Get Better Hair! 10 Healthy Men’s Hair Habits You DON’T KNOW
December 03, 2019DMT.NEWS#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Let's face it guys, our hair is tough to manage. Sometimes it's so tempting simply to wash it every day and leave at that – why spend so much time developing men's hair habits?
I'll tell you why – because your hair is among the first things people see. It forms part of people's initial impressions about you. As such, it's part of your outfit.
What are some basic men's hair habits to get you started? I won't keep you waiting, read on!
This article is sponsored by Keeps, your solution to hair loss. The team at Keeps works to get you FDA-approved hair loss products for a price that can't be beaten. You may have tried them before, but not for this price…
For plans between $10 and $35 a month, you'll get a licensed physician to review your information and give a personal recommendation. It's shipped right to your door – discreetly, and all on your schedule. Click here to receive 50% off your first order.
Click Here To Watch The Video – Get Better Hair! 10 Healthy Hair Habits Most Men DON'T Know
1. Wash Your Hair With Raw Eggs
YES, raw eggs. People have been using egg yolk as a natural hair treatment from as early as the 11th century. Nowadays, people are still doing it.
Unfortunately, there is little research to prove this, but it's hugely popular as a natural remedy. There's logic in the chemistry – a key component of egg yolk is sulfur, which is an essential component of hair. There are approximately 164 milligrams of sulfur per 100 grams of egg.

Using eggs as a natural hair remedy goes back centuries. Is there any truth to it?
It is theorized that the sheer amount of protein in egg yolk can nourish your hair and promote healthy growth. Due to the high-fat content, it is believed to make hair softer.
Try it out! One thing's for certain: It won't hurt.
2. Deep Conditioning
Guys like Simon Baker and David Glover have thick, voluminous hair that's tough to beat. None of it lies flat, it stands and keeps a soft texture.
Can every guy do this? Yes, with a deep weekly conditioner. Use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. The reason for this is that sulfates strip the moisture in your mane and leaves it vulnerable! Adding that weekly conditioner in will give it a bit of an extra push toward perfection.
How do you do this? Well, it's essentially just a deeper conditioning session than what you'd do normally. Blend it into your hair before you shower and focus on the ends. Applying it too close to the scalp will leave it oily. Leave it in for 15 minutes, then wash it out.
3. Protein-Rich Diets
Paradi Mirmirani, a doctor and member of the North American Hair Society, explained that since hair strands are mostly made of protein, then protein naturally aids them. The more protein you eat, the better your hair grows.
Start hitting those grilled chicken sandwiches.
Good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish, dairy, legumes, and nuts. A daily intake of Vitamin D, Zinc, and B-Complex vitamins likewise improves hair growth. Hit those supplements!
4. Take It Easy On Treatments
This men's hair habit can seem obvious, but there are those among us who love their keratin and relaxer treatments. Overprocessing your hair with chemical treatments can leave it bone-dry, and prone to breakage as a result.

Use chemicals sparingly. Limit your salon appointments.
Do not dye or bleach your hair, ever! The dye contains some harsh chemicals like ammonia, which really destroys your strands. It could also burn your scalp. Balance those salon appointments with moisturizing products that are designed to heal chemically-treated hair.
5. Hot Showers
VERY hot water will damage your hair, plain and simple. It'll create breakages and lead to tangles. An easy hair habit is thus to keep water at moderate temperatures. If you love hot showers that much (most of us do), then turn it down a bit when it's time to wash your head.
6. Using Too Much Heat
Blow-drying your hair soon after a shower is a mistake. According to Kristina Barricelli, a celebrity hairstylist, your hair is less elastic when wet. It's prone to damage at this stage, so you're only exacerbating the problem by taking a hot blow-dryer to it.

Keep your blow-dryer at a distance and wait until your hair is mostly dry.
Once it's about 80% dry, then style as needed. For those gentlemen with coarse and curly hair, you might want to air-dry at just 25% to avoid frizz. Make sure to keep the dryer at a distance. If you ram it up to your strands, it goes without saying that you're wreaking havoc.
7. Use Heat Protection
This one's so simple, it doesn't need much elaboration. If you're determined to use flat irons and blow-dryers, then apply a heat protector beforehand. They're common enough that you can find them at your nearest convenience store.
Always apply heat protection to prevent breakage while blow-drying.
Expect to find wildly varying price points from $5 all the way to $25 for reasonably-priced products.
8. Avoid Excessive Shampoo
Over-washing removes way too much oil from the scalp and dries out your hair strands. Regardless of how gentle the shampoo you're using is, there is such thing as too much. Like so many things, moderation is key to this men's hair habit. You only need to shampoo around three times a week – and less often if your hair tends to be dryer.

Don't go crazy with shampoo gents. You're not cleaning your hair you're weakening it.
9. Use Your Fingertips
This one's simple as well. Scratching your scalp might feel great, but scratching causes more damage to the scalp than you'd think. Use your fingertips to massage the scalp without gouging it.

Scratching feels SO good though, right? Wrong. It's not worth the damage it does.
10. Keep it Trimmed
Known as Schizotrichia in the medical world, split ends are defined by the fraying of hair fibers. It's simply the result of wear-and-tear on your hair dealt by the sun, rain, snow, and pretty much any other abuse nature throws at you.

It doesn't look pretty, does it?
The solution is to go in for regular trimming, even if your goal is to grow your mane out. Split ends inevitably form and prevent effective growth, so cutting off the very tips of your hair is essential.
Summary – Men's Hair Habits
- Washing With Raw Eggs
- Deep Conditioning
- Protein-Rich Diets
- Go Easy On Treatments
- Hot Showers
- Avoid Excessive Heat
- Use Heat Protection
- Do Not Use Too Much Shampoo
- Use Your Fingertips
- Avoid Split Ends
Alright, gents, there you have it – 10 simple tips to keep your hair healthy as you pinpoint the style that's right for you. The key theme here is moderation. Make sure to keep your salon trips to a minimum, and allow for warm temperatures against your head rather than lava-hot water.
This article is sponsored by Keeps, your solution to hair loss. The team at Keeps works to get you FDA-approved hair loss products for a price that can't be beaten. You may have tried them before, but not for this price…
For plans between $10 and $35 a month, you'll get a licensed physician to review your information and give a personal recommendation. It's shipped right to your door – discreetly, and all on your schedule. Click here to receive 50% off your first order.
The post Get Better Hair! 10 Healthy Men’s Hair Habits You DON’T KNOW appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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