#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
We’re getting ready to buckle up for some serious self-reflection in May, as we welcome three major retrogrades to help us evolve from our former selves. The world is becoming a new place, and with it, we are given a chance to change for the better.
We're called to take responsibility for our actions starting May 11, when taskmaster Saturn begins his retrograde in forward-thinking Aquarius. Take a moment to reflect on your behavior this year. This transit gives us the opportunity to become more enlightened versions of ourselves. Now is the time to write new rules that will guide us once the planet goes direct again on September 29. Also on May 11, speedy Mercury enters chatty Gemini. This encourages us to socialize and connect with others. This energy also helps us to explore new subjects and try out new hobbies. Enjoy exploring different activities, and see what sticks.
On May 13, ambitious Mars makes his way into sensitive Pisces. The warrior planet's energy rises and falls in this water sign, challenging us to prioritize our mental and spiritual health during this transit. On this day, charming Venus also moves retrograde in thoughtful Gemini. Expressing emotions may become challenging. We’ll require a little more time to understand how we express our romantic feelings. Venus also rules aesthetics and beauty, so hold off on giving yourself a dramatic at-home makeover until she moves direct on June 25 in Gemini.
May 14 ushers in a chance to pay attention to our vices, when Jupiter, the planet of abundance, moves retrograde in disciplined Capricorn. It’s an opportunity for us to take a look at how we spend our time and energy, and how these habits may be holding us back. Now is the time to make small changes to increase happiness. The Sun enters quick-thinking Gemini starting May 20, helping us to get a better grasp of how we need to pivot our lives. The timing is right to seek out the advice of our friends and family, and embrace communities. Thoughtful Mercury enters intuitive Cancer on May 28, helping us to feel our way through new territory.
March 21 to April 19
Take a look at your past work, Aries. Identify which moments have made your most proud, and what characteristics you'd like to work on as career-minded Saturn begins his retrograde on May 11. The training wheels are off, and you're encouraged to set goals for yourself that work within these unconventional new parameters. Also on May 11, wellness-minded Mercury enters chatty Gemini, encouraging you to connect with friends and share tips on how to create a healthy lifestyle. You could help someone to reach their goals. You may feel a little cautious when it comes to love starting May 13 when affectionate Venus begins her retrograde in Gemini. If you're in a relationship, make sure that you're expressing feelings as they come up; avoid bottling up your emotions. If you're single, this transit may bring a few exes back into your life. Make sure that you're spending your time wisely. Get creative with how you socialize on May 20, when the pleasure-seeking Sun illuminates your 3rd house of communication, thought, and community. It may be time to expand your circle.
April 20 to May 20
Is it time for you to embrace a new school of thought, Taurus? You're allowed to change your thinking starting May 11, when intellectual and adventurous Saturn moves retrograde in independent Aquarius. The same day, money-minded Mercury enters Gemini, making it a good time to discuss your financial goals with friends and family. Get creative with your new options for income and figure out how you can save for things that you genuinely need. You're encouraged to focus your energy towards inner growth starting May 13, when spiritual Mars enters sensitive Pisces. Go slow and enjoy getting to know yourself during this transit. Learn to accept ups and downs, and consider taking the road less traveled. You may notice that your schedule needs a reset around May 13, when routine-ruling Venus moves retrograde in Gemini. Focus on seeking out the path of least resistance as you create your "new normal." On May 20, the domestic-ruling Sun lights up your 2nd house of finances, values, and possessions. Take some time to organize your financial files and clean out your closet. You’ll enjoy organizing your space.
May 21 to June 20
You've got a talent for finding solutions at home, Gemini. Domestic-ruling Mercury makes his way into Gemini starting May 11, helping you to create a more harmonious space. Enjoy hosting video calls with friends and family, sharing virtual meals, and playing games to keep your quick mind entertained. If you're single, you may start reminiscing about old partners starting May 14, when romantic Jupiter moves retrograde in Capricorn. Consider the qualities of people who deserve your love while this planet moves in reverse. If you're in a relationship, this retrograde could help you to understand imbalances in your partnership, and give you insight into how you can even things out. Enjoy the warmth of the Sun as he brightens your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance starting May 20. Take a little extra time for self-care, so that you can shine from the inside out. Meditate on how you'd like to create more value for your life on May 22, when the money-minded Moon begins a new cycle in Gemini, forming a favorable trine with Saturn. This phase encourages you to restructure your finances.
