Boost Your Dating IQ in 2020 With These 10 Podcasts
December 04, 2019DMT.NEWS#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
The Best Sex and Dating Podcasts to Up Your Game in 2020
Dating is difficult these days, and technology isn’t making it any easier. Thanks to countless apps and social media platforms, as well as a growing texting dependency, there are more ways than ever to land — and swiftly lose — someone. But just as technology can be your biggest foe, it can also be your best friend … at least when it comes to podcasts.
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All it takes is a quick pause of your favorite murder-filled crime story to know there are also plenty of podcasts that can with your love life, too. Some of them may divulge invaluable insight into today’s dating landscape, while others may offer up tips and advice as to what you’re doing right and wrong.
A common thread? A reminder that you’re not alone in your dating struggles.
Whether you’re single and casually swiping, looking for “The One” or already locked down in a long-term relationship, consider listening to one of these podcasts to sharpen your dating skills in 2020 (and beyond).
The Best Sex and Dating Podcasts You Should Be Listening to in 2020
How to Talk to Girls

If you’re looking to understand women on a deeper level, host Tripp Kramer, the guy behind the popular Youtube channel Tripp Advice, has a few priceless pointers. The best part? His step-by-step systems don’t involve elaborate routines or eye-roll-worthy pickup lines with a philosophy about being the best version of yourself, not someone else.
“HTTTG is about learning how to communicate with girls through a combination of practical steps for developing yourself towards your highest potential and eliminating the root of the problems with communication, fear and insecurity,” says Kramer.
Episodes range from “How to Eliminate Nerves Around Girls (Without Booze)” and “Destroying the ‘Nice Guy Syndrome’,” all the way to “Approaching a Girl When She Has a Boyfriend,” and “The Lazy Man's Shortcut to Getting Laid.” Whether you binge ‘em all or just skip around to subjects that strike a chord with you, you’re bound to come away feeling a tad more confident on your next date.
Dating Kinda Sucks

The name of this podcast sums up its refreshingly frank perspective on dating today. Each week co-hosts Sarah G (a millennial dater) and Adam Avitable (an Orlando comedian) explore a wide variety of dating, sex and relationship topics, using anecdotes from their own recent and past experiences in the modern dating world to add a personal element to the conversations.
A highlight of this podcast is each episode’s varying range in tone, whether you’re seeking content that’s more serious (“The Aftermath: How to Recover From a Breakup”) or lighthearted (“Sending Nudes: A Guide to Who, What, Where, When, Why and How”).

Currently in its ninth season, pretty much no topic is off-limits on one of the longest-running dating podcasts in existence. While chatting with real daters about their personal experiences, Date/able hosts Yue Xu and Julie Krafchick fearlessly delve into everything from getting out of the friend zone and navigating long-distance relationships to sexual racism and sex droughts.
“You'll be able to see the dating process through other people's eyes and possibly challenge your own way of thinking,” explains both Xu and Krafchick. “And whether you’re DTR or DTF, you’ll have moments of ‘OMG-that-also-happened-to-me’ to ‘I-never-thought-of-it-that-way-before.’”

What makes this podcast stand out is its ability to seamlessly provide both the male and female perspective on modern dating. After reading emails from listeners about awkward dating-related situations, co-hosts Jordana Abraham and Jared Freid dig into their own encounters and explore a variety of common conundrums in the 21st century, from deleting Instagram photos with your ex to sliding into someone’s DMs without seeming desperate. The goal? To have uncomfortable convos in a comfortable way. “You should listen if you want to have a laugh at the dating topics that might not have been so funny when you were dealing with them yourself,” advise the co-hosts.
Kinda Dating

For those who prefer not to take dating too seriously, this podcast takes a humorous approach as to why so many daters have commitment issues.
Every week, host Natasha Chandel brings in a new guest to share their own unique perspective on dating and relationships. Notable past guests include comedians Vinny Fasline and Russell Peters, "How to Find Love in 60 Seconds" creator Brian Howie and psychotherapist Ken Page.
Whether you’re trying to decipher mixed signals from someone or wondering when you should become exclusive, this podcast offers practical guidance that just might boost your dating IQ.
Savage Lovecast

Dan Savage’s call-in advice podcast has been up and running for 13 years, and with good reason. Doling out relationship guidance since his alternative weekly column launched in 1991, Savage is also responsible for coining the term “monogamish.”
Tune in to hear his humorous take on a diverse range of dating dilemmas, such as the caller who slept with their friend’s ex on one drunken evening, or the one who’s struggling to date someone with opposing political beliefs.
Where Should We Begin? With Esther Perel

Ever wondered what goes down in a therapy session set for a couple? Whether you and your partner are toying with trying it out, or you’re just looking for ways to be a better partner, definitely listen to this podcast from couples therapist and bestselling author Esther Perel.
As real couples divulge the problems they’re currently facing with hopes Perel can navigate them issues with candor and care, you might learn a thing or two about what works (and what doesn’t) in relationships.
The JTrain

How do you deal with getting ghosted by the same person twice? What about dating someone with kids? And do you know the best time of day for swiping on an app?
These are just a sampling of the listener questions that comedian Jared Freid answers on his podcast. After reading the questions called in or written via email, Freid and his fellow comic guests discuss their stance on everything from sexual insecurities to awkward dating app scenarios.
RISE Together

If you’re going for #couplegoals status, consider this podcast your how-to guide. Co-hosts and power couple Dave Hollis and Rachel Hollis aren’t afraid to dig into the big questions.
About once a month, there’s a special episode during which you can expect a super raw and real discussion on anything from maintaining sobriety in your relationship to preparing for marriage. While not every episode focuses on romance — some cover more general personal development topics — every single one is applicable to your love life in some way.
Basically, if you’re in a long-term relationship and looking for a podcast that covers the hard-hitting questions, look no further.
Ghost Stories

Is there any 21st-century dating phenomenon more prevalent (and frustrating) than ghosting? If you’ve ever secretly wished you could get some answers from that person who went MIA with no explanation, you may want to check out this unique dating podcast by Hinge. On Ghost Stories, co-hosted by comedians Sydnee Washington and Michael Yo, real people finally get to confront their ghosters.
“Once you hear both sides of the story, you begin to realize they’re humans,” Yo previously told AskMen. “Ghost Stories takes these shields down and features a person telling another how they really felt and you get a real human emotion.”
The podcast could inspire you to get some closure, or maybe it will offer a glimmer of reassurance that helps you to move on from your ghosting experience. Either way, you can guarantee it providing you with the tools you need to be honest with your dates rather than pulling a complete disappearing act.
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