#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Structure is key. Without it, there's only chaos. What routine do you rely on as a stylish man?
Maybe you don't have one at all. Maybe you're just getting started on your journey and you want some direction.
Gentlemen, say no more. Today, I'm highlighting 21 men's style habits that the MOST stylish among us cling to.
Today’s article is brought to you by Vincero, makers of stylish men’s watches that look and feel as good as other watches 10x the price. If you haven’t been to their website in a while, you need to check out their new designs, especially the Kairos Automatic.
Your watch tells the world and others around you what you are about. Vincero makes designs for guys looking to set themselves apart at an affordable price. With a distinct look and quality feel, these watches get noticed and complimented. Click here to check out Vincero and use code RMRS for a special discount to rock your first timepiece.
Click Here To Watch The Video – 21 Habits ONLY Super Stylish Men Have (Do You?)
- They Look In The Mirror
- They Don't Look Like A Trash Bag
- Marching To Their Own Tune
- Wearing The Same Clothing Every Day
- Laying Out Clothes Every Day
- They Know That Fashion Follows Function
- Paying Respect To Peter
- Ignoring Brand Names
- Shining Your Shoes
- Fighting The War On Wrinkles
- They Default To Simplicity
- Protecting The Benjamins
- Their Bedroom Is Not A Landfill
- Owning Multiplication Clothing
- They Own Boxes
- Trying Out Hair Products
- Knowing Their Tailor & Barber
- Having A Grooming Routine
- They Love To Smile
- Keeping The Hedges Trimmed
- Spraying On Liquid Confidence
1. They Look In The Mirror Every Day
No, they aren't narcissistic.
Stylish men do this in order to steal a little extra confidence each day. There's something magical that happens when you get ready for the day and give yourself a final glance before heading out the door.

A single glance at the mirror can do a lot to boost your morale for the day ahead.
Do not underestimate that feeling.
2. They Don't Look Like A Trash Bag
Gents, I've said this so many times that I've lost count: FIT IS KING. It is the key factor in my Style Pyramid.
Without well-fitted clothes, you are doomed. You can buy from the best stores with the best fabrics, but you'll look like a trash bag if it doesn't conform to your body.
Make sure everything fits you well so a tailor only needs to make minor adjustments.
3. They March To Their Own Tune
Some men's style habits are harder than others – and this is an example of the latter.
Humans want to conform. It's embedded into our genetic code through eons of evolution. That even applies to one's appearance.

Pursue your style no matter what other people are wearing. Set a high standard for how men should look.
A TRULY stylish man is one who understands his “why,” his motive for dressing well. Once he figures that out, the rest is cake. He might dress differently than his friends, but he doesn't care.
4. They Wear The Same Clothing Every Day
No, I don't mean literally (I got you though didn't I). What I'm talking about here is a uniform.
This is your go-to look – the combination of clothes that defines you. Personally, my signature everyday look includes a sports jacket, well-fitted jeans, and a dress shirt. It can be as simple as that, gentlemen!
5. They Lay Out Clothes Each Night
This is all about preparation and it's a simple concept. Always set out the outfit you plan to wear the next day.

Every second counts in a busy man's day. Why not save a few extra minutes by having an outfit ready?
You'd be surprised as to how much time it saves.
6. They Know That Fashion Follows Function
It's another simple concept. If you live in Miami, perhaps avoid a woolen sports jacket. If you live in Nothern England, then linen may not be your immediate priority.
Be smart and make decisions based on practical considerations – be they your job or the climate you live in.
Don't prioritize what looks cool, prioritize what works.
7. Paying Respect To Peter
“Antonio, did you just bring religion into style!?”
No, gents, don't worry. I'm referring to Peter Henlein, an incredibly important figure in men's style history.
He invented the very first watch in 1505.
When it comes to men's style habits, few things beat wearing a watch. It sends a powerful statement, it's compact, convenient, and a product of craftsmanship honed over the centuries. Every man should have at least one.
8. Brand Names Mean NOTHING To Them
Stylish men do not care about brand names, they care about quality and craftsmanship. If something is made exceptionally well, then it should not matter whether it was made by Armani or by Joseph Abboud.
9. Shining Your Shoes Right After Your Wear Them
Shoes – especially quality ones – require regular maintenance. This means leather conditioner, the right brushes, and the right polish depending on the color of your leather.
For goodness' sake though, do not try to shine suede.
10. Fighting The War On Wrinkles
This means ironing your clothes – I know, it's not sexy. Nevertheless, wrinkles make even the nicest outfits look rather horrid.

