74 Things To Do For Your Girlfriend – Make her feel special.
May 20, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

via: Pexels / Helena Lopes
Being a good boyfriend means not being a jerk, but being a great boyfriend means going above and beyond, being intentional, and planning fun things to do for your girlfriend.
There are so many ways to let your girlfriend know that you are crazy about her. I like to encourage a 2-prong approach – things for just her and things for you both to share. On this list are some fun and thoughtful things to do for her, and some exciting date ideas to do with her.
Supporting her individually and supporting your partnership are great ways to build a lasting relationship!
17 Best Things To Do For Your Girlfriend

via: Pexels / Elly Fairytale
Showing your girlfriend you care doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money. Usually, it takes a pretty small effort to make a BIG impact.
The real message you’re trying to get across: I value you, I want to care for your needs, and I think about you even when we’re not together. These small actions will tell her all that, and more!
Here are the 17 best things to do for your girlfriend:
1. Hug her when she least expects you to.
This romantic gesture will make her feel loved and safe.
2. Buy her a ring.
But make sure it’s not mistaken for THAT ring, unless you’re ready!
3. Call her from the office and tell her you were thinking about her.
Knowing that you miss her even when you’re busy lets her know she is wanted.
4. Keep her favorite beverages and snacks in her place.
Never show up empty-handed – keep her pantry and fridge stocked with her faves.
5. Thank her for how she takes care of you.
A truthful “thank you” is a gift in itself.

via: Pexels / vjapratama
6. Take care of her when she’s not well.
Warm soup, a movie, and snuggles can fix a lot of ailments.
7. Take an interest in her hobbies.
Offer to try knitting, or cycling, or painting! She’ll love the company.
8. Make a romantic dinner at home with her favorite dish.
Buy one of those cloches to make it really special!
9. Make a booklet of “love coupons” that she can redeem any time she wishes.
There are tons of templates online! Think of some unique gifts she can redeem.
10. Buy her a box of chocolates and hide a tiny gift in there.
She’ll be delighted by the sweet surprise!

via: Pexels / cottonbro
11. Plan a date all on your own.
Surprise her from beginning to end, without her asking for it.
12. Kiss her in mid-sentence.
Unless she’s telling you something really important – this move is as sweet as it gets.
13. Apologize for something stupid you’ve done. A real apology where you admit you’re wrong.
You may be surprised how quickly any tension diffuses.
14. Tell her she’s sexy.
She could be a supermodel, but she still wants to hear it! Every day!

via: Pexels / Adam Kontor
15. Treat her like a princess.
Always open her door, pull out her seat, and always use your manners!
16. Take her on a date.
Maybe you’ve been dating a while – don’t let that date night slip!
17. Brag about her.
It’s good advice to talk up your girl to anyone who will listen. It’s good for you both.
18 Sweet Things to Do For Your Girlfriend

via: Pexels / Pixabay
Most guys think girls are attracted to macho men, and that’s true – to a point. We do want a guy that is sure of himself and confident, but we really get blown away by a man with a sensitive side.
These sweet things to do for your girlfriend will let her see that gentle heart under the strong exterior, and there is almost nothing more attractive to a girl than that.
Here are 18 sweet things to do for your girlfriend:
18. Surprise her with something she’s been wanting for a while, whether it’s a cute shirt or tickets to a movie she wants to see.
When she knows you paying attention, she’ll feel even more connected to you.
19. Help her clean up after a party.
Take out the trash, run the vacuum – help her reset for the next day.
20. Call her at work and ask her how her day is going.
Check in, especially on a stressful day.
21. Paint your girlfriend’s toenails.
It’s an exercise in precision for you, and a luxury for her!
22. Carry her to the bed…and let her nap!
Put on some wave sounds, turn off the light – and don’t forget to tuck her in!

