A Week In Dallas, TX, On A $520,000 Joint Income
February 07, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Welcome to Money Diaries, where we’re tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We’re asking women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last dollar.
Today: an attorney who has a $520,000 joint income and spends some of her money this week on Prose shampoo.
Occupation: Attorney
Industry: Law
Age: 29
Location: Dallas, TX
My Salary: $240,000 plus bonus (approx. $30,000)
Husband, A.’s, Salary: $280,000 plus bonus ($41,465)
My Paycheck Amount (monthly): $10,727.38
A.’s Paycheck Amount (biweekly): $5,625 (our paychecks will increase when we max out our 401(k)s and FICA contributions)
Gender Identity: Woman
Monthly Expenses
Mortgage (biweekly): $1,366.91
Utilities/Internet/Water: $330
Housekeeper (biweekly): $100
Car Payment: $500 ($10,500 balance – with the interest at 1.1% it doesn’t make sense to pay it off…unless the interest rate on our money market keeps going down)
Student Loans: $0 (We paid off over $300,000 by Q2 in 2019. GAME. CHANGER.)
Dog Walker (weekly): $92.20
Ellevest: $5,575 (balance approx. $18,000 and my bonus will go in here when I receive it)
Money Market: $5,000 (balance approx. $80,000.00 and A.’s bonus will go in here once he gets it; this is money set aside for taxes, six months expenses, and savings for investing in real estate)
Equifax: $19.95
Rent the Runway: $172.12
A.’s Gym: $107.17
NYT/WSJ/Economist/Atlantic/Dallas Morning News: approx. $130 (whoa!)
Hulu/Netflix: $62.73
Audible: $16.18
Spotify: $16.23
Mysterious Apple Charge: $10.81
Phone: $0, parents plan
KERA Contribution: $5
Amazon Prime (annual): $100
Car Insurance (biannually): $1,685.17
Celt-x (annual): $179.88
Day One
8:12 a.m. — Wake up to the alarm playing a James Taylor song and I am immediately in a good mood (unclear if it’s because of James Taylor). The sky is white and it looks bright and wintry. After brushing my teeth and logging info in my fertility app, I try to coax the hubs, A., out of bed.
9:30 a.m. — We step out with the dogs to go on a walk AND IT IS SNOWING!! Whaaat?? It’s so unexpected and so magical. We walk about a mile to a trendy area with shops and restaurants, and I stop along the way to take some shots of us in the falling snow with my camera (a present from A. a few Christmases ago).
10 a.m. — Our plan was to grab coffee and croissants at this new little coffee shop, but we’re hungry and go for a proper meal instead. A. asks the hostess if we can sit outside because of the dogs, and we huddle up at a table. The heaters aren’t working, but that’s what we get for poor planning. The waitress talks A. into a hot toddy, but I am doing Dry January for some ungodly reason and stick with coffee. A. gets pancakes and bacon and I get salmon on toast. It comes out to $32.48 and we tip $30 since they had to come out into the cold to serve us. $62.48
10:45 a.m. — We still crave croissants (the heart wants what it wants) so we hustle up the street to our original target. I send A. in for the baked goods since he’s not dressed as warmly as I am, and the dogs and I wait on the porch. A. comes out with two little boxes and sends me in to warm up by the fire. The interior design of this place is gorgeous and the fire is perfection. I can feel my fingers again! $5.33
11:30 a.m. — Home! A. feeds the animals, and I peep at the goodies: monkey bread and a blueberry scone (they were out of croissants!). I pop the scone in the cupboard for later and heat up the monkey bread for a little après brunch. We eat it on the couch, then A. plays Xbox for the first time in months and I read my book (Descent by Tim Johnston). The cat snores in between us. I am happy.
3 p.m. — We head to a local brewery for a friend’s birthday and I’m excited to see it’s on our end of town. Even better: There are so many dogs and the birthday boy paid for everyone to have three drinks! I deliberate for a moment on my Dry January pledge, but I stay strong and hand my drink tokens over to A. We catch up with friends we haven’t seen in a while. My friend, S., and I get to talking about how our college friends ended up all over the world. Sometimes I get stir-crazy working a desk job and think I should go do something wild like be a spy (I would be a terrible spy).
6:15 p.m. — Did not expect it to already be dark outside. We have groceries at home and head that way.
