#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
It's time to renew our curiosity in other people. On April 3, charming Venus makes her way into chatty Gemini, ushering in a flirtatious energy that will encourage you to form new bonds. Be careful with your temper on April 7; the Moon waxes full in Libra at 10:34 p.m. EST. This full Moon magnifies the warrior planet Mars square against chaotic Uranus, increasing our desire for change — but also increasing our impatience. We may be tempted to act selfishly, a misstep that can be tempered by focusing on being of service to others. On April 11, messenger Mercury speeds into courageous Aries. We’ll enjoy a new sense of direction during this powerful transit. Our thoughts may turn to money starting April 19, as the Sun begins to illuminate hard-working Taurus. It’s a good day to channel our attention toward actions we can take today to protect our future. April 22's new Moon in steady Taurus creates the perfect environment for rest. The Moon beginning a new cycle at 10:25 p.m. EST gives us a reason to set an intention for healing. On April 25, transformative Pluto begins his retrograde in realistic Capricorn. We’ll be faced with new challenges, but it’s possible to meet them with bravery. Pluto moving in reverse also offers another opportunity to reflect on ways we can move into a more collectivist mindset. Be ready to let go of control and hone your inner growth. On April 27, thoughtful Mercury makes his way into reliable Taurus, bringing us back down to earth. We may start to notice and appreciate our own gifts, and the ways we can share them with others.
March 21 to April 19
Get creative with how you socialize, Aries. On April 3, affectionate Venus makes her way into social Gemini; you’ll want to be around people, and you’ll find many different ways to do so. Wellness-minded Mercury whizzes into ambitious Aries beginning April 11, encouraging you to move your body. Go for a run, practice yoga at home, or tune into an Instagram workout. On April 19, the creative ruling Sun brightens your 2nd house of finances, values, and possessions, shifting your perspective on money and material goods. This is a brilliant time for spring cleaning, since it’ll be easier to remove what no longer serves you. The domestic-ruling Moon begins a new cycle in steady Taurus on April 22, slowing things down. You’ll be tempted to lay low; give in, as this is the right time to gather your strength. Starting April 27, health-conscious Mercury makes his way into reliable Taurus, creating a calming energy that makes it easier to refocus on living in the moment.
April 20 to May 20
Explore new ways to support your wellness, Taurus. Starting April 3 when wellness-minded Venus enters thoughtful Gemini. The risk is that you’ll get overwhelmed by all the different practices; stick with what best suits your lifestyle, whether that’s meditating with crystals or sweating it out to a HIIT workout. On April 11, new financial opportunities may arise as money-minded Mercury moves into excitable Aries. Now is the time to take a few risks, and see what pans out. It's your time to shine starting April 19, when the domestic-ruling Sun lights up your 1st house of self, first impressions, and appearance. You’re imbued with an energy that inspires confidence in others; use this time to lend a hand to your network. Love-ruling Pluto moves retrograde beginning April 25, kicking off a period of romantic reflection. It’s a good time to evaluate what you want from your relationships, how you better express your emotions to others, and how you can effectively listen to your loved ones. Your financial focus changes starting April 27, as material Mercury moves into reliable Taurus. Conserve your resources, and adjust your budget during this transit.
May 21 to June 20
See what you can learn from others, Gemini. On April 3, charming Venus whizzes into inquisitive Gemini, putting you in the mood to reach out to friends and professional connections. Enjoy this beautiful transit by putting whatever advice you receive into practice, and keeping track of what works. Starting April 11, domestic Mercury speeds into feisty Aries. This transit can inspire you to get a lot done, but be mindful of what you take on to avoid burnout. April 19 is a good day to begin practicing mindfulness, as the Sun illuminates your 12th house of inner growth, vulnerability, and conclusion. This movement offers you a chance to pursue a new spiritual journey, and readjust your perspective of the world. Reassess how you've been taking care of your physical being starting April 25, as wellness-ruling Pluto begins to move retrograde. As the planet of transformation moves in reverse, you’re encouraged to focus on reflection, rather than growth. On April 27, domestic Mercury enters reliable Taurus. Relax and enjoy your space; it's time to slow down.
