This Bodyweight Workout Will Give You An Exercise High — In 12 Minutes
September 03, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Bodyweight exercises are the best. They're usually small space-friendly (a necessity in the age of coronavirus when our home has also become our office and gym). They're easily modifiable to every level. They're inexpensive (you literally just need your body). And they really, really, really work. Some of my best endorphin rushes — and worst bouts of next-day soreness — have been brought on by bodyweight moves.
Kelsey Wells, a trainer with Kayla Itsines' SWEAT app, knows the power of bodyweight exercises. Her PWR at Home program (available on the app) now delivers 40 full weeks of no-equipment-necessary exercise plans. "There are a variety of ways to add intensity to your workout if you have no equipment," she says.
Need proof? Wells designed this 12- to 15-minute full-body bodyweight workout just for Refinery29 readers. It includes a superset, a circuit, and a burnout — and combines strength and high-intensity exercises to really get your blood pumping and endorphins flowing.
Grab a yoga mat, cue up the timer on your phone, press play on your favorite upbeat playlist, and start swiping — you'll be sweating in no time.
Superset 1: Spider Crawl
Step 1
Place both hands on the mat slightly further than shoulder-width apart, feet together on the mat behind you, while resting on the balls of your feet. While maintaining a neutral spine, bend your elbows and lower your torso toward the mat until your arms form two 90-degree angles. This is your starting position.
Step 2
Take a big step forward with your left hand and right foot at the same time, bringing your knee out to the side so that it almost touches your right elbow, rotating your torso slightly. Ensure that your abdominals remain engaged and that your torso remains parallel with the floor. Return to the starting position.
Step 3
Take a big step forward with your right hand and left foot at the same time, bringing your knee out to the side so that it almost touches your left elbow, rotating your torso slightly. Once again, ensure that your abdominals remain engaged and that your torso remains parallel with the floor. Continue alternating between left and right for the specified number of repetitions, inhaling for two steps and exhaling for two steps.
Reps: 12 (6 per side)
Move directly to slide 2.Superset 1: Ab Bike
Step 1
Start by lying flat on your back on a yoga mat with your legs extended out in front of you. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your earlobes. Gently raise both legs and your head and shoulders off the mat. This is your starting position.
Step 2
While keeping your right leg extended, bend your left knee and draw it in toward your chest. At the same time, rotate your torso to the left to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
Step 3
Untwist your torso and extend your left knee to return to the starting position. Bend your right knee and draw it in toward your chest and rotate your torso to the right to bring your left elbow to your right knee.
Step 4
Untwist your torso and extend your right knee to return to the starting position. Continue alternating between left and right for the specified number of repetitions, inhaling for four repetitions and exhaling for four repetitions.
Reps: 12 (6 per side)
Repeat slides 1 & 2 (Spider Crawl and Ab Bikes) 3x.
Then rest 1 minute and move to slide 3.Circuit 1: Glute Bridge
Step 1
Start by lying flat on your back on a yoga mat. Bend your knees and position your feet firmly on the mat, ensuring that they are hip-width apart and your spine is in a neutral position. Allow your arms to rest by your sides on the mat. This is your starting position.
Step 2
Inhale, exhale, and gently draw your ribs to your hips to engage your core. Press your heels into the mat, activate your glutes, and raise your pelvis off the floor until your body forms one straight line from chin to knee, resting on your shoulders.
Step 3
Inhale. Lower your pelvis to return to the starting position. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.
Repeat for 30 seconds
Move directly to slide 4.Circuit 1: Downward Dog Diamond Push Up
Step 1
Place both hands on the mat with both your index fingers and thumbs touching to form a diamond shape on the mat, feet together on the mat behind you while resting on the balls of your feet in a push-up position. While maintaining a neutral spine and stabilizing through your abdominals, elevate your hips to create an inverted V shape. This is your starting position.
Step 2
Inhale and, while maintaining a neutral spine, bend at your elbows to lower your head toward the floor, ensuring that your torso is tracking along the same line.
Step 3
Exhale as you push away from the floor extending your elbows to return to the starting position. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.
Repeat for 30 seconds
Move directly to slide 5.Circuit 1: Sprawls
Step 1
Plant both feet on the floor further than shoulder-width apart. Point both feet slightly outward. Bend at both the hips and knees until your upper legs are parallel to (in line with) the floor, ensuring that your knees remain in line with your toes and your back remains within 45- to 90-degrees of your hips. This is your starting position.
Step 2
Inhale. Place your hands on the mat between your feet, ensuring that your spine remains in a neutral position. Jump both of your feet backward, so that your legs are completely extended behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. Your body should be in one straight line from your head to your heels.
Step 3
Exhale. Jump both of your feet forward in between your hands, ensuring that your feet are wider than your shoulders and that your feet are pointed out slightly. Release your hands from the mat and elevate your torso slightly to return to the starting position. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.
Repeat for 30 seconds
Repeat slides 3 through 5 (Glute Bridge, Downward Dog Diamond Push-Up, & Sprawls) 3x.
Then rest 1 minute and move to slide 6.Burnout: Pop Squat
Step 1
Plant both feet together on the floor. This is your starting position.
Step 2
Inhale, exhale, and, pushing through your heels, propel your body upward into the air, extending your legs beneath you. Reposition your legs to land in a sumo squat position with your feet slightly further than shoulder-width apart, ensuring that you maintain "soft" knees to prevent injury. Bend your knees until your upper legs are parallel with the floor, ensuring that your back remains within a 45- to 90-degree angle to your hips.
Step 3
Inhale, push through your heels, and propel your body upward into the air, extending your legs beneath you. Reposition your legs to land in the starting position. Repeat for the specified number of repetitions.
Reps: 10
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