7 p.m. — As I’m getting okra out of the fridge, I see the Oaxaca cheese we bought yesterday expired 10 days ago. It’s probably fine, but now that I’ve seen it, I can’t eat it. I chop okra while A. finishes taking a survey from one of the potential 2020 nominees (he’s one of those lunatics that answers his phone when he doesn’t know the number). We head to the grocery store.
7:30 p.m. — The customer service rep says we can swap out the cheese, but all the Oaxaca packages are expired. When we let her know, she says to just leave them. A mild yikes, but this confirms my theory that the cheese was probably fine. We end up with cotija instead, and also skirt steak, garlic bread, brie, crackers, olives, pancetta, and numerous cans of Yes! soup because A. likes those for lunch. $67.36
7:45 p.m. — We make skirt steak, mushrooms, okra with pancetta, and garlic bread. While cooking, I call my grandma who turned 90! She chats with me about her day, and I can hear my young cousins in the background. Then I talk to my gramps. He asks when I’m coming back home and I realize A. and I need to book a trip for Q1. When we go will depend on whether this case I have goes to trial or not (likely not).
8:15 p.m. — How is it already so late? A. and I eat on the couch and after talking about wanting to watch, The Righteous Gemstones and Succession, we end up watching some old Criminal Minds. Alas.
11:15 p.m. — We drag our half-asleep selves off the couch and get ready for bed. I slap on my skincare junk (Sunday Riley night oil and Enature birch juice hydro sleeping pack on my face and Loli aloe blueberry jelly on my neck and chest) and call it a night.
Daily Total: $135.17
Day Two
8:04 a.m. — We both wake up, no alarm. It’s golden outside, but I feel a little guilty for no reason. This is a common feeling for me first thing in the morning, and I’m not sure what causes it.
8:25 a.m. — We hurry out of bed to get to Pilates. After snuggles, I feel happy and content. I put on Outdoor Voices leggings, a sports bra, a soft shirt, a million layers, and UGGs for the 10-minute walk to the studio. My 2002 unironic love for UGGs never faded.
8:50 a.m. — We’re there 10 minutes early because neither A. nor I have ever done Pilates on the reformer machine. We thought we’d have to buy sticky socks, but the instructor says we’re fine in bare feet. Yay! It’s $15 each for the first class, but I paid earlier in the week when I booked our spots.
10 a.m. — Class is over and we feel good! We’re trying to start a Sunday tradition of going to low impact exercise classes in the neighborhood. After class, we walk to the convenience store so I can get an energy drink. $3.67
10:20 a.m. — Home again! We feed the pets and let the dogs out to lounge in the sun. They’re old pound dogs and are worn out from the big walk yesterday. A. books his tickets and hotel for his work trip back east this week while I read. ($1,005.04 to be reimbursed). We’ve got a pile to take to Goodwill and we both look through our closet to make sure we’re not missing anything. A. vacuums (we are fighting a losing battle against pet hair) and I pop in a load of laundry. We just bought Dropps laundry pods and dryer balls. (We’ve recently made a conscious effort to try to live more sustainably and reduce our use of single-use plastics, but I feel like having these products shipped cancels out the good).
12:25 p.m. — Errand time! Before we leave, I put on Sunday Riley CEO Glow and Neutrogena sunscreen (SPF 70). We each grab a green juice out of the fridge for the road. I have less than 1/4 tank, so I get gas at the station next to Goodwill ($23.82). The donation trailer is closed, and the staff at the store says it’s full. Aaaalllrighty then, we will try another location. $23.82
1:00 p.m. — We return some of A.’s gear to Academy and escape without making a purchase. At the mall, we return two of my RTR dresses and recycle an old pair of A.’s jeans at Madewell. We get a $20 off coupon for the jeans! I pick up some Charity Pot lotion at Lush and also get Scrub Scrub Scrub on an impulse ($49.69). I’ve recently switched to Lush products because of their environmentalism, but I could not handle using the solid lotion. Too sticky. On our way to Nike, we run into some friends from law school and catch up for a bit. With minimal deliberation, A. picks up a better pair of gym shoes. ($129.90). $179.59
2:17 p.m. — We leave the mall for FedEx. I send my friend L. her birthday presents and my friend F. The Butchering Art (she’s a resident; does she want to come home to more surgery stuff?? Idk!). We also buy packing tape ($34.06). Next we return glass bottles to a pressed juice company and A. picks up a juice ($6.75). Stupid expensive, I know. We head to Target to return a mug I’d originally bought as part of my secretary’s Christmas gift before I went another direction. On the way in, a woman and her children intercept us and ask for money. At first, we decline, but then she says they’ve been sleeping outside and I’m moved. I give $20, lucky I have cash on me for once ($20). Leaving, we see them being hustled out of the parking lot by Target employees. They get into an SUV that it looks like they’ve been living in. I’m glad I gave them something. $60.81
3:10 p.m. — We drop off the clothes, shoes, and books at Goodwill and we are done!! Finally. As a reward, we get incredible pulpo tacos, borracho fries, and a topo chico from a nearby taco place ($39.29). It’s the first meal of the day and we both overeat. Why did we wait so long?? Trader Joe’s is across the street, and I think about Money Diaries, should I try everything but the bagel seasoning? $39.29
3:42 p.m. — We buy ground turkey, sourdough bread, avocados, and EBB seasoning (Yep, we go to the grocery store a lot! I love it.). We head home, finally, it feels like we left a lifetime ago. $11.45
4:40 p.m. — After putting in another load of laundry, I read in bed and eat dry Mini Wheats like a grade-A psychopath. A. tries to hang up a Rogue pull-up bar he bought ages ago.