June 21 to July 22
How do you best express love, Cancer? Affection-ruling Saturn moves retrograde in independent Aquarius starting May 11, calling up a need for responsibility in your relationships. Do you feel as though you're not getting what you want from those around you? Take a moment to consider how you can create better boundaries once the ringed planet moves direct again, on September 29. Adjust your focus towards finding more spiritual clarity beginning May 11, as Mercury, which governs inner growth, enters intelligent Gemini. Create a daily practice that helps you to become more mindful of your actions. On May 13, career-ruling Mars makes his way into Pisces, allowing you to consider new opportunities for your work. But hold off on any significant home-improvement projects around May 13, as domestic-ruling Venus moves retrograde. Brainstorm, but put your hammer and nails away until June 25, when the planet of beauty moves direct again. Make time to take care of your hidden self starting May 20, as the materialistic Sun highlights your 12th house of inner growth, vulnerability, and conclusion. Start a new savings account, or simply revisit old memories to soothe your soul.
July 23 to August 22
You've been blessed with a blank slate, Leo. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to re-shape your world starting May 11, when routine-ruling Saturn moves retrograde in forward-thinking Aquarius. Challenge yourself to create a better schedule that you can stick to once the ringed planet moves direct again, on September 29. Also on May 11, materialistic Mercury enters Gemini, helping you communicate your needs to others. Make sure that you balance out this energy by making an attempt to go beyond superficial subjects. Your work days may need a bit of readjustment starting May 13, when career-ruling Venus stations retrograde in Gemini. You may not be getting as much praise as you're used to, but this transit offers you the insight to better understand your professional motives. Are you ready for something new to come across your desk? Seek it out. Recharge your emotional batteries by connecting with your besties starting May 20, when the ruling Sun shines on your 11th house of groups, friendships, and goals. Go beyond video calls and explore exciting ways to spend time together — host a virtual trivia night or dance party, or enjoy creating the same meal.
August 23 to September 22
Pay attention to how you create joy, Virgo. You may need to fine-tune your old ways of thinking starting May 11, as pleasure-seeking Saturn begins his retrograde motion in intellectual Aquarius. You're encouraged to form new rules for yourself as the ringed planet moves backward. Starting May 11, status-minded Mercury enters Gemini. During this time, you’ll be able to collect a great deal of insight from others, and even come up with solutions to new challenges. Reach out to colleagues and friends who inspire you. Nurture your sensitive side beginning May 13, as sensual Mars enters sweet Pisces. There's an emphasis on your need for connected sex and self-love during this transit. To take advantage of this, speak up for your desires. If you notice issues in your home popping up that require attention, you're given an excellent chance to make changes starting May 14 when domestic-ruling Jupiter stations retrograde in Capricorn. If you're sharing a space with loved ones, open up the lines of communication. Be honest about your needs and work together. All eyes are focused on you starting May 20 as the Sun illuminates your 10th house of career, structure, and public image. Brush up your online presence and figure out how you can use this clout to help you move forward.
September 23 to October 22
How can you create more harmony in your home, Libra? Consider your options and abilities starting May 11, as domestic-ruling Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius. Figure out how you can give your loved one's space and also come together during these challenging times. This retrograde gives you an opportunity to set new rules that help you grow. You're called to soften your approach to love starting May 13, as affectionate Mars enters sensitive Pisces. If you're in a relationship, you may find that you're more attuned to and affected by your partner's feelings; you may need to find new ways to process them. If you're single, you might feel less motivated to flirt or be direct with the object of your affection. The goal during this transit is to go with the flow: Take it easy, and learn not to rush. Also on May 13, ruling Venus moves retrograde in Gemini. You may find yourself being inflexible or having trouble communicating; it’s a good time to take a step back from center stage. Starting May 14, communication-ruling Jupiter moves retrograde in Capricorn. This gives you the opportunity to change how you share your thoughts with others. By doing so, you'll be introducing new boundaries that help you to evolve into your next self. Enjoy exploring new philosophies starting May 20, as the Sun lights up your 9th house of exploration, adventure, and belief. Invest in new books and teachings to reach new heights.
October 23 to November 21
Your objective understanding of others is one of your greatest strengths, Scorpio. Enjoy sharing your insights with others on May 7, when the Moon waxes full in perceptive Scorpio. Starting May 13, when routine-ruling Mars makes his way into dreamy Pisces. You could find yourself becoming a bit spacey during this transit. Enjoy the thoughtful energy. It could be a little more difficult to express love starting May 13, when romantic Venus stations retrograde in Gemini. If you're in a relationship, you may find yourself becoming detached from your partner. Talk through your feelings to come back together. If you're single, it could be challenging to focus on people who initially captured your attention. This retrograde could bring old flames back into the picture; guard your heart if they make contact. On May 14, money-minded Jupiter stations retrograde in Capricorn. Pay close attention to your spending habits. The planet of bounty is here to help you make tweaks that will stretch your dollar. May 20 brings with it the chance to switch gears professionally, as the career-ruling Sun brightens your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change.
