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via: Unsplash / Toa Heftiba
When hosting a trivia night, it always pays to remember that fun trivia questions are the best trivia questions. Although you might feel like you’re stuck for questions to ask, all you need are amusing and entertaining topics to draw from. The trivia questions that not only get the best response but also entertain the players or teams the most are the most fun questions.
Unlike ice breaker questions, fun trivia questions have a definite right answer, which makes them great for quizzes. But these fun questions to ask are suitable for all abilities and all ages, making for a super enjoyable quiz night or trivia night. If you need some fantastic inspiration for entertaining trivia questions, check out the categories below.
8 Best Fun Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Ali Yahya
If you want to make sure you’re choosing the very best fun questions for your quiz, these are the ones you want to browse through. Choose your favorites from the list below and they’ll ensure that your trivia night is entertaining for all.
Here are the 8 best fun trivia questions:
1. Name the biggest Island in the world.
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Greenland has a total area of 2.16 million square kilometers which most of the landmass is totally covered by an ice cap! Now that’s a fact not many people will be able to guess as this isn’t a well-known fact.
2. Which country produces the most coffee in the world?
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Last year, Mexico’s coffee production is estimated to be around 4.5 million bags. Did you know this about Brazil? It might be easier to guess the country which produces the most tea.
3. How many Grammys does John Legend have?
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He snatched three awards in his first-ever Grammy Award for Best R&B Album (Get Lifted), Best Male R&B Vocal Performance (“Ordinary People”), and Best New Artist. He’s known for having won a huge amount of awards, truly a legend.
4. What is the brightest star in the sky?
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A great question for kids. Sirius, also known as the Dog Star has an apparent visual magnitude of 1.46. It has a surface temperature of 9, 9940 Kelvins (K) that is 4,000 K higher than that of the Sun.
5. What nut is used to make marzipan?
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Marzipan consists of almond meal and sugar. People who are fans of cakes and candy are usually the best at answering this question. In fact, maybe they would know that January 12th is National Marzipan Day!

via: Unsplash / Marcos Paulo Prado
6. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
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The man commonly remembered for his succession of wives: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr. Moreover, Catherine, his first wife, was his brother widow. He has quite a controversial life I might say.
7. What is it called when a bottle of champagne is open with a sword?
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Everyone should know the answer to this. Champagne sabering started with Napoleon Bonaparte and his soldiers celebrating its victory that became so popular because of its convenience.
8. What color is Giraffe’s tongue?
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On average, a giraffe’s tongue is 18 to 20 inches long and has a blue-black color due to the high density of melanin which provides sunburn protection as they feed up high. This strange fact is sure to catch people out.
6 Random Fun Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Joshua Rodriguez
Although it can be a good idea to divide your quiz questions into categories unless you have chosen a topic, random trivia questions can offer a bit of extra excitement. The randomness of the questions makes them entertaining and means that everyone can have a go at answering them. Below, you’ll find random trivia questions and answers to add to your quiz.
Here are 6 random fun trivia questions:
9. What country has the most vending machines per capita?
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Manufacturers lend vending machines free of charge that’s why it skyrocketed in Japan. Anyone can install vending machines as long as permissions were already acquired.
10. What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
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Mr. Potato Head
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It was first advertised on April 30, 1952. This will come as a surprise to many who are too young to remember Mr. Potato Head.

via: Unsplash / Victória Kubiaki
11. What is the most frequently sold item at Walmart?
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Aside from its health benefits, bananas remained cheap, relatively easy to pack, and loved by a lot of kids! It’s unlikely that anyone would know this about bananas without guessing.
12. What are the folds of skin on a cat’s ears called?
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Henry’s pockets
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Cat lovers might have a chance of getting this one. It’s also called cutaneous marginal pouch which can be found in a variety of animals including dogs.
13. What are baby owls called?
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Owlets or nestlings
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If you haven’t thought about what baby owls are called, it might be a good idea to brush up on the names of other baby animals.
14. On average, how long does it take food to pass through the human body?
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53 hours
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Well, the longest part of the whole process is in the large intestine wherein food can sit there for more than 40 hours depending on the person. Surely other people believed the answer to be 24 hours too.
7 Fun Trivia Questions For Adults