June 21 to July 22
In the mood to tinker, Cancer? Starting April 3, domestic Venus enters inquisitive Gemini, giving you new ideas for your home. Explore Pinterest projects that you've been meaning to try, and focus on bringing beauty into your space. On April 7 at 10:34 p.m. EST, the ruling Moon waxes full in Libra, while ambitious Mars squares against chaotic Uranus. The result? Your emotions may run hot, so try to avoid acting rashly. On April 11, spiritual Mercury makes his way into courageous Aries. During this time, you’ll be able to trust your instinct. You may also feel compelled to share your journey with others, but make sure that you're speaking to the right audience before baring your feelings. It's easier to come out of your shell and reach out to your network starting April 19, when the Sun highlights your 11th house of groups, friendships, and goals. Make plans for the summer, and get excited about sharing time with people you love. Starting April 25, pleasure ruling Pluto goes retrograde. Use this time to re-evaluate how you keep yourself entertained, and allow yourself to embrace new ideas.
July 23 to August 22
Are you considering changing careers, Leo? On April 3, status-conscious Venus enters curious Gemini, opening your eyes to a variety of new gigs. Starting April 11, money-minded Mercury makes his way into ambitious Aries. This encourages you to reconsider how your spending affects your happiness, and to explore new financial options. All eyes are on you beginning April 19, when the ruling Sun brightens your 10th house of career, structure, and public image. Now’s the time to update your social presence online, as well as your resume. Starting April 25, domestic Pluto begins his retrograde. Use this transit to consider how you gather strength from your surroundings and how you contribute to the wellbeing of your family. On April 27, material Mercury enters stable Taurus. During this reparative transit, spend time taking care of your belongings and fixing broken things.
August 23 to September 22
Not sure what you should do with your cash, Virgo? Seek out the advice of others starting April 3, as material Venus enters inquisitive Gemini. You'll be able to garner a wealth of information during this transit to help you succeed. On April 11, status-minded Mercury makes his way into courageous Aries, opening your mind to a flood of new ideas regarding your career. Use a journal to keep track of your insights. You may be tempted to start chasing them, but hold off— it’s a better time for brainstorming than for execution. On April 19, the Sun lights up your 9th house of exploration, adventure, and belief. You may not be able to physically travel, but you can start researching spots to add to your bucket list. Career-conscious Mercury enters hard-working Taurus starting April 27, helping you to make wise decisions with your time. Avoid multitasking, and throw your energy into honing your craft.
September 23 to October 22
Enjoy connecting with your world, Libra. On April 3, ruling Venus enters chatty Gemini, turning on your extroverted side. Explore new ways to connect through online groups and communities to get a much-needed dose of social interaction. Passionate Mars squares against impulsive Uranus on April 7. This transit is magnified by the career-ruling Moon waxing full in Libra at 10:34 p.m. EST. You may notice a nervous energy; be mindful and avoid acting on impulse during this time. You're blessed with an optimistic new attitude starting April 11, when spiritual Mercury enters enthusiastic Aries. Share your positive new outlook with others while the messenger planet speeds through this sign. Be mindful of how you're evolving beginning April 19 when the Sun illuminates your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change. Keep a journal of how you're feeling during this pivotal transit. Reflect on your spending starting April 25, when money-ruling Pluto goes retrograde. Consider what is essential while the planet of transformation moves in reverse.