November 22 to December 21
It's time to tighten your purse strings a little, Sagittarius. Money-conscious Saturn encourages you to think about your finances from a new perspective starting May 11, as he moves retrograde in forward-thinking Aquarius. This movement doesn't mean that you're not allowed to have fun — only that you need to be more conscious of how you dole out your hard-earned cash. Affectionate Mercury whizzes into fast-talking Gemini starting May 11. During this high-energy transit, you’ll feel pulled to connect with loved ones and people who inspire you. Starting May 13, routine-ruling Venus moves retrograde in thoughtful Gemini. This retrograde offers up an opportunity to change how you react to inconveniences. Ask yourself: How do you handle bumps in the road, and do your reactions really serve you? Pay attention to imbalances in your life beginning May 14, when ruling Jupiter stations retrograde in reliable Capricorn. If you're falling into bad habits, this is a brilliant time to course correct. Make time to reach out to old friends and colleagues starting May 20, when the Sun highlights your 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and business. Prioritize rebuilding old bonds, and share your new ideas to get feedback on your projects.
December 22 to January 19
Start to let go of old ways of thinking, Capricorn. You're ready to take control on May 11, as ruling Saturn moves retrograde in independent Aquarius and routine-ruling Mercury speeds into quick-witted Gemini. This transit provides a window for you to create new routines for yourself that will actually stick. You could take a more passive approach to how you communicate with your loved ones starting May 13, as domestic-ruling Mars enters intuitive Pisces. This transit favors collaboration over confrontation, so approach conflicts with loved ones from the perspective of a teammate, rather than an adversary. Your attention towards your work may wane a little on May 13, as career-ruling Venus moves retrograde in Gemini. It could become challenging to find motivation during this transit. The silver lining: This provides a chance to gain a better understanding of how your purpose brings you joy. You're ready to focus on strengthening your foundations starting May 20 as the Sun illuminates your 6th house of health, order, and service. Your body is a temple; treat it with kindness.
January 20 to February 18
Tap into your humanitarian spirit, Aquarius. You may notice your heart swell a little on May 7, as the routine-ruling Moon waxes full in Scorpio and chatty Mercury sextiles with material Neptune. You already have an eye on projects and groups that inspire you; now is the time to shine a light on them by talking about them with others. You could be challenged to embark on a new spiritual journey starting May 11, as inner growth-ruling Saturn moves retrograde in Aquarius. Seek out new influences to help re-shape your perspective of the world. Your attention to your home may flit from project to project beginning May 13, when domestic-ruling Venus moves retrograde in impulsive Gemini. Use this energy to visualize how you'd like to create a more harmonious space. But a suggestion? Make a list of everything you'd like to accomplish, instead of starting a task and abandoning it. Beginning May 20, the romantic-ruling Sun enters your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance. If you're single, allow yourself to be open to unexpected possibilities. In a relationship? Enjoy exploring new ways to connect with your partner — bring excitement into your lives by talking about new subjects or taking part in new activities together.
February 19 to March 20
Your opportunities are boundless, Pisces. On May 7, the creative-ruling Moon waxes full in Scorpio, and affectionate Mercury sextiles with ruling Neptune. Tap into your artistic spirit; right now, you’re better able to communicate your passions to the world through your work. Starting May 11, loving Mercury makes his way into intuitive Gemini, a transit that can help you connect to others. If you're single, this is a beautiful time to explore your romantic options and enjoy getting to know new people. Attached Pisces may notice that they're more engaged with their partners. Beginning May 13, as material Mars makes his way into Pisces. During this time, your need for superficial things wanes; it’s a good time for you to support others, though you shouldn’t forget to take care of yourself either. You're blessed with the chance to review imbalances in your responsibilities starting May 14, as career-ruling Jupiter moves retrograde. If you've been giving too much of yourself to others, now is the time to cut back your time and enforce healthy boundaries. You're ready to focus on supporting what truly matters starting May 20, as the routine-ruling Sun brightens your 4th house of family, instincts, and foundations. Enjoy spending time with loved ones, and tidying up your space.
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
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