August’s Full Moon In Aquarius Is All About Justice
July 31, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

Another month, another full moon — but August 3’s Full Sturgeon Moon is about to bring us some intense energy. In the sign of altruistic Aquarius, this moon, according to astrologer Lisa Stardust, is asking us to seek justice and embrace change. “Aquarius is the humanitarian sign of the zodiac and when it’s fully lit up by the glow of the Moon, we will all seek ventures that call for us to be more in sync with the modern rhythms of society and to revel from the past and conservative beliefs,” she tells Refinery29.
Uranus seeks social change and justice, and is the modern ruler of Aquarius, she explains. “During this luminary Uranus, who’s in Taurus, will square the Aquarius moon. This means it will be important to take action around transforming our views and scope of information,” she says. Open yourself to learning new things and new causes to believe in — now’s the time to fully commit, and get out and protest for what you believe in.
Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for, tells Refinery29 that the power of Mars is also present during this full moon in the form of a sextile. “This will inject us with the energy we need to keep on fighting,” she says. “From its current position in Aries, Mars is the ultimate warrior staple that, when channeled appropriately, can help us to keep our inner fire going.”
Which, is a great sign — we know that activism is a marathon, not a sprint, and we’ve been collectively going full steam ahead for righteous causes since early June. “While some form of collective healing will take place during this full moon thanks to the sextile this moon forms with asteroid Chiron, there’s a lot more that needs to be done,” she says. And she’s right.
“This is one of the most powerful full moons of the year and can act in ways that are random and volatile,” Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at, tells Refinery29. During this celestial happening, it’s important to keep a calm attitude and approach things in an intelligent and grounded manner, she explains. “For those who thrive on change, this moon can seem electric.”
That’s not all. “This full moon will play out in the U.S. and the world in terms of sudden and unexpected — if not explosive — events,” Hale says. She points to concern with finances, unstable political situations, and even news concerning women. “In the U.S. President Donald Trump’s chart, this full moon shows revelations, or situations that will become revealed and it’s possible a health problem could surface now or in the near future as it ‘sets off’ his current transit of Uranus square natal Pluto,” she says. “Pluto also deals with power struggles, bullying tactics, sex, and money.”
Pretty intense, right? But there are ways we can use this full moon for good, Live the Light, psychic empath and advisor at, tells Refinery29. “It’s a powerful time for manifesting goals if you know how to harness the energy,” she explains.
To make the most of this full moon, Live the Light says first, take a break. “Turn off your devices, step away from the chaos of the world and just be,” she recommends. Relax, unwind, and take a breather. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to calm your mind.
“Find a quiet space where you can be alone,” Live the Light advises. “Breathe in gently through the nose and out through the mouth. As you inhale, affirm that peace and serenity are entering your body. As you exhale, affirm that fear, worry, and self-defeating thoughts are leaving your body.” She says that this process will allow you to invite tranquility and stillness into your life — something we’re all in need of after a hectic 2020.
And finally, prepare to dream. “Once your mind is clear it’s time to identify what you truly want,” Live the Light says. “Is there a dream or goal that you have always desired to reach? Is there a relationship you want to improve? A skill you want to learn? Take a pen and paper and write it all down.”
Then, she says, ask yourself: What is one thing I can do now to make this dream a reality? “Once you have the answer, commit to doing so within the next two to three days and after that, add additional steps to follow throughout the month.”
Full moon energy can be felt two to three days before its inception and two to three days after it ends — so use these steps to take advantage of this moon, and clear your mind, quiet your emotions, and focus on long term goals.
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