DMT Beauty Transformation: 3 Things I’m Not Missing Lately
featured jaceylenae

3 Things I’m Not Missing Lately

March 25, 2020DMT Beauty

#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

We’ve been in quarantine for over two weeks now and I’d be lying if I said we aren’t going just a little bit crazy.

Outside of the general fears, anxieties and overall sadness for the world, I also miss having a “normal” life with plans to look forward to, dinner dates and trips on the books. With that said, I thought it’d be nice to somehow find some sort of silver lining in this complete mess we all find ourselves in and share a few things that I don’t miss .

1. Traffic

You know LA is known for our awful traffic. The few times I have been forced to venture outside of the house {for vet appointment and pharmacy runs} I have been astonished by how quickly I can zoom around LA. There is zero traffic which not only makes me happy for my own driving ability, but also it means that people are following the rules and staying home.

2. Crowds

I’ve honestly never been the biggest fan of crowds. Even when I go to a concert I’m always a bit uneasy and if I’m standing in a grocery store line and someone is standing too close it makes me feel anxious.

3. Spending

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been spending a lot less money lately now that I’m not traveling, planning travel and eating take out or dining out as much. We have been cooking every meal at home and it’s done nice things to our bank account!

Is there anything that you aren’t missing during all of this home time?



jaceylenae, Khareem Sudlow

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