4 Tips – How Long-Haul Travel Is Comfortable and Stylish
November 22, 2019DMT.NEWS#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
As we all know, long-haul travel has become significantly more accessible over the years.
Unsurprisingly, technology is a big reason behind this. At first, we were greeted by budget short-haul airlines – and we all know how this changed travel. Now, the long-haul scene is getting the same treatment, and it means more and more of us are hopping between continents.
Of course, even if you are lucky enough to travel in one of the more premium cabins – few would disagree that flying is hardly comfortable. At the same time, those of us who try and get comfortable, rarely tick the style boxes.
This is where today’s guide comes into play. Let’s now take a look at some of the things you can do to make sure you stay both comfortable and stylish the next time you jump on a long-haul flight.
The rules on making a good impression still come into play
We’re all looking for that elusive upgrade – and most of us are crossing our fingers and toes that it’s a free one at that. If some guides are to be believed, the best way you can achieve this is through the way you look.
As such, you do need to make yourself look as smart as can be when you approach the airline counter. For those who are looking to achieve the bare minimum, at least focus on your footwear. This will be one of the first things that anyone notices about you and in terms of examples, most of the range from Dune London will satisfy you in your quest to make the right impression.
Jackets are key
Unless you’ve bought an utterly hideous jacket – this is one of the key garments that can keep you comfortable and chic whilst in the sky.
For the purposes of getting an upgrade, try and opt for the best in your wardrobe. The benefits don’t stop there though and as you’ve probably found out in the past, airplane cabins can sink to ridiculously cold temperatures on longer flights. Armed with a jacket, you can at least mitigate this issue somewhat.
Work on layering as well
Following on from the above, layers can be hugely beneficial as well.
Particularly if you wear a t-shirt, vest and other “hidden” garments, you’ll soon find that you can strip down without making much of a difference to your overall appearance.
Admittedly, the low temperatures are unlikely to result in you taking layers off, but particularly if you are visiting a warmer climate this is something that can allow you to transition between environments really easily.
Pay attention to your choice of trousers
In an ideal world, you’d wear your best pair of trousers. However, this is one area where we would suggest opting for practicality over style.
Particularly if you are sat down for hours upon end, the last thing you need is a restrictive pair of trousers. Instead, opt for some khakis instead of jeans, or something else a little lighter. You’ll find you’ll be able to move around much more freely, and your flight will be significantly more comfortable.
via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Men Style Fashion, Khareem Sudlow