7:15 p.m. — I finish my book; it was good, but not amazing. A. needs some hardware type things to put up the bar and some parts for an air vent we’re having installed in our bathroom. A. ultimately makes three runs to Home Depot, while I fold and put away laundry, prep lunches for Monday and Tuesday, and shower (that scrub is amazing!). Once the pull up bar is up, A. joins me in the kitchen and we eat sourdough with brie and EBB seasoning (it’s amazing, my god) and that blueberry scone as we finish with meal prep. This was a weird food day but I’m not complaining about it. $159.24
12:05 a.m. — We finally head to bed after a very productive day, too busy to even contemplate the Sunday Scaries! I pass out immediately but A. reads for a bit (The Lost City of Z by David Grann).
Daily Total: $438.58
Day Three
7:20 a.m. — Fine, I’m up. It’s an hour later than I intended, but it’s so hard to get out of bed when it’s dark. A. just got home from the gym (so impressive!), and we walk the dogs.
8:25 a.m. — I put on a black plaid Rebecca Taylor dress, sheer black tights from Heist, and black Birdies. I make my coffee and lug my work bag, my gym bag, my lunchbox, and the dry cleaning out the door. A. is home because a contractor is doing some measurements this morning for some small work we’re getting done.
9:15 a.m. — I make it to work after dropping off the dry cleaning and catching up with my mom. We talk every morning during the week, but she was at work really early last Thursday and Friday and we missed our calls!
11 a.m. — I finally submit my self-evaluation, so I take a quick break. I buy my grandma a large print book ($34.48), call FedEx to reroute the book for F. (there may be a charge), book my gym class for tonight (I bought a 25-pack of classes on Cyber Monday), pick two new dresses from RTR (in monthly expenses), and buy tickets for a charity event for a conservation project later this month ($150 each). Now I can finally turn to billable work. $334.48
1:35 p.m. — I get up to make lunch and see I have a run all the way down BOTH legs of my tights. HOW??? I take them off in the bathroom and wonder if I am more afflicted by entropy than most people. Significantly less chic now, I heat up my lunch in the kitchen (ground lamb, spaghetti squash, collard greens, and baby bok choy) and eat at my desk while I work.
4:50 p.m. — I have a call from the dry cleaners (a first in all my life!) because they don’t recommend cleaning my beaded dress. They set it aside, and I’ll pick it up with the rest of the clothes. It has beer all over it, and I’m not sure how to clean it now. Hand washing? In 2020? It’s been a big day for sartorial vengeance.
6 p.m. — I hustle out of work to make it to class on time. I’ve got more than eight hours on the clock, of course, but because of finishing my evaluation, other administrative necessities, and some work on a pro bono case, I’m a few hours behind on my billable goal for the day. I like to make sure I’m above bonus-level pace for my hours so I have some cushion at the end of year. I’ll either have to work later tonight or buckle down tomorrow.
6:15 p.m. — I arrive with 15 minutes to spare! I change into my gym gear and wash off my makeup with the makeup eraser, a Christmas gift from my niece. A. texts and says it’s going to be a late night for him. That’s Big Law for you.
