Why Wear A Suit When Working From Home (Even When You’re Alone)
April 23, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Staying home means you can wear whatever the heck you want.
Who am I to come along and tell you to ditch the comfy pajamas and silken robe?
But what if I said that working from home in a suit can make you better?
Gents, hear me out.
It's not just about looking great (although that's cool, too). Donning a suit at home yields several benefits, and I'm here to list them out.
Click Here To Watch The Video – Why Wear A Suit When Working From Home (Even If You're Alone)
1. By Looking Respectable, You Respect Yourself
Evidence for this comes out of a 2007 article published in Human Resource Development Quarterly.
The study assessed what employees preferred to wear and what it made them feel.
Long story short?
They consistently felt empowered, trustworthy, and motivated when they slipped into a business suit.

A well-fitted suit can make you feel like a boss. You don't need anyone to validate you.
This goes to show that the clothing you wear influences your self-perception.
In short; wear a suit, and you'll feel ready to conquer the world.
Can't leave home but still need to look professional? Click here to learn how to buy a suit online.
2. It's Scientifically Proven To Make You Effective
The theory behind this is called Enclothed Cognition. It argues that clothing directly impacts our cognitive processes. There is a relationship between our belief in clothes and our effectiveness.

With scientific data, there's no excuse anymore, gents!
A 2012 study at Northwestern University added some meat to this hypothesis. They determined that we think not just with our brains, but with our bodies.
Thoughts are influenced by physical experiences, which in turn set off “associated abstract concepts.”
It's a mouthful, but here's the gist – If you believe a suit is built for an executive, you'll work like one.
3. Getting Into Work Mode
A home office is a dangerous place. It's so easy to collapse into a rabbit hole of cat memes and social media.
Before you know it, six hours have gone by and you haven't progressed.

If it's good enough to wear to the office, it's good enough to wear home.
Working from home in a suit reinforces that blurry line between work and play. It furthers the simulation that you are in an office – and an office means work.
Give it a try, then go back to the pajamas once your goals are met.
Need more structure? Click here to learn the importance of a daily routine.
4. Dress Up For What You Honor
Why do people dress up for the Academy Awards?
Why do they dress up for weddings?
Because they take those events seriously.
They honor them.
A suit proves your passion for your work.
Not saying you should dress up in a flashy tuxedo, but it still goes back to the mindset.
Working from home in a suit showcases how seriously you take your job. I guarantee that no one will question it after that.
5. Mastering The Basics
There has never been a better time to practice the basics of men's style.
We're talking principles we know and love like the Interchangeable Wardrobe and the Style Pyramid.

Trapped at home? Time to revisit the essential rules of menswear.
It's THE time to determine what is the perfect-fitting suit for your body type and what fabric works best with your needs.
You can also break in those black cap-toe Oxfords, the paragons of your shoe collection.
Remember; Fit, Fabric, and Function.
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6. Time For Experimentation
Working from home in a suit allows you to go beyond your comfort zone.
No longer do you have to worry about judgemental eyes, you can spread your wings and truly see your personal style at its best.

There are a million different ways to wear a suit. Find yours.
Use this as a time to branch into patterns – whether they're bold checks or colorful stripes. Bring in that lively pocket square over that Windowpane suit.
If you've had your eye on a pair of two-toned brogues, now is your chance to bring them in.
Go nuts, gentlemen. Click here to learn more about patterns and how to implement them.
7. If You Spent Money On It, Wear It
This is something I've said before. It's simple: If you spent good money on a business suit, you should wear it.

Use your investments – don't let them collect dust.
Too many men are scared stiff to wear their best clothes for fear of damage or grime.
Don't be like them – do not let the investment go in vain.
8. Always Be Prepared
A suit allows you to be prepared for any professional situation.
If the CEO needs an emergency video meeting, there you are in full regalia, ready to rock ‘n roll.

A suit is the professional man's secret weapon. Use it well.
This is likewise true when you're the boss. If you expect your employees to dress a certain way, then it's up to you to set the example.
Wearing a suit simply knocks out several problems at once.
9. The Appeal Of Nostalgia
It's cool to be old-school.
Think about it. When it comes to restaurants, the tag line is often something along the lines of “made with traditional methods.” or “just like Grandma made it.”
Menswear is no different. The deadly term “handmade” is sure to arouse our interests. There was once a time where it was normal to wear a suit.
By using one yourself, you recall a more formal period – and do so positively.

There's an intangible allure to the man who loves the classics.
Remember, there is a difference between being timeless and looking dated.
One is about embracing what's always worked, the other is about using trends that are in the proverbial grave.
Summary – Working From Home In A Suit
- By looking respectable, you respect yourself
- It's scientifically proven to make you look better
- Getting into work mode
- Dress up for what you honor
- Mastering the basics
- Time for experimentation
- Wear your investments
- Always being prepared
- The appeal of nostalgia
A well-tailored suit is as lethal in the home office as it is elsewhere. It can improve your mindset while setting an example for others. It also lets you find your comfort zone when it comes to menswear.
Wear it, and rock it!
The post Why Wear A Suit When Working From Home (Even When You’re Alone) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Antonio, Khareem Sudlow