Attracting Women: 10 Body Language Cues Ladies Can’t Resist
February 15, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Attracting women seems impossible to some guys.
Yet it's as easy as having the right body language. In today's article, we're going over ten body language cues that women won't miss.
Take note, gents.
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Click Here To Watch The Video – 10 Body Language Cues Women Find Irresistible (Backed By Science)
1. Stick Your Neck Out
Yes, I mean literally expose your neck.
A 2009 article written by a former FBI agent explained how neck touching indicates that a person is uncomfortable.
The neck holds so many nerves, that massaging it has an immediate effect. It's why neck-kissing is so enticing.

If you shop for a dress shirt, make sure it's one with a spread collar like the one pictured here. That way your neck shows a little more.
When people feel comfortable, the opposite happens – necks are exposed. You see it a lot in women when they move their hair around. It means they like you.
The same applies to men. If you like her, hint at your own neck. Don't wear a closed collar or a tie. Use a spread collar to air it out. Make sure to unbutton the first two buttons on the shirt to drive the point home.
2. Strutting Your Shoulders
This comes from a 2007 study explaining the sex appeal in shoulders.
Shoulders attract women on a primal level – they're synonymous with masculinity. How do you emphasize them? With a bit of swagger.

Daniel Craig is a prime example of sexy shoulder swagger.
In fact, men who walk and sway their shoulders more than double their attraction. Trust me, it will make a difference.
3. Lips Don't Lie
Lips tell us almost everything we need to know about a person. They're controlled by the limbic system of the brain which acts subconsciously.
When distressed, people will thin their lips without even realizing it. Therefore, keeping them relaxed is key to drawing the ladies in.
If you're too nervous, your lips will show it. Relax.
That's it – Just keep the lips chill. In fact, opening them slightly conveys interest just as well as an exposed neck. It's subtle but effective.
4. The Eyebrow Flash
It's a universal indicator of attraction. When you make eye contact for the first time and gently raise your eyebrows, you are telling her “I'm interested.”

A subtle eyebrow flash tells her that you like her without being a creep.
We see this replicated across multiple cultures – it's instinctive and you might not even realize you do it. Regardless, don't be afraid of a gentle flash if she catches your eye.
5. Stand Up Straight
Good posture is significant on a primal level – it indicates good proportions, body symmetry, and strength. If you walk around hunched over, you're letting everyone know you're weak and sick.
This comes out of a 2016 study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences. It found that strong posture was important for men and women alike. They called it “Expansive” body language – showing off as much of your body as possible within reason. It signals power and openness.
In summary: Good posture makes you look badass and approachable at the same time.
6. Quick Adjustments
When a woman decides to approach, one way to show her she matters is to adjust something on your outfit.
This tells her you want to look your absolute best in her presence. Adjust your tie, fix your collar, or run a hand through your hair and it'll do the trick.
Take care not to overdo it – one or two fixes are enough.
7. Don't Back Away
When do you back off? When you don't want something – when something scares you.
Is that the message you want to send her? No? Then relax. Don't move in on her, but don't move back when she comes in.
The art of attraction can be as easy as sitting still and relaxing.
A lot of guys do this out of nervousness – don't. The act of sitting still not only tells her you're confident but it that you're interested as well.
8. Stroking The Beard
Chin-stroking is a sign that somebody is thinking and engaged.
By doing this, you're telling her that what she's saying matters – that it's worth thinking about.
9. Open Body Language
According to research done in 2017, keeping your body poses closed (arms crossed, hands in your pockets, etc.) tells everyone that you are nervous and insecure.
You should instead get comfortable and spread yourself out. Take up space by putting your arm around the chair next to you, spread the legs a little bit.

Using relaxed, open body language will only help you get the girl.
There is a caveat here. “Manspreading” happens when a guy deliberately takes up TOO MUCH room, so only do this when it isn't crowded and there's space to spare.
10. Strong Eye Contact
The eyes are a powerful tool that have the power to rekindle friendships or establish new partnerships.
We rely on them from birth. A 2002 MIT study discovered that infants followed the eyes of adults first and foremost – it's instinct.

We saved the best for last – there's nothing stronger than eye contact.
This is what we use to gauge intentions. When it comes to attracting women, eye contact is the best tool in your arsenal.
Summary – Attracting Women
- Stick your neck out.
- Strutting your shoulders.
- Lips don't lie.
- The eyebrow flash.
- Stand up straight.
- Quick adjustments.
- Don't back away.
- Stroking the beard.
- Open body language.
- Eye contact.
What is the moral of the story here, gentlemen? It's to relax. The common denominator in all the cues we've discussed is the ability to avoid being nervous.
Remember that no matter what, the worst she can do is say no. It's not the end of the world nor is it anything to lose your head over.
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The post Attracting Women: 10 Body Language Cues Ladies Can’t Resist appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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