7:30 p.m. — That was even more brutal than usual! A.’s buddy was next to me so I tried (and failed!) to pretend I wasn’t dying the whole time. I call A. to ask if he wants me to bring him Eatzi’s for dinner and we talk through a legal issue. I buy a grilled salmon and cauliflower meal for A., salmon nigiri for me, two kombuchas (blood orange and lavender), a cheese crostini, and a big bag of their bougie ass Chex Mix for our drive on Friday. I break into the crostini in the car. Self-control? I don’t know her. $69.89
8:16 p.m. — Give A. his dinner and some smooches. He takes the crostini away from me, bless that man.
8:37 p.m. — HOME! I let the dogs out back to run around. Our housekeeper Q. came today, and our house is pristine. She’s the reason we stay sane. (Included in monthly)
11:30 p.m. — After trying on my RTR dresses, eating my nigiri (and an ice cream bar, woops), doing a little work, and taking a very necessary shower, I get in bed. I had every intention of blow-drying my hair, but I’m sleepy. We just replaced our embarrassingly old mattress with a Ghost Bed (because someone in the MD comments said TWO one night stands bought one after sleeping in hers) and it is a cloud of happiness. I put it in zero gravity and start a new book (The Fever by Megan Abbott).
11:55 p.m. — Lights out!
Daily Total: $404.37
Day Four
1:30 a.m. — Wake up (barely) when A. gets home.
5:30 a.m. — Wake up when A.’s alarm goes off. Why? We both reset our alarms for 7:30. A bitch is tired.
8 a.m. — Ok, I am out of bed. I ask A. if he bought anything yesterday and he says yes, coffee after the gym for $1.08. Settle down, big spender. I make my coffee (Cafe du Monde in the Chemex) and get dressed in a preppy plaid RTR dress (La Petit Robe di Chiara Boni if that means anything to you? It doesn’t to me). I know I’ve worn a lot of plaid so far — lumberjack, but make it legal! — but this dress is seriously so work-sexy I look like Shonda cast me to play a lawyer on TV. $1.08
9 a.m. — I’m in the parking garage, but I don’t get out of my car for 15 minutes because my mom is telling me about how she’s kicking major butt at work. I’m so proud of her! My mom raised us on her own after my parent’s divorce, and everything we’ve accomplished is because of her.
11:50 a.m. — Brief call with the contractor, he’s emailing us the mockup for the work. I am so excited!
2:30 p.m. — I break to heat up my lunch (same as yesterday). I have not been super hungry this week, which is normal for this part of my cycle (I mention this so y’all don’t sass me). I eat at my desk and a partner drops by my office to discuss some cases. After he leaves, I tweak my Prose formula and restock (one shampoo, two conditioners, and dry shampoo). I’ve been out and my hair is increasingly shaggy. $100
3:30 p.m. — Drink the lavender kombucha from Eatzi’s. It is phenomenal, and I feel slightly less guilty for spending so much there last night. Damn their siren song.
4:30 p.m. — We have a brief celebration for our newly promoted (young! female!) partner. She is so smart and works SO hard. I am handed a glass of champagne, but resist drinking it.
7:53 p.m. — Leave the office! I’m not going to lie, I crushed it at work today. Some days my brain needs silence, but today was a music day. I listened to Mandy Moore’s newish singles, “Lover” by Swift (a masterpiece), “Traveller” by Stapleton, “Hail Mary” by Shane Smith & the Saints, “Diamonds & Gasoline” by the Turnpike Troubadors, “Sticky Fingers” by the Rolling Stones, and then “Watermelon Sugar” by Styles on repeat for a bit because that song, my friends, is a genuine jam. (I realize after the fact that these are all white artists and think I’ll need to expand my repertoire).
8:10 p.m. — Home with my loves! A. and I get busy, and then we watch the second half of the debate while eating brie and sourdough. After that, we watch The West Wing and keep working. I’m analyzing a massive and dense opinion that came down today; it’s as invigorating as it sounds. A. says he didn’t buy anything today, and I promise I’m not usually so much spendier than he is.
11:50 p.m. — I don’t say this much on a Tuesday, but I have had a really good day. Sweet dreams, world!
Daily Total: $101.08
Day Five
4 a.m. — We wake up spontaneously for round two. Then my brain spirals into thinking about things I can’t control and I can’t fall back to sleep. Brain, have you considered shutting up?
8 a.m. — I am groggy and out of sorts. I check my email in bed and see our mortgage payment went out today. We’ll have three this month instead of two, as we pay biweekly (but A. will also have three paychecks this month!). I rinse off quickly, feed the animals, and put on a sheer black Rebecca Minkoff dress from RTR. I’m not wearing makeup today beyond concealing the dark circles under my eyes, but that’s okay because my hair looks *chef’s kiss*. I slip a love note into A.’s suitcase.