via: Pexels / August de Richelieu
It can be tricky to get the balance right when choosing trivia questions for adults because you want them to be enjoyable to answer but you don’t want them to verge on silly. This is where fun adult trivia questions come in because they’re incredibly amusing but they’re also tricky to answer.
Here are 7 fun trivia questions for adults:
15. Which country owns every panda in the world?
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Many people know that pandas come from China but not everyone knows that China owns all pandas. Moreover, pandas love to spend their entire 14 hours a day just by eating. What a life…

via: Unsplash / Theodor Lundqvist
16. The world’s longest-running TV show is what?
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Sabado Gigante
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Although some might not have seen this show it is widely regarded as the oldest TV show – it has been running since the 1960s.
17. Who invented the word vomit?
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William Shakespeare
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Shakespeare invented a lot of the words that we use today. The actual word was actually “puking”, first recorded in his As You Like It, supposedly an imitation from the German word, “spucken” which means to spit.
18. Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?
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Some people might be able to make a guess in the general area of the answer. People with Coprastastaphobia have a very specific diet to ensure they don’t become constipated in any way possible.
19. Ph.D. stands for what?
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Doctor of Philosophy
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This is a tough question for anyone to answer except for doctors. The top Ph.D. degree all over the world according to surveys is Computer Science.
20. What is the most common color of toilet paper in France?
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In another question, you could ask why toilet paper is pink. Dyeing toilet paper seems to be the French resolution to its grotty surface and might as well to make it more appealing to the public.

via: Pexels / Anna Shvets
21. Which country has not fought a war since 1814?
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Many people will think that the answer to this question is Switzerland but Sweden has not been involved in a war for hundreds of years.
8 Fun But Easy Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto
Have you ever been at a quiz night and found the questions to be super hard? Even funny questions can be very difficult to answer correctly. That’s why it can pay to add a few easy trivia questions to your quiz. These will help ensure that everyone can get a few answers right.
Here are 8 fun but easy trivia questions:
22. Spinach is high in which mineral?
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Spinach is the top 6 food that contains iron with an average of 2.1 to 2.7 mg/100g.
23. In the film Babe, what type of animal was Babe?
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A pig
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Who hasn’t seen this movie? Surely both adults and kids have watched Babe before. It’s a comedy-drama film in 1995 which has a very interesting plot. We don’t want any spoilers here but you can find the synopsis here.
24. What’s the total number of dots on a pair of dice?
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In Greek and Roman times, most dice were made of bone and ivory; others were of bronze, agate, rock crystal, onyx, jet, alabaster, marble, amber, porcelain, and other materials.
25. Where would you find an ISBN number?
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On a book
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Everyone who has read a book will have seen the ISBN number printed on it. ISBN, short for International Standard Book Number, is a unique numeric identifier assigned to different editions and variations of the publication. Initially, it is composed of 9 digits but later on revised and became a 10 digit code.

via: Pexels / Cleyder Duque
26. Which bird has the largest wingspan?
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Each wingspan could reach up to 11 feet. This is a great fact about the animal kingdom.
27. What is the second smallest country in the world?
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Monaco’s land area is just 0.78 square miles which is much smaller than Central Park in New York City! Perhaps you could give another point for naming the smallest country too.
28. The hard white material of elephant tusks is called what?
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29. The hardest natural substance known is what?
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You might get some surprising answers when contestants answer this question wrong. Diamonds are hard due to the bonding of carbon atoms under high temperature and pressure forming crystals. The process is much more complicated than you think.
6 Fun And Also Funny Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Toa Heftiba
Fun questions are entertaining, but funny trivia questions are what really makes a quiz enjoyable. Everyone loves to laugh and there’s no better time to do this than while surrounded by friends letting your competitive edge shine. If you’re hoping to make your competitors giggle, make sure to choose some questions from the list below.
Here are 6 fun and funny trivia questions:
30. What did the winning teams get as a trophy on “Floor is Lava” in the first season?
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Lava lamp
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It’s very fitting that a lava tramp was the trophy for winning this show. Aside from the trophy, the winning team also received $10, 000.

via: Unsplash / Jimmy Conover
31. What color are aircraft black boxes?
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Bright orange
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It’s ironic that the black boxes aren’t black but the reason behind the choice of color is for it to be easily recovered after accidents.
32. How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach?
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55 miles
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You’d be forgiven for thinking that the question contains a clue.
33. What kind of animal is a prairie dog?
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A rodent
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If you have seen a prairie dog, you might know that it isn’t a type of dog at all. These rodents actually mate once a year that lasts for just an hour. Research also suggests that they have advanced vocabulary compared to any other animals enabling them to send undeniably descriptive details to others.
34. What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?
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A coin
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This question will cause some people to scratch their heads in frustration.
35. With what did the ancient Romans dye their hair?
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Bird poop
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This is a funny fact to know and one that perhaps not everyone will believe. They also used leeches mixed with vinegar to dye their hair with black.

