49 Things To Do At Home – Fun ways to keep you busy.
February 20, 2020DMT Beauty#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

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Searching for things to do at home, when you can’t (or don’t want to) go out, because it’s raining, snowing, or simple laziness, is one of the most common human experiences. In such moments, it’s easy to scan about for an activity and feel that the most boring place on earth must be your home.
Little did you realize, there are plenty of things to do in your house right now. We’ve got tons of suggestions to keep you busy and entertained no matter how long you avoid going outdoors.
11 Best Things To Do At Home

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When you’re expecting to spend a good chunk of time at home and you don’t want to waste it staring at the paint on the wall, you should come right to this list. No matter the reason or the duration, these fun, useful, and time consuming activities are the best things to do at home.
Here are 11 best things to do at home:
1. Backup your laptop
Admit it. You know you should have done this by now. Do it while you’re home today!
2. Plan your exercise schedule
Whether you’re training for a marathon or trying to start working out for the first time, this is always useful.
3. Write a goal to accomplish
There’s little more satisfying than coming up with goals and crossing them out once achieved.
4. Get an in-home massage
If you have a bit of money and don’t feel like going out, get the massage to come to you.
5. Bake something new from a cookbook
It’s a fun, creative, and delicious adventure in the kitchen.
6. Do a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or word find
There’s a reason people love to do these puzzles in their downtime.

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7. Try to figure out how to fix something broken in your home
You’ve put it off for months. Use today to fix it.
8. Teach yourself cursive/calligraphy
It’s fancy and impression and surprisingly fun to learn.
9. Thumb through old photo albums
You can’t go to Fiji today, but you can remember the last time you were there.
10. Play with your kid
It’s the most rewarding thing you can do, at home or otherwise.
11. Plant a tree in the backyard and give it a name
That tree will outlast you, no matter how many more days you have in that home.
9 Things To Do At Home When Bored

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When people think about things to do, one word comes to mind: boredom. That’s the enemy of the day they’re trying to kill off. Luckily, there’s plenty of things to do when bored, even if you’re stuck inside for the next 24 hours. Just pick one or more of these activities and turn a boring day at home into the most exciting day of the week.
Here are 9 things to do at home when bored:
12. Help your partner wash some dishes
You’d be surprised how enjoyable this can be when doing it as a duo.
13. Climb up a tree
You loved it as a kid. It’s just as fun now!
14. Make a bird feeder
Make it today, get the bird seed tomorrow, and you’ll have some lovely companions to share the next day with.
15. Gaze at the stars
If you’re out in the country, the most entertaining sight isn’t on the screen, it’s in the sky.
16. Organize your email
It’ll take ages, but you’ll finally know where every communication is.

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17. Watch a Ted Talk
Better yourself and learn a lot all at once.
18. Daydream
You used to spend days doing it as a kid. Why not start doing it again now?
19. Skype & FaceTime your friends
There’s nothing better than spending an afternoon catching up with those far away.
20. Cuddle with your partner
Nothing to do today? Get back in bed and enjoy each other’s company.
8 Things To Do At Home With Friends

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Everything is better with friends, and that’s just as true when thinking of stuff to do at home. When you have friends over, there are so many more fun possibilities. And hey, rain or shine, indoor or outdoor, when you have things to do with friends, you know it’s going to be a great day.
Here are 8 things to do at home with friends:
21. Watch a movie
Whether it’s an old favorite or one you’ve never seen, it’s always a great experience with friends.
22. Cookout session
Light the grill and cook something delicious to enjoy with the great conversation.
23. Play board games
It always gets so competitive—and fun—when you’re playing against friends.

via: depositphotos.com / ArturVerkhovetskiy
24. Play a game of strip poker
It takes the right kind of friends for this, but if they’re game, it’s a blast.
25. Host a beer tasting
Have everyone bring a six pack they’ve never tried and see which you all agree is the best.
26. Play charades
One word, one syllable: fun.
27. Host a themed movie night
See how many Marvel movies you can watch before you collapse, or watch detective films and dress up like PIs.
28. Have a water balloon fight
When it’s too hot to spend the day out, keep each other cool and entertained.
11 Things To Do At Home On A Sunday

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If there’s one day that brings dread to those who don’t like sitting at home, it’s Sunday. Sunday is the slowest day of the week. Most of us don’t work, and most of us stick around the house instead of going out. But Sunday doesn’t have to be a boring waste just because you’re at home. There are plenty of things to do on a Sunday while you’re sitting around.
Just pick any of these things to do and you’re sure to turn Sunday into your favorite day.
Here are 11 things to do at home on a Sunday:
29. Read a good book
Jump into an enriching, engrossing adventure for the whole day with a great book.
30. Take a long soak in the tub
Soak out all the week’s stress while enjoying the suds.
31. Potter around the garden
See how green your thumb is and maybe you enjoy up with some nice fresh veggies in the end.
32. Look up volunteer opportunities near you
If you really need to get out of the house, you can do some good while you’re out.
33. Do your taxes
You can remove all the April stress just by getting to these a bit earlier.