Ironing can be boring, but the results are worth it.
Make sure to iron your shirts once a week. Grab those that you intend to wear throughout the week and knock them out during the weekend.
11. They Default To Simplicity
Less is always more when it comes to men's style habits. This means never over-accessorizing or wearing a ton of the same patterns. Restrict yourself to 2-3 accessories as a maximum.
12. They Protect The Benjamins
Few things are as unseemly as an overstuffed, shoddy wallet. Always opt for sleek, stylish leather wallets and keep in them only what you need: some cash and your cards.

See how slick and elegant this looks? I thought so.
You can also opt for something as simple as a money clip.
13. Their bedroom is NOT a landfill
Organization is the name of the game here. Keep your closet as organized as possible. Do your best to avoid clothing you never wear.

Don't keep anything you simply tolerate. Stick with what you LOVE.
Go through every garment you own. If you haven't worn it in 6 months and don't see yourself wearing it in the future, dump it or donate it.
14. Owning Multiplication Clothing, Not Addition Clothing
This all falls down to the interchangeable wardrobe, gentlemen. Always make sure that every garment you buy can match with as much of what you own as possible.
Don't start shopping for patterns unless you have 3-4 white and light blue dress shirts. Start with some navy chinos. Opt for a charcoal sports jacket to start with, etc.
15. Owning Boxes – Yes, Boxes
For organizing your stuff. Simple, right?
16. They Experiment With Hair Products
Different hair products do different things. Gels will give you a shinier, sleeker look.
Putties, however, will offer a matte finish while granting a slightly messier look. The point is to experiment with it all in order to change things up and pinpoint a style that suits you best.
17. They Know Their Tailor & Barber
These are the guys that are going to make you look your best no matter what. Be friendly with them, know their names. Visit them often for any fixing you need – whether it be on clothing or that lovely head.

You should visit your barber at least once every two weeks!
They should be as dear to you as any friend!
18. Having A Weekly Grooming Routine
Stylish men are always on top of their appearance, and this goes beyond mere clothing. This means washing your face twice a day, shaving, proper nail care, and good hygiene.
19. They Love To Smile – And Smell Nice
Going a little deeper into that grooming routine, let's talk about brushing your teeth.
Gents, nothing says ugly like talking and still having crap lodged between your chompers. Brush your teeth twice a day, and use mouthwash.

Having bad breath is enough to take any man's confidence away.
Heck, you can even take mints with you to work. Freshen up before that big presentation!
20. Keeping The Hedges Trimmed
Yes, we're still on the topic of grooming. This time, we're discussing the hair.

I can appreciate a thick mane, but keep it under control!
Make sure to clip those nose hairs – because no wants to look at a forest when they look up at you. Don't let your facial hair get out of hand. Even bearded men should take care to ensure everything looks deliberate, not as the result of laziness.
21. Spraying On Liquid Confidence
In what way could we have ended this article better than by talking about fragrance? Gentlemen, a good cologne is just as important as a watch. It sets you apart as a man that gives a damn about his look.
Both men and women are affected by it on a psychological level, and there are studies that prove this.
Don't go too overboard, though. One or two squirts should be more than enough.
Summary – Men's Style Habits
- They Look In The Mirror
- They Don't Look Like A Trash Bag
- Marching To Their Own Tune
- Wearing The Same Clothing Every Day
- Laying Out Clothes Every Day
- They Know That Fashion Follows Function
- Paying Respect To Peter
- Ignoring Brand Names
- Shining Your Shoes
- Fighting The War On Wrinkles
- They Default To Simplicity
- Protecting The Benjamins
- Their Bedroom Is Not A Landfill
- Owning Multiplication Clothing
- They Own Boxes
- Trying Out Hair Products
- Knowing Their Tailor & Barber
- Having A Grooming Routine
- They Love To Smile
- Keeping The Hedges Trimmed
- Spraying On Liquid Confidence
How many of these did you check off? Odds are that it won't be every single one, and that's ok. The style journey is about constant evolution and improvement.
This is but a roadmap to help you become the man you know yourself to be.
Today’s article is brought to you by Vincero, makers of stylish men’s watches that look and feel as good as other watches 10x the price. If you haven’t been to their website in a while, you need to check out their new designs, especially the Kairos Automatic.
Your watch tells the world and others around you what you are about. Vincero makes designs for guys looking to set themselves apart at an affordable price. With a distinct look and quality feel, these watches get noticed and complimented. Click here to check out Vincero and use code RMRS for a special discount to rock your first timepiece.
The post Practice Makes Perfect: 21 Habits of HIGHLY Stylish Men appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Antonio, Khareem Sudlow