53 Best Random Trivia Questions and Answers – Learn new facts.
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What better way to pass the time than by reading over random trivia questions and answers? Reading through these trivia questions is super fun, and it can also help you learn all kinds of new facts and tidbits of information.
Trivia questions also make excellent ice breaker questions if you’re looking for questions to ask a crush or someone you’re just getting to know for the first time.
Read through these random trivia questions and answers, and you’ll feel intrigued and mentally stimulated.
5 Best Random Trivia Questions And Answers

via: Pexels / Daria Shevtsova
If you’re looking for some seriously awesome questions, these interesting, random trivia questions and answers will blow everyone away.
Here are the 5 best random trivia questions and answers:
1. On every continent, there is a city named what?
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Rome was of course one of the first major city-states in history, and it was the center of an advanced empire. But did you know that each continent except Antarctica, currently has its own “Rome?” One example is America.
2. What is the official nickname of Texas?
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The Lone Star State
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The star is a major symbol of Texas as it reflects their pride when it became independent from Mexico in 1836.
3. Which planet is the hottest in the solar system?
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A lot of people might assume that the “red planet” (Mars) is the hottest rock in our solar system, but the honor actually goes to Venus. It’s average temperature is 880°F (471°C) .

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4. What is the most common letter in the English alphabet?
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Think about it. The letter “E” is in almost every word and sentence. Just try and count how many “E’s” there are in this sentence alone.
5. Which country was the Caesar salad invented in?
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Here’s another tricky question for your next trivia night. People might expect that the salad was invented in Italy, but the answer is actually Mexico. It was invented by Caesar Cardini in 1924.
4 Random Trivia Questions for Adults

via: Pexels / ELEVATE
If you’re looking for more mature questions to ask, it’s best to choose questions that appeal to older generations. That’s why these trivia questions for adults are a perfect fit.
Here are 4 random trivia questions for adults:
6. Which nuts are used to make marzipan?
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Marzipan, which is made of sugar and almond meal, is one of those candies that is slightly obscure, so you might catch a few people out with this somewhat difficult question.
7. What body part is reshaped in plastic surgery known as “rhinoplasty”?
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This also helps improve obstructed airways to help the person breathe better.

via: Unsplash / Olga Guryanova
8. If a male donkey is a jack, what is the female called?
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Honestly, most people will have absolutely no hope of answering this question correctly. But hey, at least you’ll learn something.
9. The beaver is the national emblem of which country?
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In the late 1600s, fur hats made of beaver pelts were successfully traded to Europe. As tribute, they put the beaver in their coat of arms, stamps, and emblems.
5 Fun Random Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Toa Heftiba
If you’re looking for questions that inject a little enjoyment into your game or conversation, it’s best to choose fitting questions – such as these fun trivia questions.
Here are 5 fun random trivia questions:
10. How many teeth does an aardvark have?
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Trick question! That’s right, an aardvark actually has ZERO teeth. After all, have you seen a picture of an aardvark? There’s nowhere to put the teeth!
11. What is the diameter of Earth?
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8,000 miles
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Fun fact: an ancient Greek philosopher actually figured out the approximate diameter of the Earth using a stick and some shadows. Yep, really.
12. What is the driest continent?
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Here’s another question that might catch you and your friends off guard. Yes, Antartica is covered in frozen ice, but that doesn’t mean it’s moist.

via: Unsplash / Cassie Matias
13. What is Japanese sake made from?
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If you’re an expert on alcohol, this one will be easy. After all, “rice wine” is just another term for Sake.
14. How many hearts does an octopus have?
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Two hearts pump blood to the gills and the third heart circulates it to its body. Even animal experts might have trouble answering this question. Octopi are some of the strangest animals out there, and having three hearts is just one reason why.
4 Easy Random Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Kaleidico
Okay, so the last few questions might have been a little tricky. But that’s okay, cause you can refer to these super easy trivia questions for a bit of a break.
Here are 4 easy random trivia questions:
15. Pharaoh is the title given to the rulers of which ancient country?
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Pharaohs were both kings and religious leaders.
16. Which two countries share the longest international border?
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Canada and USA
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The border is 8,893 km long. Canada is the second-biggest country in the world, so this question shouldn’t be too tricky to answer.

