65 Best Hobbies For Women – Never be bored again.
February 02, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

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Ever wonder why there are so many hobbies for women? From painting to ziplining, the list of hobbies goes on and on. But with so many hobbies out there, it can be difficult to narrow down your options.
Well, don’t worry. Whether you are looking for hobbies for women or just a list of hobbies for yourself, we have you covered.
13 Best Hobbies For Women

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They say that men and women are completely different. So sometimes it can be difficult to think of any hobbies for women. But you don’t need a list of hobbies, you only need the best.
Here are the 13 best hobbies for women:
1. Blogging or writing
When you spend all day in an office, writing can seem like a strange hobby. But who knows, you might just have a best seller in the making.
2. Dancing
They say that you should dance like no one is watching. Or you can dance like someone is. It is really up to you.
3. Cooking
Some people are great at cooking. But for the rest of us, taking cooking as a hobby is a great way to learn the culinary ropes.
4. Jewelry making
Why not start your own line of bespoke jewelry by taking up jewelry-making as a hobby?
5. Gardening
If being outside is your thing, why not make a garden look beautiful by becoming a gardener extraordinaire?

via: Depositphotos / tobkatrina
6. Photography
Photography is made easy with your phone, but you really need to use an SLR to be a professional.
7. Painting
With a stroke of paint here and a dollop of paint there, you can be one step closer to a masterpiece.
8. Playing instrument
Some people learn and instrument when they are young. But there’s nothing stopping you from being a world-class musician when you’re an adult!
9. Singing
Whether it is singing in the shower or entering karaoke competitions, singing is one of the best past times.
10. Scrapbooking
Memories are easy to make, but they are hard to remember. So why not start scrapbooking?

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11. Coloring
If you are looking for a hobby that is relaxing as well as bring entertaining, then look no further than coloring.
12. Reading
From blockbuster novels to short stories, you can take yourself on an adventure from the comfort of your own home.
13. Watching documentaries
Why not expand your knowledge by watching some documentaries? You never know what you might learn.
8 Hobbies For Women That Men Can Also Do

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At the end of the day, hobbies are hobbies. From acting to wood carving, men love the same hobbies. That means that all the hobbies for women can also be hobbies for men.
Here are 8 hobbies for women that men can also do:
14. Cycling
Cycling is a great way to get out of the house and visit places you have never been to before.
15. Acting
Acting isn’t only for the rich and famous. With many local theatres offering acting courses, who knows? You might just become a star!

via: Depositphotos / jjspring
16. Videography
Taking a video of something is easy. But when you add editing and sound editing to the mix, you have got yourself a pretty complicated hobby.
17. Origami
Who knew that a small square of paper could become a penguin?
18. Calligraphy
Make your love letter POP with some beautiful calligraphy.
19. Cosplay
Cosplay may not be everyone’s taste, but if you love sci-fi or comics, you are in for a whole load of fun!
20. Baking
Not only can you make some scrumptious cupcakes for your housemates, but you can also make your home smell amazing.

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21. Beatboxing
Want to be really cool? Try learning how to beatbox.
10 Creative Hobbies For Women

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Hobbies are a great way to pass the time. But with some creative hobbies, not only can you tap into your artistic side but you will also have something to show for it.
Here are 10 creative hobbies for women:
22. Sand art
This creative hobby takes not only creativity but also patience.
23. Knitting
Knitting isn’t all about scarves. From blankets to teddy bears, the creations are endless!
24. Ice sculpting
With some sleight of hand and a creative eye, you can transform a simple block of ice into a masterpiece.
25. Paper mache
Paper mache seems like a childish past time but when you are making horrifying masks for Halloween, it won’t seem that childish.

via: Depositphotos / Nomadsoul1
26. Graffiti
Graffiti is a very specific type of art. Just make sure that you make your creations in a studio!
27. Soap making
Most soaps smell the same. So why not make one that smells the way you want it to?
28. Poetry
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! One, two, three, you make me fill with glee.
See anyone can become a poet!
29. Vlogging
Vlogging is all about finding your niche. And who knows, if you find a good niche it could make you famous!
30. Drawing
Drawing is an easy hobby. With the right notebook and pencil, you can draw whenever you like.

via: Depositphotos / tommasolizzul
31. Dressmaking
Fashion is a personal thing. So why not make your own clothes?
8 Hobbies For Women That Couples Can Do

via: Depositphotos / XiXinXing
Some people love hobbies that they can do on their own. Other people, however, love when they can share their hobby. So look no further for some hobbies for couples ideas.
Here are 8 hobbies for women that couples can do:
32. Volunteering
Why not spend your spare time helping those that need it?
33. People watching
On the surface, this may sound like a weird past-time but it can be one of the most entertaining hobbies.
34. Bowling
Ever fancied yourself as a pro bowler? Well then grab a ball and head down to your local lanes!
35. Paintballing
Paintballing requires skill, an eagle eye, and some seriously protective gear!

via: Depositphotos / kalinovsky
36. Cave diving
We only ever see what’s on top of the surface. So why not delve deep underground to find out what really lurks beneath?
37. Traveling
Whether you travel to a neighboring town or across the world, this is one of the best hobbies to have.
38. Camping
There is nothing better than going camping. Just make sure you bring the bug repellant!
39. Beer tasting
Beer is great. But when you get to try a few different types of beer, it makes it so much more enjoyable!
4 Hobbies For Women That Make Money

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Hobbies cost money. But now when you have hobbies that make money. From coding to catering, some hobbies have the potential to make you some proper cash.
Here are 4 hobbies for women that make money:
40. The Stock market
When you deal with the stock market, you have to deal with some degree of risk. But sometimes it can be worth it.