October 23 to November 21
You could be craving intellectual stimulation soon, Scorpio. Affectionate Venus enters intelligent Gemini beginning April 3, encouraging you to delve deep into the minds of your romantic interests. If you're single, you'll only be interested in people that can match your wit — but remember to give people a chance. If you're in a relationship, this transit could help you to bring excitement back into your partnership. Explore your shared interests and stay occupied with games and creative pursuits. Practice patience with loved ones on April 7, as health-conscious Mars forms a square against domestic Uranus. Things may not be flowing smoothly, giving you all the more reason to adopt a spirit of calm during this trying transit. The career-ruling Sun illuminates your 7th house of partnerships, contracts, and business on April 19. It’s the right time to reconnect with your professional network. Starting April 25, ruling Pluto goes retrograde, giving you an opportunity to reflect on how you identify as a person. You may choose to change how you respond to others, and shift your perspective of the world.
November 22 to December 21
Need a change of pace, Sagittarius? Get out of your rut starting April 3, when routine-ruling Venus speeds into curious Gemini. Look for new ways to spend your time, especially on activities that make you feel happier. Career-ruling Mercury moves through excitable Aries beginning April 11, helping you to reconnect with your purpose. Allow yourself to follow inspiration and intuition as you create solutions for others. The Sun brightens your 6th house of health, order, and service on April 19, encouraging you to re-prioritize your wellbeing. Use this transit to instill a routine that supports a more harmonious lifestyle. Spiritual Pluto moves retrograde starting April 25, helping you to look back on how you’ve been supporting your inner growth. Have faith in your actions beginning April 27, when status-minded Mercury speeds into stable Taurus. You’ll naturally find enjoyment in focusing on the task at hand.
December 22 to January 19
Get ready to absorb valuable new information, Capricorn. Career-ruling Venus makes her way into inquisitive Gemini starting April 3, allowing you to learn new skills and ideas from your network. You’ll enjoy researching new subjects and new platforms that could help you level up. Calm your mind and spend time in meditation as domestic Mars squares against money-minded Uranus on April 7. This uncomfortable transit could bring you into conflict with loved ones regarding shared resources. Be ready to listen and avoid reacting harshly. You're ready to take on your to-do list starting April 11, when routine-ruling Mercury enters bold Aries. This is a brilliant time to get organized and make room for exciting new goals. On April 19, make time to relax with friends as the Sun lights up your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, and romance. You’ll be drawn toward people who help you to become the best version of yourself. Your days slow down a little starting April 27, when busy Mercury slides into steady Taurus. Scope our your calendar, and press pause on over-committing to anything.
January 20 to February 18
Home is anything but quiet, Aquarius. Your social schedule is positively buzzing on April 3, as domestic Venus makes her way into chatty Gemini. Make sure that you've got alone time as you continuously communicate with friends, family, and loved ones. Take space to center yourself on April 6 at 10:34 p.m. EST, when the wellness-ruling Moon waxes full in Libra. It may feel as though you've got too much on your plate — it's okay to take something off. It's easier for you to rely on your family beginning April 19, when the passionate Sun brightens your 4th house of family, instincts, and foundations. Offer support where you can, and reach out to those who might be too proud to ask for help. Take a moment to reflect on your professional journey starting April 25, as career-ruling Pluto begins his retrograde. The planet of transformation is moving in reverse and helping you to understand better how you've gotten to where you are. Over the next five months, you'll be able to strategize where you want to go next.
February 19 to March 20
The creative process can often be a struggle, Pisces. You may feel like you're at the edge of a breakthrough, but avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially on April 7. That’s when money-minded Mars squares against chaotic Uranus, and the imagination-ruling Moon waxes full in Libra on April 7. This trying transit could cause your thoughts to get away from you and matters to get blown out of proportion. It’s a good time to practice mindfulness. On April 11, domestic-ruling Mercury passes into energetic Aries. It could be challenging to focus on a single project, because you'll be filled with new ideas to improve your space and connect with your loved ones; you may find it helpful to keep a list. The wellness-ruling Sun highlights your 3rd house of communication, thought, and community starting April 19, helping you to become more conscious of how you take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Use this transit to solicit feedback from others about their practices, and share what works for you. The pace at home slows down starting April 27, as domestic Mercury slides into reliable Taurus. Enjoy devoting your attention to one task at a time.
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Venus Australis, Khareem Sudlow