite of Aries in this case. "They're a little bit lazier and slower," she explains (lovingly!). They're more likely to get their ballot in the mail at the last minute instead of early. Voting by deadline is better than not voting at all, but voting early is the best option. So Taureans: Consider using this as your sign to fight against your nature and get your ballot in as soon as possible.
As far as who a Taurus would vote for, Stardust says that they'd probably cast their vote for someone who is the "most representative of what they think are their basic needs."
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
May 21 to June 20
We love a Gemini voter because they're vocal about their views. Even if they don't change any minds, they'll be out there reminding people that it's time to vote. But all the red tape surrounding when, where, and how to vote might pose a hurdle. "At times, Geminis don't follow the rules," Stardust says. (It should come as no surprise that President Donald Trump is a Gemini.) "They just have to stick to the program and make sure that they're organized."
If you're a Gemini and you're planning on voting by mail, triple-check your state's laws and regulations to make sure your voting plan is air-tight. For example, if you're voting by mail, make sure you follow your state's directions for which type of ink to use when filling out your ballot. If you're voting in person, you may need to have a state-issued ID with you on the day of. Pay attention to the little things so that you're not floundering this November 3.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
June 21 to July 22
Stardust isn't too worried about Cancers on November 3 — they usually have a plan in place. "They're the ones to physically go to the polls during their lunch break, and know everyone working them," she explains.
Consider spreading that buttoned-up energy around. Remind friends and family to vote, and share your plan with them. The awareness might help bring more people to the polls.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
July 23 to August 22
As always, Leos are ready for their close-up — this time with their "I Voted" stickers. "They're going to be the ones to take the picture of themselves with the sticker," Stardust says. "They're going to brag about it." Which, tbh, in times like these, who wouldn't brag about exercising their civic duty to cast a vote?
Because the Lions tend to be so convincing, they should definitely use the power of their voice to encourage others to vote — especially those close to them.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
August 23 to September 22
Virgos are coming into this election from an analytical perspective, although their hearts may rule their voting style this year. "They're going to vote for the person who they're most emotionally connected to," Stardust explains.
Voting for a candidate like this may just make Virgos emotional — so make sure to bring along a buddy when you drop off your ballot to a secure location before November 3. You'll need the support!
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
September 23 to October 22
Voting is a Libra's thing, Stardust says, because they're ruled by the scales of justice. Libras are going into this election with a fair and balanced mindset — in their eyes, there's only one option to choose. "They're full-on committed to who they like," Stardust says.
They'll be the first to get their ballots and to have their voting plans in place — so if you're a Libra, just double-check all the details of your plan. As a sign that's ruled by balance and seeing both sides, Libras are uniquely positioned to help their undecided friends and family. Chat with any on-the-fencers you know to see how they're feeling and if they need a voting plan as well.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
October 23 to November 21
"Scorpios are very impassioned, even more so than Aries, with who they're going to vote for and how they're going to vote," Stardust says. (No wonder Democratic candidate Joe Biden is a Scorpio!) "They're most likely to get into arguments with people who don't share the same political beliefs as them." A healthy debate is never a bad thing, but beware, Scorpio, if you're biting off more than you can chew. In these times, your mental health is far more important than getting your point across.
Stardust says that Scorpios are intuitive, and that they're probably not going to physically go to the voting sites on November 3. If that's you, hopefully your mail-in voting plan in already place. If not, it's time to decide whether you're going to drop off your ballot at a box or mail it in.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
November 22 to December 21
Like Scorpios, Sags are ready to get into an argument this Election Day — not over who someone is voting for, but for their lack of voting at all. They will come for you if you don't exercise your right before or on Election Day.
"They'll be posting memes all day on social media trying to get people to vote," Stardust says. And, tbh, that could very well work. The sign of the Archer can be very convincing. Stardust says if you're a Sagittarius, you should try and make voting a party: Invite your friends and family and turn Election Day into a bonding experience. Just make sure to socially distance and wear masks.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
December 22 to January 19
Capricorns are reflective, so they're going to use election season to get into depth about politics and really try to see others' point of view, Stardust says. "They're going to take this election very seriously," she explains. "They believe that people voting is a reflection of themselves."
If you're a Cap, use this time leading up to the election to speak your truth and use your voice. Your realistic and practical nature may just get across to someone who hasn't seen things your way before.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
January 20 to February 18
"Aquariuses are going to be a bit more fanatical than Sags," Stardust explains. "They're going to be posting all day and sending information, maybe even protesting."
On Election Day, the Aquarius is a doer — a good option for this sign would be to volunteer to work the polls this year, so they can really feel like they're getting in on the action.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
February 19 to March 20
Pisces are really on top of voting this year, and they believe that they can make a difference. "They are the dreamers, and they do believe in change," Stardust says. "They're going to be the ones getting a bit stir-crazy during the election."
Going for a walk or getting in a workout during election season will help calm Pisceans' nerves immensely. Adding in some self-care on and before November 3 is a must — not just for the sign of the fish, but for everyone.
Your Action Plan: VOTE! In many states, early voting has already begun. You can find a thorough plan, with links to all the information you need to know for your state, in our voting guide here.
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