via: Unsplash / Cristina Gottardi
7 Fun Trivia Questions For Kids

via: Pexels / Brett Sayles
People of all ages should be able to get involved in quizzes, whether they are young or old. However, when you’re dealing with young competitors, you need to match the questions to their experience and level of knowledge. Ensure that you choose trivia for kids, which is designed especially for the knowledge of children.
Here are 7 fun trivia questions for kids:
36. Is the Horse the fastest animal of the World?
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Yes or no questions can be great for kids to answer. Cheetah is the fastest animal with a record speed of near 70 miles per hour.
37. Which cartoon character lives in a pineapple under the sea?
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Spongebob Squarepants
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You might find that kids start singing the theme tune when you ask them this. Spongebob creator, Steve Hillenburg, is a former Marine biologists and the pinenapple house of Spongebob was not coincidental but based by the fact that sea animals find smells very important.
38. Who went to school with a lamb?
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Almost everyone has heard the nursery rhyme so they will have no problem answering this question.
39. What is the national flower of Wales?
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Daffodils have been the national flower of Wales for generations. It’s season in early spring coincides with St. Davids Day. Moreover, daffodils are commercially grown in Mid Wales to produce galantamine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
40. Which planet shares its name with a dog?
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Kids might have to think about this question for a moment – would you have got the right answer?

via: Unsplash / Alyssa Graham
41. How many bones are there in the human body?
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This is for adult count but for babies, the total count of bones will be approximately 270. As we grow older our bones fused with one another creating a more solid foundation. This is a common fact taught to kids at school so they should be able to answer this question easily.
42. What is the sweet food made by bees?
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Kids of all ages will have come across honey which is made from pollen by bees. Fun fact: Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil. You can still give it to the child of your grandchild!
5 Fun Yet Hard Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / john amachaab
Have you ever been disappointed that there weren’t enough hard trivia questions in a quiz that you took part in? Make sure no one has that problem when playing your quiz by adding in a few of the brilliant tricky questions from this category.
Here are 5 fun yet hard trivia questions:
43. What kind of weapon is a falchion?
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A sword
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A falchion is a one-handed, single-edged sword comparable to the modern machete. How many people in the group do you think will know this fancy word for a sword?
44. Which chess piece can only move diagonally?
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45. Among land animals, what species has the largest eyes?
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Their eyes are even larger than their brains! You might know this as the largest bird in the world but did you know that it has the largest eyes of any land animal?

via: Unsplash / leanncaptures
46. How many valves does a trumpet have?
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The three (rarely 4) piston valves alter the pitch produced in a harmonic series of sounds. This is a very specialist question which means that it would be very hard to guess the answer.
47. What is the world’s most venomous fish?
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The stonefish sounds innocuous but it is very dangerous. They have 13 spines at their backs aligning from each other and its sting results in terrible pain, swelling, necrosis (tissue death) and may even lead to death.
Fun History Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Museums Victoria
If your friends or family members think that they know their way around world history, try hitting them with a few of the questions below. There are both hard and easy history trivia questions for you to test them with.
Here are 5 fun history trivia questions:
48. In what year the Titanic sink?
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The Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic was the largest and most luxurious cruise ship up to this date. The accident happened on April 14, 1912 came as a shock as it was considered to be the “unshinkable” ship. Perhaps hearing this question will make contestants think of the epic movie.
49. Which actor top-billed the 1960’s television series Batman?
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Adam West
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Batman ran for three seasons before it was cancelled in 1969 due to dropped of ratings.
50. In which country was the largest known T-Rex skeleton found?
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The T-Rex named as “Scotty”, is said to be 13 meters long and lived in prehistoric Saskatchewan 66 million years ago. The skeletons were first discovered in 1991, however, due to the hard sandstone that enclosed the bones it took a decade before it was fully assembled.
Perhaps Canada would be the location if Jurassic Park was created in real life.

