#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Your life is a mess.
You're stuck at home with nowhere to go, no one to see, and nothing to do.
Order is more important than ever. Your daily routine is essential.
We're caught in an Uncertainty Threshold. It means that everything we took for granted is in the gutter. Chaos is the norm, and your flight or fight response is constantly being prodded.
How can you keep yourself from going crazy? Structure. We're going over WHY a solid daily routine is critical.
Click Here To Watch The Video – Stuck At Home? Why Your DAILY Routine Matters More Than Ever!
1. Give Yourself An Anchor
A daily routine gives you a sense of control over your surroundings, something that has never been more important.
Having a structure in place gives you certainty. It assures you that no matter what, you have certain tasks that need to be accomplished. Once those are done, then your problems are (hopefully) less stressful.

Peace of mind comes from certainty, and certainty comes from a daily routine.
Certainty and peace of mind are synonymous – don't stress yourself out more than you need to.
2. Reducing Stress
Let's delve into stress a little more. Psychologist Dr. John Preston explained that daily routines reduce stress because your body goes into autopilot.
He used car keys as an example. People often stress out about finding their keys before leaving home. Not only can't they leave, but they're also late. They're running behind on a work project, etc. These little things pile up into serious issues.

Big stress can come from small issues. Have systems in place to make sure that doesn't happen.
However, by simply assigning a place to hang your keys, you solve the problem. This goes for everything – it's about putting systems in place that cut down on the mental energy required.
3. Saving Cognitive Energy
We have limited bandwidth. As soon as you wake up each morning there's only so much you can take. Think of it like a glass of water. Every time you drink, you reduce your threshold.
It's never been easier to lose your mind. There's nothing but bad news on TV, and you can easily fall into a rabbit hole of mental fatigue. Before you know it, you max out on stress levels and anything can rile you up.

Don't tire yourself out on nonsense. Use a routine to focus on the essentials.
Turn off the TV. Focus on what matters. Establishing a daily routine ensures that you save bandwidth for the issues that will make a difference.
4. Prioritizing
Daily routines let you focus on critical tasks.
Enter the Pareto Principle.
Also known as the 80/20 rule. It means that 20% of the effort yields 80% of the result. This is where you sit down and determine where your work makes the biggest difference.
I'm talking about the big wins, gentlemen. Focus on knocking those out earlier in the day – whether it moves your company or your health forward. Before you know it, you got the hard stuff figured out and the rest of the day is a breeze.
5. Having An Ideal
Is every schedule perfect? Of course not. Nothing is, but we do what we can. I promise that you will fail your daily routine. You'll be sidetracked in one way or another.

Just because you fall short doesn't mean you can't improve on the plan.
It's not about perfection, it's about progress. Even when you deviate, you can give it another shot tomorrow. Every day brings you a step closer to your goal. I occasionally fail my routine, but do I dump it? No – it's there tomorrow. It guarantees that I follow some structure, as opposed to none at all.
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My Schedule
You guessed it – I have my own daily routine set up. It's not picture-perfect, but it helps me achieve each of the five principles above.

I stay on schedule as best I can – every single day.
Let's get into it.
- 5:30 AM: I wake up, exercise, shower, and get dressed.
- 6 AM: Coffee with my wife, something we've been doing for years.
- 7 AM: I make breakfast for my whole family.
- 8 AM: Meeting with my team. The RMRS team spans the entire globe, so touching base early on is crucial.
- 9 AM-11:45 AM: I film videos. This is the one task that yields the biggest return, as those of you who watch my channel can attest. It's why I do it as early as I can.
- 12 PM: Lunch with my family, made possible by the fact my office is a short drive from home.
- 1 PM-2 PM: I catch up on any work that needs to get done.
- 3 PM: Wrapping up any work meetings with my team. Since this is a small task, I leave it until the end of my day.
- 4 PM: Dinner prep.
- 5 PM: Dinner with my family.
- 6 PM-7 PM: Relaxation time.
- 8 PM: Getting the kids ready for bed.
- 9 PM: My bedtime.
Daily Routines – Why Do They Matter?
We've talked a bit about ‘how' to build a daily routine by covering the basic principles as well as bringing in examples from my own life.
But… why should YOU do it? How will it help you?
1. Exercise & Diet
Yes, your routine is essential if you want to get those gains in. I'm willing to bet that some of you stopped exercising altogether. Once the world fell to chaos, so did your workout. A daily routine can get you back on track to make sure you don't miss out.

Don't cheat on your workout routine – it's essential for your mental health.
What about food? I'm sure you made the time to get higher-quality foods that last longer. Now, you default to reheatable TV dinners that provide little-to-no nutritional value. Gentlemen, don't give your diet a free pass. Make time to research the right foods.
How does diet affect style? Click here to find out.
2. Preventing Burnout
New to working from home? Beware of Burnout. It's a phenomenon that results from spending hours-upon-hours on work without rest.
Soon, you're overwhelmed with stress, exhausted, and are no use to anybody. Give yourself set hours to get through the day. Work ends at 4 PM every day for me – push those same limits on yourself.

Set boundaries to avoid work-related exhaustion.
Come to terms with the fact that the business has to move on without you. Once you make peace with that, you can close your laptop at the end of the day and take on some quality R&R.
3. Family
You don't want stress to seep into your family life. The more you surround yourself with negativity, the higher the likelihood of you taking it out on your spouse or your children.
Arguments can spring from any direction – even issues as small as what to eat for lunch. Gentlemen, don't let this become you. It's vital that you guys be a team these days. Plan things out.
4. Taking Advantage Of The Situation
Where do you see yourself in two years?
Carve out time in your day to strive for that major, all-encompassing goal. It can be a novel, a YouTube channel or business you've always wanted to start. It might seem far off, but with steady progress, you'll get there.

Set aside a little time each day to reach your long-term goals.
Don't find yourself a few years down the line with nothing to show for that dream, integrate it into your daily routine.
5. Mental Health
Last, but certainly not least, is your mental health. You can't control how depression hits you, but what you can control is whether or not you ask for help.
Help is out there – ask for it.
It's a modern age where men don't have to be ashamed to seek assistance. In fact, it's a good idea to do so now. Don't let today's chaos define or bring you down.
Summary – Daily Routine
My Schedule
Why Routines Matter
Do you understand the importance of structure? I hope so.
Life is chaos. You never know what's around the bend. With systems in place, you make your life a little easier.
Don't be caught off guard, gentlemen – take chaos by the horns.
The post Why Your DAILY Routine Matters More Than Ever! appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Antonio, Khareem Sudlow