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41. Flip garage sale finds
Finding a diamond in the rough can be difficult. But when it can also make you some serious money!
42. Becoming a fitness instructor
Keeping fit and making money at the same time? Where do I sign up?
43. Chocolate making
Chocolate making takes skill and a high level of self-discipline that is if you keep eating your own chocolate.
6 Indoor Hobbies For Women

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Not everyone likes the outdoors and you don’t have to leave the house to enjoy yourself. That’s why it’s always good to have some indoor hobbies.
Here are 6 indoor hobbies for women:
44. Upcycle everything
When something goes out of style, it can easy to throw it out. But by upcycling it, you can make something brand new.
45. Investing
Investing is a risky business. But the prospect of making money from your couch is pretty appealing.

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46. Genealogy
Ever wondered about your family tree? With a computer and some research skills, you can easily trace back to your family’s roots.
47. Meditation
Sitting in a silent room may seem easy but meditation can be hard. It’s also super relaxing.
48. Yoga
Want to relax while you tone your body? Well, then yoga might be for you!
49. Restoring furniture
With a lick of paint and some creativity, you can make your furniture just like new!
5 Cool Hobbies For Women

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Some women love knitting while others like to something a little more adventurous. Cool hobbies are a great way to get out of the house and try something new.
Here are 5 cool hobbies for women:
50. Rock climbing
Make sure you have that upper body strength at the ready, but with rock climbing, you’re going to need it.

via: Depositphotos / gregepperson
51. Going to concerts
Going to concerts may be pricey, but it’s a great way to kill some time.
52. Bungee jumping
Want the thrill of falling? Then why not try bungee jumping?
53. Learning self-defense
Self-defense is a great way to build confidence while also getting a pretty good workout.
54. Basketball
While some hobbies are new and exciting, there are few hobbies that beat playing basketball.
6 Fun Hobbies For Women

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While some hobbies can make you money, others you can do just for fun. With some fun hobbies, you can easily pass the time while also having some serious fun.
Here are 6 fun hobbies for women:
55. Send traditional letters to people
In a world of emails and text messages, it’s always exciting when you get a letter in the post.

via: Depositphotos / Kudryashka
56. Learn to DJ
Sick of the music you hear on the radio? Why not set up your own station and play the music you want to?
57. Building with Legos
Whether you are a kid or an adult, building with legos is always fun!
58. Kite-flying
Getting it up in the air can be hard, but once it’s up there, there’s nothing quite like it.
59. Scuba diving
Ever wondered what under the sea looks like? Then why not try some scuba diving?
60. Start an aquarium
If you live far away from the sea, you don’t have the opportunity to see many exotic fish. But with your own aquarium, you can see them every day!

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5 Unique Hobbies For Women

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Life is all about learning new things. And what better way to learn new things than to have some unique hobbies?
Here are 5 unique hobbies for women:
61. Ghost hunting
Some people don’t believe in ghosts, but when they start communicating with you, you quickly start to believe.
62. Feng Shui
Rearrange your home for the ultimate interior design cleanse.
63. Learning to write a new alphabet
While some alphabets are the same as the English alphabet, others like Korean and Thai are more difficult to master.
64. Pumpkin carving
A smiling pumpkin might be a Halloween staple but when you starting getting more creative with your carvings, they become a lot scarier!
65. Prepping
It might not seem like the most interesting hobby, but prepping at the weekend can leave you with a lot of free time during the week to pursue other hobbies.

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Downloadable List of Hobbies for Women
Here is a downloadable list of hobbies for women (right click the image and select Save Image As…):
More Awesome Activities
There’s no better way to spend the day than checking off a list of hobbies. If you like our list of hobbies for women, we have plenty of other activity guides that will help you pass the time.
- 1. When it’s cold outside, the last thing you might want to do is put food on the grill. But with our list of indoor grills, you can maintain that summer feeling all year round.
- 2. If you and your girlfriend have been together for a while, it can feel like you do the same things together, day in and day out. So why not check out our guide of sweet things to do with your girlfriend for some great ideas?
- 3. Trying to get to know new people is difficult. Head over to our list of ice breaker games to make the first move.
How To Pick the Best Hobbies For Women

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With our list of hobbies, you will never be bored again. But how do you pick the perfect hobbies for women? Hang in there and we’ll show you.
Here is how to pick the best hobbies for women:
1. Know Her Likes
Before you choose a hobby, you need to know what she likes. If she loves being indoors, don’t pick skydiving or swimming. The hobby should be something that she will enjoy and not something she feels like she is wasting her time with.
2. Get The Supplies
Every hobby requires some level of preparation. Whether it’s buying supplies or booking her in for a class, make sure you have everything ready.
3. Join Her

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Hobbies are a great way to spend some time alone. But they are also great for couples. So why not pick something you both will like and make it into a fun date?
In Conclusion
Hobbies are a great way to break up a boring day. When you spend everyday traveling to work, working and then going home, every day can become boring. But with a list of hobbies you can make the day just a little brighter.
When you choosing some hobbies for women, you need to think about what she likes. So if she loves being creative, make sure that you choose something that will help her express that creativity. Make sure you have the supplies or schedule a class. You can even join in if you want!
So know that you know some of the best hobbies for women, there’s no stopping you!
The post 65 Best Hobbies For Women – Never be bored again. appeared first on Mantelligence.
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Rebecca, Khareem Sudlow