via: Unsplash / Chris Nguyen
51. Which part of Berlin was enclosed by the wall?
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The West
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The west part of Berlin was hidden behind the wall. It was to keep anyone from entering East Germany and undermine the socialist state.
52. Where is the Bermuda Triangle situated?
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North Atlantic Ocean
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This place is known for causing lots of disappearances and strange occurrences. One famous disappearance was of The USS Cyclops, wherein on March 1918 they magically came out of touch without any pieces of wreckage and survivors.
6 Fun Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum
If you’re hosting a trivia night around the holiday season then you won’t want to miss out on adding a few Thanksgiving trivia questions to your quiz. You’ll soon find out which of the competitors knows the most about this American holiday and who needs to brush up on their history.
Here are 6 fun Thanksgiving trivia questions:
53. Under which president did Thanksgiving become an annual holiday?
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Abraham Lincoln
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Thanksgiving hasn’t always been an observed holiday in the US. It became a holiday on October 3, 1863 which is officially celebrated on the last Thursday of November.
54. What’s the other name for Thanksgiving Day?
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Turkey Day
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This is a lighthearted question as Turkey Day isn’t the official name.
55. Where does the oldest Thanksgiving Parade in the U.S.A. take place?
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Everyone loves to watch a Thanksgiving Parade but some are more traditional than others. The parade is popularly known as Gimbels Thanksgivng Parade but recently renamed as 6ABC – Dunkin’ Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade.

via: Unsplash / Carson Masterson
56. Is it the female turkeys or the male turkeys that gobble?
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The male
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Males make the gobbling noise to attract any female turkeys.
57. What type of meat was served at the first Thanksgiving?
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It’s a big surprise that turkey wasn’t eaten at the first Thanksgiving.
58. Which character on the TV show Friends once got his/her head stuck in a turkey?
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Kids and teens might not be old enough to remember this classic Thanksgiving TV moment.
10 Fun Christmas Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Yucel Moran
Holiday quizzes really aren’t complete without the inclusion of some fun Christmas trivia questions. If you’re planning to get friends or family together this holiday season, ensure you add in a few of the fabulous Christmas themed questions below.
Here are 10 fun Christmas trivia questions:
59. What Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver?
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Tinsel was added to Christmas trees to enhance the flickering of the candles on the tree. This answer might be easy to guess as tinsel is often made in the color silver.
60. What Christmas beverage is also known as “milk punch?”
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Although not commonly known by this name, a good guess is likely to offer the correct answer. The earliest recorded recipe for milk punch dates to a 1711 cookbook.
61. What traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?
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Mistletoe is a hemi-parasite, able to support itself and survive through photosynthesis and through the nutrients of its host plant. Mistletoe is not only parasitic but it’s also poisonous to humans and many animals.

via: Unsplash / Mariah Hewines
62. What holiday movie sequel includes a cameo by Donald Trump?
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Home Alone 2
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Donald Trump played a six-second cameo role in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York released in 1992. This amusing question is a great one to ask at Christmas.
63. What was Frosty the Snowman’s nose made out?
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A button
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A question that will catch people out – snowmen usually have a carrot for a nose.
64. How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?
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Feliz Navidad
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Many of us know how to say this thanks to the popular Spanish Christmas song written by Jose Feliciano in 1970 also entitled Feliz Navidad!
65. How many reindeer drive Santa Claus’ sleigh (counting Rudolph)?
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Santa Claus’s sleigh is led by nine reindeer: Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen. Perhaps you could give extra points for naming all of the reindeer.
66. How tall, plus or minus 25 feet, was the tallest cut Christmas tree?
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221 feet
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It was decorated at Northgate Shopping Center, Seattle, Washington, USA way back December 1950.

via: Pexels / sergio souza
67. What is the most popular meal for Christmas in Japan?
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KFC Fried Chicken
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Every Christmas season, an estimated 3.6 million Japanese families orders a Kentucky Fried Chicken, in what has become a nationwide tradition by the Japanese.
68. What Southeast Asian country boasts the longest holiday season?
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You might think that the USA has a long holiday season but Christmas is celebrated for almost four months in the Philippines.
5 Fun Bible Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Ben White
Whether you’re creating a quiz for friends to test their knowledge or for students in a Bible study class, Bible trivia questions can offer an awesome way for people to find out how much they know about the Bible. Use the questions below as a starting point for your Bible-based quiz and you’ll have an enjoyable time testing the knowledge of your competitors.
Here are 5 fun Bible trivia questions:
69. In the Bible, who, alone, killed a quarter of the world’s population?
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Cain killed Abel, and at that time there were only four people on Earth. Killing Abel would make Cain the killer of a quarter of the world’s population.
70. Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby?
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Almost everyone will be able to recount the story of Herod and baby Jesus. He was threatened and didn’t want anyone else to be King but him.
71. What is the last word in the Old Testament?
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The Book Of Malachi ended with a warning.