via: Pexels / Andre Furtado
17. What’s the hardest rock?
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A diamond is a 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. Almost everyone knows about the legendary toughness of diamonds, so this question should be pretty easy for most people.
18. In a website browser address bar, what does “www” stand for?
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World Wide Web
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Doesn’t everyone learn this in school these days? After all, the internet is becoming a more and more important part of our lives.
4 Funny Random Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / Gustavo Fring
If you’re aiming to make people laugh with your questions, it’s best to choose only the best funny trivia questions.
Here are 4 funny random trivia questions:
19. Who were high heels originally invented for?
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Yes, that’s right. During the reign of King Louis, heels were an indicator that you’re wealthy.
20. What animal can clean its own ear with its tongue?
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Their tongue is 21 inches long which also helps them reach their food.

via: Pexels / Git Stephen Gitau
21. What did the first vending machine dispense?
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Holy Water
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The first vending machine existed way back 1st CE which was invented by Hero of Alexandria. The description of the whole process was written in his book The Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, noting that one allocation of holy water is five drachms of coins.
22. Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?
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Congratulations, you just learned a new word. Granted, you’ll probably never ever have the chance to use it in a sentence… But still.
4 Random Trivia for Kids

via: Pexels / Lukas
Kids love trivia, and making your game a bit kid-friendly is always a good plan. In order to do this, you need to use this trivia for kids.
Here are 4 random trivia for kids:
23. In which galaxy do we live?
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The Milky Way
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Our galaxy is called The Milky Way because it looked like a milky band of light in the night sky. It is also the second-largest galaxy next to Andromeda in which our galaxy belongs to!
This question is difficult enough to stump some kids, but the bright ones will know that we live in a sweetly-named corner of the universe.
24. Which is the smallest breed of dog?
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Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dog with an average of two to six pounds. They’re small but they got the biggest brain size in relation to their body.

via: Pexels / Quang Nguyen Vinh
25. What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
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On average, a strawberry has 200 seeds. Moreover, according to the USDA, Americans eat 3.4 lbs. of fresh strawberries a year! That’s quite a lot to digest.
Truth be told, this question has the potential to confuse adults as well as children. But if you think about it long enough, the answer becomes clear.
26. What vitamin does the sun’s ultraviolet rays help the skin produce?
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Vitamin D
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Kids these days learn about vitamins and healthy eating habits early in life, so this one shouldn’t be too hard to get. Vitamin D is very important.
4 Hard Random Trivia Questions

via: Pexels / August de Richelieu
No trivia night is complete without a few difficult questions. If you really want to stump your friends, try these hard trivia questions.
Here are 4 hard random trivia questions:
27. What is the world’s most venomous fish?
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They have 13 sacs of venoms along the base of the spines in their backs which when stepped on, is activated.
Unless you’re a fish expert, you probably have no hope of answering this one correctly. It’s even more difficult because a “stonefish” sounds pretty innocuous.
28. What are a group of hippos referred as?
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A bloat
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Hippos have this breathing pattern that needs them to resurface every 3-5 minutes even when they’re asleep.
You’ve heard of a murder of crows and a pod of dolphins… But what’s it called when a bunch of Hippos get together?

via: Unsplash / Francesco Ungaro
29. What is the family name of the ruling dynasty of Monaco?
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The Grimaldi’s have been ruling Monaco for more than 700 years since Francois Grimaldi, the one who ignited their ruling.
30. What does a Scoville unit measure?
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At first glance, a Scoville unit could be used to measure just about anything. It scientific enough… but what is the true meaning of a Scoville? Scoville came from the pharmacist Wilbur Scoville who devised the Scoville Organoleptic Test that measures the amount of capsaicin in peppers.
4 Random History Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Gabriel Santos
History is incredibly interesting. When we learn about history, we can learn from the mistakes of those who came before us. Inject some history into your trivia session with these history trivia questions.
Here are 4 random history trivia questions:
31. Tanks were used in battle for the first time in which conflict?
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World War 1
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Today, tanks are a major part of modern warfare. Heavy armor and superior firepower make them a challenging adversary. But when were they first used?
Tanks were used for the first time in September 1915 by the British Army during World War I at the Battle of the Somme. Mark I, the first tank could travel at the speed of 3.7 mph and is armed with 57 mm guns.
32. What city did Starbucks open its first store in 1971?
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Starbucks logo is so controversial before 1987 due to the usage of a siren, who was known to be naked and has exposed chest. It was later changed in 1992 with a more covered up.