8:50 a.m. — We both leave, late. My mom texted to say she’s already at work, so I turn on “Cuz I Love You” by Lizzo to get into a better headspace. I pick up a dirty chai from Starbucks ($6.01, but I’ll get 5% back because of some credit card thing) and the dry cleaning ($175.18 for 16 items). I give back the dry cleaner a box of hangers and ten thousand safety pins, which I’ve been meaning to do for no joke six months. Finally head to work, later than I’d like. $181.19
11:45 a.m. — A colleague and I grab salads ($10.66). We discuss the debate and the appointment of all these Federalist Society members to the federal bench (ugh). When I get back to my desk, I have two calendar invites: a meeting for a charity board I’m on and a walkthrough of this investment property we’re looking at. The idea of investing in property excites but also terrifies me. I feel like I’m tempting fate by being uppity. $10.66
2:45 p.m. — I get a delivery notification that the Butchering Art book was delivered to the wrong address. I am equal parts mad at myself and annoyed with FedEx. I call FedEx to discuss (politely! I promise) and should be getting 50% back on that delivery fee (a whopping $5.50). I think I could’ve gotten the whole fee + the cost of the book back, but there’s nothing like tracking your life in six-minute increments to make you appreciate the trade-off of time vs money.
3:50 p.m. — I need a break and walk to a nearby shop. It’s 79 degrees and the sky is thick with clouds. I hope it storms. I want a Perfect Bar, but all I can find is a pack of those delicious unnaturally orange peanut butter crackers ($2.99). My mom texts that she got a promotion! Mother, you minx! I text my siblings and transfer $200 to my mom’s account as congratulations to put toward a new phone (the only way to get her to accept money from me). It’s not the most sentimental, but her iPhone belongs in a museum. I see that A. venmoed $192 to his buddy to settle up for a bird hunting trip a few weeks back. $394.99
6:15 p.m. — Make it to the gym (I have 20 classes left in the pack). I’m still feeling achingly guilty for no reason, so I text with my sister and make plans with my friend for next week.
7:45 p.m. — NO WAY! My friend F. KNOWS the girl who lives in her old place, and F. gets her present after all! I am tickled. I call A. to tell him the news. I pick up ingredients for mushroom risotto on the way home ($14.12) and A. tells me he bought wifi on his flight ($10, will be reimbursed). $14.12
9 p.m. — After talking to A. while cooking, I bring my risotto to the couch and the dogs and I watch the pilot episode of Grey’s Anatomy. George remains the worst. (I swear I do watch shows that are less than 15 years old. But not this week!). I text with my friend L. and we arrange a catch-up call for next week. She’s one of my best friends from college and we have a long call about once a month.
11:40 p.m. — Shower and bed. I bring the cat in to snuggle with me despite being mildly allergic. How important is breathing anyway? He’s a cuddle munchkin, and we both fall asleep right away.
Daily Total: $600.96
Day Six
6 a.m. — Wake up! It is pouring outside, so I decide to go back to sleep. This is a mistake.
7:45 a.m. — I’m out of bed and I take the shaggy beasts for a walk. It’s still drizzling, but the grass looks so bright and green. I make coffee, feed the animals, pack my gym bag and two RTR returns, and put on a Ted Baker dress from RTR. The top is white, the skirt is blue windowpane, and the effect is schoolmarm. I’m into it. RTR is new in my life, but I’m loving it because I can have a lot of fun with my clothes renting something that I will definitely only wear once, whereas if I’m buying I try to be more practical. It’s great because I don’t feel compelled to buy clothing and contribute to waste that way, but I’m worried about the impact of constant shipping (although the distribution center is just over in Arlington so tell me it’s okay).
9:20 a.m. — I MUST start waking up AND getting out of bed at 6. I get to work and am immediately busy.
2:15 p.m. — A. texts to say he’s catching an earlier flight and I discover this dress has pockets! ($75 for flight change, reimbursable). I mail a birthday card to my brother. (Postage will be deducted from my paycheck, but I’m not sure how much it is? Sorry.). I bought it ages ago but am, per usual, sending it late; he’s already received his presents though! I heat up my lunch (leftovers for lunch? groundbreaking) and eat at my desk.
6 p.m. — A productive but mildly frustrating day. This one opposing counsel is, to use the legal term, a major butthole. I eat a pack of those peanut butter crackers on my way to the gym and there’s no traffic!