via: Pexels / Eduardo Braga
72. How many people boarded Noah’s Ark?
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In Genesis 7:13 it counts Noah’s family which is estimated to be 8 people.
73. Who is Abraham’s wife?
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Sarah was childless till 90 years old.
7 Fun Halloween Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / Craig Adderley
If you’ve never held a Halloween quiz before, make this the year that you try it out. Most people celebrate Halloween, but not everyone knows about the history of this annual celebration. Get your competitors to pit their wits against each other when trying to answer these Halloween trivia questions.
Here are 7 fun Halloween trivia questions:
74. In which country did Halloween originate?
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This is a very basic Halloween question that most people should get right. Halloween is originally a pagan festival called “Samhain” which means the “end of summer” celebrated in Ancient Celt tradition.
75. Who wrote the novel, Frankenstein?
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Mary Shelley
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Frankenstein is often credited to be the world’s first science fiction novel created in 1816. Perhaps the contestants have read the novel when they were at school.
76. What is a group of witches called?
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A coven
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This is certainly useful to know around Halloween time when the nights are dark.

via: Unsplash / freestocks
77. Where do real vampire bats live?
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North and South America
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Vampire bats feed on the blood of cattle and horses. These common bats are found in Mexico, Central America, and South America.
78. By what name is midnight also known?
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The witching hour.
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It’s supposedly the time where Black Magic is at its peak.
79. What is the other, traditional name for a broomstick?
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A besom
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It’s a bunch of twigs tied together in a stouter wooden pole.
80. Name the magician who died on Halloween.
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Harry Houdini
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Harry Houdini is a well-known master escape artist who died on Halloween in 1926 due to a ruptured appendix. You might be able to guess the name of this magician as he is one of the most well-known in history.
Downloadable List of Fun Trivia Questions
Here is a downloadable list of fun trivia questions (right click the image and select Save Image As…):

via: Mantelligence
More Awesome Ice Breaker Games and Questions To Ask
If you’re looking for even more questions that you can ask friends, family members, or new acquaintances, you’ll find every type of query you could need below.
- To really find out more about someone, you need to play truth or dare with them. These awesome truth or dare questions will help you learn some surprising things about your buddies.
- It can be tricky to get to know a person or people that you have just met. The best way to introduce a group of people to each other is through fantastic fun ice breaker games.
- For an amusing and funny way to get to know someone, you need to check out these brilliant would you rather questions.
How To Pick The Best Fun Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Blake Silva
So, you’ve found an amazing list of fun trivia questions, but you’re not sure which ones are right for your quiz. How do you choose? Just follow the tips below and you’ll be able to pick the best questions quickly.
Here is how to pick the best fun trivia questions:
1. Consider your category

via: Pexels / Vlada Karpovich
The most important thing to think about is the category that your quiz comes under. If it has a clear theme, like Bible studies or history, then picking the questions will be easy. However, general quizzes can sometimes be harder to compile. For this type of quiz think about the time of year – if it’s close to the holiday season you can ask questions about Christmas, for example.
2. Who will be answering?

via: Unsplash / Jacek Dylag
Knowing who will be answering the questions is also essential. Not just because you will want to include questions that the contestants have a chance of knowing the answers to, but also because you need to consider their sense of humor. When compiling a list of questions to ask kids, you would choose different questions when creating a quiz for a group of students. You also need to think about situations in which it’s a good idea to use amusing or ironic questions, too.
3. Easy or hard?

via: Unsplash / Daria Shevtsova
Consider whether you want to give the competitors a chance or really make them sweat. If you have kids playing you’ll want to include easy questions so that they can participate fully, but trivia quizzes designed for adults can be as difficult as you like.
In Conclusion
Use these great trivia questions the next time you’re hosting a quiz night for friends or family. There’s no need to feel stuck for questions to ask because you’ll have ideas for a bunch of different categories. These fun questions to ask will make the quiz enjoyable for every member of the group so that you can have an epic quiz night. Why not start the evening off with some icebreaker questions to get into the spirit?
The post 80 Best Fun Trivia Questions That Will Entertain Anyone appeared first on Mantelligence.
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Jasper, Khareem Sudlow