via: Pexels / Suzy Hazelwood
33. Where did Heineken beer originate?
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Heineken was founded by Gerard Adriaan Heineken in 1864 which makes it 156 years old!
34. The Statue of Liberty was given to the US by which country?
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This is a pretty easy historical question, but it could catch a surprising amount of people off guard. Some might not even know that the Statue of Liberty was a gift in the first place. This was given by France to commemorate the friendship of America and France during the American Revolution.
4 Random Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum
Thanksgiving is one of the oldest American holidays, but how much do you really know about it? Find out with these Thanksgiving trivia questions.
Here are 4 random Thanksgiving trivia questions:
35. When did Thanksgiving originate?
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Did you think we were finished with historical questions? Think again. This one might be tricky, but you need a few challenging questions in your quiz.
36. What’s the busiest travel day of the year?
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People travel throughout the year, but there’s one day when everyone seems to be rushing to spend time with their family and see old friends. Can you guess which day?
Yes, you guess it right. In 2017 alone, there are approximately 51 million Americans who traveled during Thanksgiving.

via: Unsplash / Erik Odiin
37. Name the only place in Australia, which celebrates Thanksgiving?
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Norfolk Island
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If you thought Thanksgiving was a purely American pastime, you’re mistaken. There’s one place in Australia that also celebrates this holiday…
38. Which is the traditional sauce for Thanksgiving?
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Cranberry Sauce
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Cranberry sauce was first sold in Hanson, MA in 1912. If you’ve ever had Thanksgiving dinner, you probably already know the answer to this one. It’s a very delicious sauce…
4 Random Christmas Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Anthony Garcia
How well do you know Christmas? If you’d like to learn more about this age-old holiday, why not check out some Christmas trivia questions?
Here are 4 Christmas trivia questions:
39. Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees?
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The total production of Christmas trees in Canada per year is 3 to 6 million. Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Ontario account for around 80 percent of their overall production.
This question might stump you at first, but when you really think about it, the answer should become clear. Just think of which country is famous for its nature…
42. What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?
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Coca Cola
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The first appearance was in 1931 when Coca-cola commissioned illustrator Haddon Sundblom to paint Santa for Christmas advertisements.
Although some might dismiss this as an urban legend, it’s actually true. This is actually why Santa wears red and white…

via: Pexels / Mateusz Dach
41. Who once stole Christmas?
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The Grinch
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Both kids and adults are now more than familiar with the story of that one person who managed to steal Christmas… Can you guess who it is?
The Grinch was a 26-minute animated video with a budget of $2.5 million in today’s rate.
42. How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?
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Feliz Navidad
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While many people might not be familiar with the Spanish language, a lot of people love the song that features these words…
The popular Spanish Christmas song was written by Jose Feliciano in 1970 entitled Feliz Navidad made the Spanish version so popular!
4 Random Bible Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez
Do you think you’re an expert on the bible? Well, now’s the time to prove it with these bible trivia questions.
Here are 4 random bible trivia questions:
43. Which one of these books is not classed as a book of history?
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Many aspects of the bible are actually based on history. But there is one book that isn’t classified as such. Which is it?
44. From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from slavery?
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Their escape happened after the occurrence of the 10th plague prompting them to cross the Red Sea sliced in half while they pass through.
Even those who are unfamiliar with the bible will probably know this one.