7:35 p.m. — It was butt day and I may never walk again. I text A. to see if he needs anything from the store and he reminds me we need toothpaste. All the times we’ve been to the store this week and we’ve forgotten it every time! I grab Crest and a coconut water at CVS. $9.48
8:05 p.m. — Honey, I’m home! I hop in the shower with A. We make dinner (more risotto, bell peppers, avocado, and some ground turkey for A.). He tells me he found out his bonus today, to be paid at the end of the month: $41,465 (pre-tax and pro-rated, as he joined his firm midway through the billable year)!! I’m super proud of how hard he works and how talented he is! Then we talk about the financials on that investment property and how we feel about becoming parents. We JUST started trying to conceive, and we’re both really nervous about how much our lives will change. (I downloaded the fertility app because I am incapable of doing anything casually).
9:15 p.m. — I try to log in remotely to do more work, but there’s some issue with my VPN. I call firm tech and just when I’m thinking I’ll have to go back to the office, we figure out a solution. Hallelujah!
11 p.m. — The earliest I’ve been in bed all week. We read for a bit and then sleep, sleep, sleep.
Daily Total: $9.48
Day Seven
7:45 a.m. — Up and at ’em. We take the dogs for a stroll. It’s still drizzling, and A. is not as big a fan of the rain as I am. Fair enough — he has much nicer hair. I make my coffee and get dressed: Everlane jeans, cow hair flats, and a striped cashmere tank both from J Crew, and this blue double-breasted BCBG blazer that I think I bought in high school and I know I wore as part of a sailor costume to a date party in college. Glory days. I debate bringing some leftovers for lunch, but three meals in a row of risotto is more than enough.
9:35 a.m. — Last day of work before the long weekend! A. takes me to my office after we drop off my car downtown for an oil change. Per A., I’m also getting a tire rotation and new wipers. I’m so grateful he primarily handles car maintenance, but I’d like to be better versed in basic auto needs so I’m not helpless.
1:00 p.m. — Lunchtime, baby! I call A. to see what time it looks like he can leave, then I head to the grocery store with my secretary. She is lovely and so good at her job. I pick up a coral roll and coconut water ($14.98). I’ll eat sushi from anywhere because what’s life without unnecessary risks? $14.98
1:30 p.m. — Eating at my desk, I catch up on my Axios newsletters (Mike’s Top 10 and Markets), pick out some new RTR dresses, and email with my girls about accommodations for two trips this summer. I remember it’s payday for A. (!!!) so I log in to Personal Capital to check our saving and spending.
4:10 p.m. — It’s not quite inbox zero, but I have only eight emails on my inbox! I download Abandon by Blake Crouch for our drive using an Audible credit (in monthly). We like to listen to eerie, unsettling books during road trips and I hope this is a good one. (Narrator: It was not.).
4:30 p.m. — Our offices are dead and we’re heading out to hike at a state park this weekend, so A. takes me to my car from the shop ($108.89). We stop at Snap Kitchen on the way to pick up three Perfect Bars ($9.71). $118.60
6 p.m. — On the road! We’re decked in athleisure, and the dogs are sleeping in the back. (The cat is home with extra food). The bougie Chex Mix is giving me life!
7 p.m. — Finally out of the metroplex, we stop for gas ($13.38), Red Bulls, and Topo Chico ($9.84). Back in the car, it is evident the dogs smell laughably bad! They’ll definitely need baths when we’re back. $23.22
7:45 p.m. — We stop for food at a place called Catfish O’Harlies because it’s called Catfish O’Harlies. It is exactly what you’d expect. They give us complimentary peanuts for the table. I order chicken fried steak and A. gets the frog legs and catfish combo (feel free to judge him. I am). The portions are GINORMOUS. $34
9:30 p.m. — A. gets pulled over. Shame on him! Beyond luckily, the officer is kind and lets us off with a warning. Thank you, sir!!
10:15 p.m. — A. gets a coke for me and beef jerky and Cheez-its for himself. $7.54
12 a.m. — Holy constellations, batman! There’s so little light pollution, you can see all the stars in the sky. It’s gorgeous and peaceful and a little primal. We’re staying in a hotel because it’s freezing, and I am not really a happy camper. A. checks in while I take the dogs on a short amble, and then it’s lights out.
Daily Total: $198.34

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A Week In Washington, D.C., On A $88,966 Salary
A Week In Columbus, OH, On A $50,000 Salary
via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
You, Khareem Sudlow