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34. Catch up on a Netflix show
You could watch an entire season of a great show in one Sunday. And then catch another next Sunday.
35. Toss everything that’s expired or questionable in your fridge
Then, use that space to fill it with your favorite foods.
36. Write your Monday morning to-do list
Make sure you don’t miss anything when the work week starts back up.
37. Listen to some podcasts
They’re interesting, and you can do something else while you listen.
38. Meet your neighbors
You may have great friends to fill the empty hours with right next door.
39. Join a fantasy sports league
Add a new dimension to football on Sunday.
10 Adventurous Things To Do At Home

via: depositphotos.com / VitalikRadko
We often associate adventure with something you get far away from home. You don’t have to cross the world, though, to find adventurous things to do. Some of the best things to do turn out to be adventures, at least when you look at them through the right lens. All of these activities can be life changing and life affirming, all without opening the front door.
Here are 10 adventurous things to do at home:
40. Cook a recipe you’ve never cooked before
Create a dish you’ve never tried before and give your tastebuds a real adventure.
41. Look for a new job online
Apply for your dream job. You just might get it.
42. Teach people English online
Make some money and make great connections all around the world.
43. Go volunteer abroad in exchange for free board and food
It’s an adventure of a lifetime, but it starts with you signing up at home.

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44. Change your look
Attract more adventure by changing your style.
45. Learn to meditate
Find peace, wisdom, tranquility, and adventure all by learning to value sitting still.
46. Earn a degree online
Change your career or just learn about something you’re passionate about.
47. Learn to identify all the birds in your backyard
There may be far more beauty and variety than you are aware of right outside your window.
48. Go for a bike ride around the neighborhood
Take in the fresh air and see what adventures come your way.
49. Forage for cocktails
You’d be surprised how many classic cocktails come from bored people experimenting with what they have.
How To Pick The Best Things To Do At Home

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All of the sudden, you now have almost too many stuff to do at home, and that can lead back to the old problem: with so much to do you, you sit around and do nothing.
To avoid that, use these simple steps to select which specific things that you want to do today.
Here is how to pick the best things to do at home:
1. Consider what your home offers

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Not every activity above is possible at everyone’s home. If you’ve got an apartment in the city, you probably don’t have a yard where you can plant a garden. If you share a kitchen with roommates, taking up the stove for a whole night of cooking will make you very unpopular.
So, you can begin to prune your options simply by considering which stuff to do at home are simply impractical.
2. How much time do you have?

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Another limiting factor is time. Earning a degree at an online university, for instance, isn’t really something you do for an hour on the one Sunday you have free for the next six months. Instead, you might want to watch a movie or organize your email or schedule.
On the other hand, if you constantly find yourself at home and looking for something to do, longer term investments like taking up gardening would be better than constantly picking a new activity every time you’re home.
3. Are you looking for fun or practical activities?

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Once you’ve sorted through what’s possible and what you have time for, you can really get into which activities achieve the goals you want to achieve. Some of the things on the lists above are really just for kicks. Poker nights, learning to juggle, fantasy sports: that’s just straight, simple entertainment.
Other activities involve working out, organizing yourself, and doing your taxes are obviously more practical.
Both kinds of activities are worthwhile, but when choosing make sure you’ll get the kind of experience you’re looking for.
4. Pick activities that suit the people involved

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Your choice of activities vary greatly depending on whether you’re doing them alone or with others. Some stuff, like cooking a big meal or riding a bike around the neighborhood, are great alone or in company, but others require either solitude or a group.
Poker isn’t any fun alone, and no one wants to sit around and discuss your schedule for the upcoming week. Decide whether this is a solo at-home day or an at-home group event before choosing what you want to do.
5. Shake things up

via: depositphotos.com / ArturVerkhovetskiy
Once you’ve worked through the first four steps and decided on an activity, leave room for other things to do at home to come in and shake things up. There are so many great activities above, you don’t want to limit yourself to just one.
So, choose some backup ideas from the suggestions above and if you get bored with the activity you chose, switch over to something else. That way, you’ll never end up disappointed, no matter how long you have at home.
Downloadable List of Things To Do At Home
Here is a downloadable list of Things To Do At Home (right click the image and select Save Image As…)
More Fun Ways To Spend Your Time
If you’re still looking for more, we’ve got you covered. Just check out all these amazing articles for all the fun possibilities within your four walls:
- Pick up a lifetime of entertainment with indoor hobbies that never make you walk outside to get to the fun.
- Combine fun times with romance with these couple hobbies that keep you close and enjoying each other when you stay in.
- Whether you don’t have the cash or don’t want to go out these at home date ideas give you all the romance and fun you could ask for.
In Conclusion
There’s no reason to feel down when you’ve got a few hours to spend at home. You don’t have to resign yourself to boredom. With the above things to do at home, you’ll always have options to keep you entertained and productive, whether you’ve got thirty minutes or three days to spend within doors.
At this point, all you’ve got to do is choose which of our suggested things to do appeal to you. So, get browsing and enjoy your time. Once you start one of these activities, you’ll realize it really is home sweet home.
The post 49 Things To Do At Home – Fun ways to keep you busy. appeared first on Mantelligence.
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Seth, Khareem Sudlow