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45. What job did Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, do?
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According to the Bible, Jesus came from a rather humble origin. His father Joseph was not a rich man, but he had one trade under his belt…
46. What does Israel mean?
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Prevails with God
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Fun fact: The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is the world’s oldest continuously used cemetery.
7 Random Halloween Trivia

via: Pexels / Thanakorn Phanthura
Halloween is a very special holiday that people all over the world enjoy wholeheartedly. But how much do you really know about Halloween? Find out with this Halloween trivia.
Here are 7 random Halloween trivia:
47. In what country did carving jack o’ lanterns originate?
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Jack-o’-lanterns come from an Irish folktale about Stingy Jack, a poor and a drunkard man who outwitted the devil at least three times.
48. Name the magician who died in Halloween?
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Harry Houdini
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Halloween has a reputation for being a spooky night, and some troubling things have happened on this night. But which magician died?
Harry Houdini is a well-known master escape artist who died on Halloween in 1926 due to a ruptured appendix.
49. On which date we celebrate Halloween?
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October 31st
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Let’s start off with an easy one. When is Halloween celebrated? Everyone should know this one…

via: Pexels / Craig Adderley
51. What’s the most popular candy for Halloween?
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Search your heart for the answer to this question. Deep down, you know which answer is the right one…
52. Each year, how much pounds of candy corn is produced?
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35 million pounds
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According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 9 billion kernels of candy corn are sold each year. Make no mistake, the candy industry is big business. Candy corn might not be the most popular candy, but they sure make a lot of it…
53. Name the person who first made the Jack-o-lantern?
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Since Jack is not welcome in Heaven and has outwitted the devil to not claim his soul when he died, the devil just sent him wandering in the dark corners of the Earth with a lump of burning coal which he placed in a carved turnip.
This is one of those questions that’s way easier than you think. After all, the clue is right in the name itself!

via: Unsplash / Corey Sitkowski
Downloadable List of Random Trivia Questions and Answers
Here is a downloadable list of Random trivia questions and answers (right click the image and select Save Image As…):

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More Awesome Ice Breaker Games and Questions To Ask
If you’re still looking for different questions to ask a crush or anyone else for that matter, there are plenty more options out there. Check out these funny and interesting questions to ask someone:
- Up for a game of truth or dare? Check out this truth or dare questions for all kinds of interesting ideas for your next game.
- If you’re just meeting someone for the first time, you might want to check out these funny ice breaker games. These games will help you get rid of that initial awkwardness.
- Another interesting game to play is “never have I ever.” To make this game fun, you need to ask the right questions… And that’s why you should choose these never have I ever questions.
How To Pick The Best Random Trivia Questions

via: Unsplash / Lilibeth Bustos Linares
Whether you’re organizing a trivia night or you’re simply looking for some interesting new facts to teach your friends, it’s important to choose the best random trivia questions and answers. So how do you do this? What makes a good trivia question? Check out this short guide:
1. Choose a Good Range of Questions

via: Pexels / Elijah O’Donnell
When choosing random trivia questions and answers, it’s important to choose a solid range. Don’t just focus on questions relating to one topic, like pop culture or geography.
Instead, make your questions as varied as possible. When you choose a good range of topics, you ensure that everyone has a chance to excel.
2. Don’t Make it Too Easy (or Too Hard)

via: Unsplash / Blake Wisz
Another good top is to choose random trivia questions and answers that are neither too hard nor too easy. Sure, you can throw a couple of tricky questions in there, but don’t make them all way too hard. That’s no fun.
On the flip side, don’t make them all super easy. It’s easy to underestimate people’s intelligence, and you might be surprised at how knowledgeable your friends are.
4. Let Everyone Pick a Few Questions

via: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema
If one person picks all the random trivia questions and answers, you can probably guess what’ll happen. That’s right, they’ll know all the answers.
To create a fair game, let everyone pick a few questions – or better yet, let someone who’s not even going to play pick. This way, no one will have an unfair advantage.
In Conclusion
Random trivia questions and answers can be tons of fun, and as cheesy as it sounds, it can also be a great source for education.
You never know when you might need a little bit of random, seemingly useless information. Brushing up on trivia can help you excel in school, impress your crush, or even gain a more complete understanding of the world around you.
And if you’re looking for ice breaker questions, trivia questions can go a long way.
Spending hours on social media doesn’t really get you anywhere. With random trivia questions and answers, you’ll be doing something productive and interesting with your time.
You should never stop questioning the world around you. That’s why trivia questions are some of the best questions to ask yourself.
The post 53 Best Random Trivia Questions and Answers – Learn new facts. appeared first on Mantelligence.
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Jasper, Khareem Sudlow