via: Pexels / Pixabay
23. Work Out Together.
Ask her to go for a run or to a yoga class! If she exercises regularly, this is a great way to build a connected rhythm.
24. Charge her phone.
Get an extra charger setup in the living room or car so she can always plug it in.
25. Have lunch delivered to her.
This is a great way to make a dull day bright!
26. Fill up her car with gas. Wash it and vacuum it too.
This takes something BIG and important off her plate!
27. Whisper something sexy in her ear while you’re in public.
Just make sure no one else can hear, or she may get embarrassed.
28. Buy tickets to a show or musical she might enjoy.
You maybe have to plan in advance for this – so start pursuing some ticket sites.

via: Unsplash / Ahmad Odeh
29. Give her flowers.
Fancy flowers, wildflowers, potted flowers – they all tell her you’re thinking of her.
30. Have a conversation without looking down at your cell phone.
Flip it over – show her she has your full attention.
31. Cuddle her.
Girls love a good snuggle.
32. Pick up the snack or cookie or ice cream she likes but never buys for herself.
Keep them on hand, so when she mentions she’s craving one, you’re ready!

via: Pexels / Jack Sparrow
33. Surprise her with something that you remember she likes.
The smaller, the better! It tells her that you notice the details.
34. Give her a real compliment.
Does her hair look really nice that day? Tell her!
35. Do some of her chores.
This frees up more time for her to spend with you!
20 Romantic Things to Do For Your Girlfriend

via: Pexels / Renato Abati
Relationships are complex and have several roles. You want to be friends, allies, co-leaders, but at the heart of it is a romantic partner. If you really want to sweep her off her feet, plan some romantic things to do for your girlfriend.
These small acts will remind her of your love and reassure her that you will always be head over heels for her.
Here are 20 romantic things to do for your girlfriend:
36. Call her as soon as you wake up, just to say “good morning’.
There’s something about hearing the voice you love first thing in the morning.
37. Always kiss her goodnight.
Even if you argue, even if you’re busy – it’s worth it.
38. Run her a bubble bath surrounded by candles and bring her a glass wine.
We call it “fancy bath” in our house and it is magical. Don’t forget a fluffy warm towel!
39. Bring her dinner to the library or her office if she has to work late.
If you can’t get it there, order a drop off service with something to tide her over.
40. Take her to her favorite restaurant.
Even (or especially!) if it’s not your favorite, she’ll feel the love.

via: Pexels / Nesrin Danan
41. Give her a foot massage, just massage!
No extras – this shows her that you think about taking care of her and not just what you can get from her.
42. Book a hotel room for the two of you, let her enjoy the luxury.
This is especially nice if she’s super practical – have it all arranged so she can just soak it up.
43. Leave a love note in her car or at her house with a sweet message written in it.
There’s nothing sweeter than sliding into the driver’s seat to see a little post-it, and it takes exactly 30 seconds to prepare.
44. Buy her a birthday, Christmas, or other holiday gift without asking her what she wants. Put some thought and effort into surprising her.
What this really takes is some intuition and active listening. Did she admire someone’s sweater? Mention a new song she heard on Spotify? Use those little clues to get her something she’ll love.
45. Walk with her along the beach under the starry night sky.
This is always a winner!
46. Take her for a long drive and maybe you could sit and admire the stars together.
Plan ahead with some sweet snacks and a blanket to make a date of it.

via: Unsplash / William Bout
47. Fix her breakfast in bed and put a single flower (her favorite) in a vase on the tray.
A great way to start a special day!
48. Send her a gorgeous vase of red roses to work.
Like yelling your love from the rooftops, she’ll be beaming from ear to ear.
49. Hug her from behind and smell her hair.
This protective action is sweet and reassuring without being domineering.
50. Take her on an unexpected adventure.
It doesn’t have to be expensive, just take her to a little dessert place you found.
51. Text or write a sweet message to her out of the blue.
Those little “hellos!” are a wonderful way to connect.

via: Pexels / mentatdgt
52. Tell her you were thinking about her during the day.
Say something like, “Our favorite song came on and I missed you.”
53. Hold her hand while walking down the street.
This simple move shows her you cherish her and you’re not gonna let her slip away.
54. Cook her something.
Show up at her place with all the ingredients for her favorite meal or one of your specialties!
55. Dance with her.
Cue some music in your kitchen and ask her to dance. This sweet move never fails.
19 Cute Things to Do For Your Girlfriend

via: Unsplash / Joanna Nix
All relationships need some fun and silliness! Coming up with cute things to do for your girlfriend every once in a while will keep stress at bay and keep you connected.
Did you know that doing new things together builds trust? Try some of these out and see just how special and synched up it makes her feel!
Here are 19 cute things to do for your girlfriend:
56. Book the whole restaurant for just the two of you
This would make a perfect anniversary gift!
57. Plan a weekend doing something neither of you has done before such as skydiving
Here’s that trust-building I was talking about. Put out some feelers to get some ideas for an adventure!
58. Pay for a girl’s night out with her girlfriends such as movie tickets to a romantic comedy or some other movie they want to see
This small show of love will pay back in spades! Plus, you don’t have to watch the lastest rom-com! Bonus!
59. Buy her a new book by her favorite author that she doesn’t have yet.
Pre-order it so it’s there for publication day! Get it signed as an extra special surprise.
60. Get her a subscription to her favorite magazine or maybe the wine of the month if she is into wine.
A monthly reminder that you want to dote on her is basically a love potion.

via: Unsplash / Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis
61. If she cooks, you clean up.
This shows her you appreciate her effort, and lets her know you’re a good partner!
62. Make a gift basket filled with her favorite things.
Who doesn’t love gift baskets? Pick a central theme to really impress her.
63. While you’re at the supermarket, pick up one of her favorite things.
It’s amazing how grabbing an extra bag of her favorite cookies can say “I see you!” so loudly.
64. Write love messages on all the eggs in the fridge.
Make sure she has an egg-cellent day! (That’s a good one, you should use that.)
65. Dress nicely around her and keep yourself well-groomed.
Let her know that she’s worth the effort!

via: Pexels / Maddog 229
66. Romance her with a love letter.
Basically, every romantic movie has prepared you for this – write it down, so she can keep it and reread it.
67. Make a chocolate fondue and feed each other.
Intimate, and fun! Try fruits, cookies, and marshmallows!
68. Gift her a pet
If she’s mentioned she’s always wanted a hedgehog, start planning how to get her the perfect fuzzy pal.
69. Out of nowhere, tell a story about when you guys first met or when you first knew you liked her. Be specific.
Letting her know that you remember the details of your love story tells her you treasure it.
70. Let her talk about whoever or whatever she wants without judgment.
Being a good listener fills a huge need in a girl’s life.

via: Pexels / Elly Fairytale
71. Hug her for at least 30 seconds.
Studies show that Oxytocin – the love hormone – goes through the roof at this duration of physical touch.
72. Do that one chore she hates doing.
Taking care of a task she loathes is a gift she’ll remember (but, will probably expect again, so be ready!)
73. Buy some good lotion and rub her back or feet or whatever aches.
Working out all the knots will help her relax and that is always romantic.
74. Write her a letter
I mentioned a romantic letter earlier, but even a regular ol’ friendly letter is great, especially if one of you has to travel for work. Maybe pack a few in her suitcase!
Downloadable List of Things to Do For Your Girlfriend
Here is downloadable list of things to do for your girlfriend (right click the image and select Save Image As…):

via: Mantelligence
More Awesome Things To Do
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- Stay close to your crew with these creative things to do with friends!
In Conclusion
I hope you took notes on your the best choice of things to do for your girlfriend! You may be surprised what a great return on investment these small tokens of love will bring!
So whether you are planning some interesting date ideas or just some thoughtful things to do to make her day brighter and life easier, every one of these is sure to tell her you care and win you serious boyfriend points!
The post 74 Things To Do For Your Girlfriend – Make her feel special. appeared first on Mantelligence.
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Sam Whittaker, Khareem Sudlow